Post shit like this of liberals going "muh harry potter", it's golden
Post shit like this of liberals going "muh harry potter", it's golden
Explain faggot
He means people comparing politics today to Harry Potter, Star Wars, and other shit
we did listen to pop culture but it turned out the Empire and Voldemort were right
Still did what?
I can't believe millions of people used their powers of reason and deduction rather than slavishly lapped up what the mass media presented to them
I watched and read LOTR tho.
We must secure the existence of our people and culture and fight against the subhumans.
voted for dongly drumpfy
>being brainwashed by children's literature makes you smart
even the author is a tard
no fucking way is that tweet real
Nazis have been extinct for 70 years, what are these people on about?
Was the story about her buying the house of someone who upset her on twitter true in the end?
Oy vey, you filthy goyum.
You watched our Propaganda and you're still a Bad Goyum!
harry potter didn't even ever fucking do anything
he was just a meek pussy who expelliarmused all the time and got lucky the magical gods, i mean, author, made him invincible
only time he showed any hint of not being powerless was sectumsempraing malfoy
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean- neither more nor less."
"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."
"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master-that's all."
Alice was too much puzzled to say anything; so after a minute Humpty Dumpty began again. "They've a temper some of them- particularly verbs: they're the proudest- adjectives you can do anything with, but not verbs- however, I can manage the whole lot of them! Impenetrability! That's what I say!"
it is, big boy, she's a real thundercunt
everyone I don't like is a nazi you moron
No, but enough of her fans thought it was true, so they revealed how spiteful and petty they are.
>implying millions of us have seen the Hamilton play
He also tried to use the torture spell on someone, but it was weakened because he didn't really have the heart to use it. That dumb shit should have made sectum sempra and the killing curse his standard spells. Would have solved a lot of things a lot faster.
So would a fucking gun, or a spell that causes aneurysms. One thing I really fucking hate about all these shitty pop culture 'universes' is the complete lack of internal consistency.
never watched any of that. i only watch anime and i voted for trump
I used to think Harry Potter was supposed to be Republican or something but according to the author it isn't.
Whatever. I watched the Matrix and even though the creators are now both transgender, i'm convinced that it's supposed to be right-wing, absolutely convinced.
Not sure about right wing but Matrix is most definetally anti-globalist
We need to give this old cunt the Taylor Swift treatment and start worshiping her as an Aryan goddess, she might just kill herself, or dye her hair at the least.
A lot of the really terrible shit liberals gorge themselves on comes out of the UK:
Harry Potter
Dr Who
Sherlock Holmes
Downtown Abbey
>spends a significant part of two books criticising Shameless journalists that slander for sales, and News outlets that become shameless government mouthpieces
>promptly believes everything she hears from shameless journalists that slander for sales and news outlets that are heavily agenda driven and don't even hide being political cheerleaders
I know she's spending her time virtue signalling on twitter and making retarded statements like wizards used to shit themselves before the 18th century, but could she at least read her own books?