Totally asking for a friend.. nah. I want to hear white/european nationalists' view on this. I'm a cultural nationalist and in many ways 'far right'. I pass for white. when I tell people i'm 75% euro in terms of my heritage and 25% other, they usually don't believe me etc. Is someone in my position welcome into your ideological cause? because i agree with you, or no because I am mixed despite definitely not looking it. pic unrelated :)
Can someone 75% European be accepted into an ethnonationalist movement?
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depends what that 25% other is
because it depends on whether it's shitskin or not
Mischlings were some of the Fuhrer's most loyal followers.
Try this: mix some white paint with brown paint in a glass, 75-25 ratio. Now take half of that and mix with white paint in another glass. How many times before it's pure again? The truth is it is too late for our societies to ever go back to true ethnostates. The pursuit is worthwhile, but the vast majority of the world will be made up of mongrels.
Not if you're 25% African or Australian shitskin.
No. You have to be at least 99%
Why not
Is the 25% hispanic or arab? Then yes, because those two races are already mixed with white people meaning you're actually like 90% white, which is acceptable. Otherwise no.
bascially this. more to prove.
Depends on what the 25% part is.
Also depend which nation,some nations are more secure/homogeneous others are at the brink of destruction and are more accepting.
Of course not you fucking mongrel scum
I personally would accept you if your loyalties are 100% with Europe and the cause. If we remove all pure Non-Whites or majority Non-Whites (
Mongrel like OP must be dealt with when they try to go political. We ARE getting OUR Homelands back. You don't even need the majority of public to turn the things around. The IRA: a few hundred of Irish farmers and drunks with a solid dedication managed to bend over Britain. A nuclear quasi-superstate no less
A LOT can be done to save Norway, Sweden, Germany and even France. From massacring gook-shitskin kindergartens and pregnancy wards to scare off the brownies to bombing up the banks to scare off the government.
You are tired of this multi-kult? You unironically kill them and politicians in your country that support your replacement. Add anti-racist and mixed raced politicians, immigrant community leaders - you have the enemy list. Look, people don't go to places like Chechnya, Lithuania and Albania for a reason. That reason is ultra violence. If you want the parties in power to follow the pureblooded native Germanic voice, you must impose a great threat to them. Repeatedly throughout history "terrorism" has been proven to work. The IRA got what they wanted, so did the ANC, and so did the KKK for that matter--just a handful examples from many.
The IRA got what they wanted because they started bombing places like Canary Wharf, City of London and Manchester city center. It wasn't the killing and maiming of people that brought about peace it was the disruption of business, banking and commerce. The British government didn't give a fuck about dead citizens but they did care about business and banking going elsewhere.
Then there are things like Judeo-Bolshevism, which secured its power through terror, and so did National Socialism. You can question whether it's right, sure, but it clearly has and does work, because people are massive cowards, and will give up a lot when in danger of being blown up or tortured or killed.
This is just the reality, and reality isn't soft and cuddly.
t. lipka tatar rat
Weimericans are a problem though
>a russian speaks about racial purity
this board is full of wonders
Im 97% european with 3% west asian and Im pretty white.
I'm actually from Russia and 25% Volga-German.
Agreed, but who enables them? Fully native racially solid locals. Those are the enemy number 1 that must be terrorized by Sharia/KKK type patrols, so not a single Swede, Irishman or German would think it’s safe and okay to engage in subversive activities. It’s guy like this teen cuck (not that Tommy Robinson doesn’t deserve bullet for shilling antiracism but still)
It’s the part armenian shit below Wolgagrad/Uralic mestizo on outskirts of Tatarstan raising its head again episode #93828182
I agree with this poster, 50% or better should be a hard rule but no mixing to further dilute. These could be stormtroopers.
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