Hey listen, I fucking despise Muslims as much as the next guy, and I would really like it if none of them came in here anymore. Here's the thing tho, you got innocent kids there who haven't been fully indoctrinated by the religion yet who are prob gonna get slaughtered by shit skins of al queda or isis in the middle east. Really if anything it would be better if we just let children come in to be safe and let the adults rot who are mostly responsible for the increased rape and terror attacks. Of course the back lash from Muslims already here would be severe, but hey, since they didn't play by the rules, this is your punishment.
>What if the kids want revenge
Nah, we'll put them with a nice white family who will teach them how to act like an actual decent human bean and show them how the middle east and Islam is the worse thing since my son.
Hey listen, I fucking despise Muslims as much as the next guy...
Yeah let only the children in, you and what army have the personnel and equipment to ensure that only childs get to Europe,uh?
I got like 20 quid in my bank account, I can buy a knife with that at least.
Also why I gotta worry about europe, brexit baby.
why don't you bring cute females
close to the average british girl, it would be quite an improvement in the gene pool, specially considering kebabs are caucasian and get bleached very easy.
Nah i don't wanna be sexist mate, both the adult women and adult men stay outside the border or you get gunned down in order.
Britain degenerated into a non-white country with nigger and paki enclaves, with a far left (((media complex))) brainwashing our children with self-hatred and feminist rubbish incrementally, precisely because people like you were willing to compromise again and again until we ended up where we are now, a period where proper rightist policies are impossible and outside the Overton window.
you're meant to be guiding Dan. back to your pocket dimension.
Sand niggers are sand niggers, the age doesn't matter. Btw, think about over population. They are better of if dead
>better if we just let children come in
No? They're retarded and ugly. We can make better kids.
Fuck 'em. I cringe at commercials with starving shitskins.
Better to let nature take its course than propagate another generation of pathetic suffering
Oi who said I wanted to fuck the kids.
Based Austria. There's obviously no need to punish the children with death/torture, but they have to go back, or at least be removed from the country. Also
Gr8 B8 M8
>Hey listen, I fucking despise Muslims as much as the next guy, and I would really like it if none of them came in here anymore.
Sounds good
>Here's the thing tho
Ah, here's the shill/psyops, after the "I am one of you"-introduction.
>who are prob gonna get slaughtered by shit skins of al queda or isis in the middle east.
Wrong. A small proportion of the shit skin kids in the Middle East get slaughtered by other shit skins. Not "prob" whatsoever, that's false information.
>Really if anything it would be better if we just let children come in
No, the older children have already been brainwashed with death cult material. We can't
>and let the adults rot who are mostly responsible for the increased rape and terror attacks
No, the children grow up to be responsible for increased rape and terror attacks, seeing as the children are indoctrinated into Islam, the cult of terror.
Besides, leftists would scream if they were not permitted to bring over their extended families.
No. The Bible supports my opinion, in my opinion.
Our children don't need (((saving))) you fucking faggots, stay away from our nations and we'll stay away from yours.
No you won't, you fucking pedophile worshippers are invading europe and raping children. Do us all a favor and blow your useless fucking head off you smelly retarded raghead faggot.
Fucking kill yourself cucklord. If you love these little brown creatures so much why don't you go over there and save them?
The Bible does clearly describe what happens, repeatedly, when the Israelites fail to remove the other tribes from their land. Another good exams is niggers in America. They did not come here to conquer. They came to pick cotton. Then, pussy ass white men, from the north, decided they were equal to whites. Now our cities are literally more dangerous than most war zones.
They need to go. They can go alive in a boat, or they can stay and fertilize next year's crops.
You just gave me a better idea (well you and this bloke actually).
The idea is this: we take all the mental insanity of the left, the genderbending, men are women/women are men, the confusing kids into being trans mentally ill, all the toxic masculinity, the political correctness, and all the everything else i can't remember right now but despise, we take all that bullshit and then masquerade as mental lefties and try to just throw all that bullshit at the islamic societies saying they aren't progressive enough etc.
The purpose here isn't to actually subvert islamic societies, that'll never happen through leftism, but rather by targeting the muslims with leftism we can then drive a wedge between the two (and we all know they're allied) and thus cause the volatile muslims to react harshly against them.
Any thoughts? I know its not very well fleshed out/articulated, just thought of it now and wanted to spit it out before i forget.