Reminder that Trump is close to defeating ISIS and no one in MSM is talking about it
Reminder that Trump is close to defeating ISIS and no one in MSM is talking about it
Putin is close to defeating ISIS.
/SG/ should be here any minute to tell you how wrong you are.
*Putin and Assad and a few US airstrikes
Russia along with the Russian backed Syrian army are close to defeating ISIS*
I'm gonna miss the high quality execution/decapitation videos.
Most of the shit that comes from brazil (70% of gore content on the internet) is filmed by favela niggers with $50 phones.
>one sandnigger group is close to defeating another sandnigger group
I don't care.
Reminder that the group of people who actually chased out isis from that last stronghold (abu kamal) are the SAA, Russians and hezbollah
hey buddy take it up with the CIA
Lol maximum beta
>ISIS chased out of the last stronghold in Syria
Israel and the CIA are going to be PISSED!!!
Is this b8? Fuck off
Sup shareblue
Pretty interesting how quickly isis fell. It's almost as if someone stopped funding them
they are to busy "reporting" about his latest meal
Are you saying the "Assad must go" Israeli and US chants for the last several years were all Shareblue shills?!
Israel and CIA got BTFO once again. Eat a dick faggot.
What has he done?
ISIS in Syria maybe. Trump and Putin had a conversation about defeating ISIS in Syria and working together. Other than that, actual "ISIS" is technically defeated everywhere else thanks to Trump and Mattis. The problem is not ISIS though, its the ideology. The only way to beat them is to leave them alone in their own countries and they will kill each other until they agree to stop.
You mean Trump has stopped US from preventing Assad to defeat ISIS?
Fuck off, Trump is just sucking Jew cock. Putin and Assad are defeating ISIS, not Trump and 56% white America.
Well its helpful to remember that ISIS is the CIA
Additionally, the MSM is literally the CIA (see: Mockingbird)
So given this, it's really not surprise that [the CIA] fails to report that Trump is kicking [the CIA]'s ass
Assad, Trump, and Putin are /bros/
Putin does not care about ISIS. He cares about his pipeline and base. Does not mean we can't work with him. Also, Trump has done NOTHING for Israel. Nice try though meme flag fag but most of us on here pay attention as to what is going on.
this, we are just sugarcoating the problem with calling one tribe more morale and better than tribe x, they will always be eternal sandniggers
Why should we care about a random sandniggeristan?
You are almost right. 3 corrections:
1. Not Trump but US regime. US presidents do not make decision. Ruling elite do.
2. Not 'is' but 'was'
3. Not 'defeat' but 'spread ISIS to all non-collaborative government in the middle east
this, the lurkers know more than you think, they dont post
Yea that's what I mean't by as we can defeat the actual group "ISIS" but we just need to stop the refugee shit and leave them alone to kill themselves like they have done for thousands of years.
don't demean the accomplishment. CIA and derp state killed kennedy over less.
nothing to do with trump at all. Russia bent over the homosexuals in cia/mossad and took ownership of Syria with help from Iran and Hezbollah.
They hate praising anything he's achieved. Honestly for more than half the shit he's done lefties would be rolling on the floor in awe if it had been done by Obama. But no, muh Trump is bad and so everything he does is bad
It is amazing what you can do if ya stop funding a terrorist group
>Reminder that Trump is close to defeating ISIS and no one in MSM is talking about it
you mean iran and russia
wtf? you actually believe that? after 5 years of supporting ISIS, the gayboys at the cia/mossad are just going to suddenly stop? in either case it doesnt matter. its a known fact that ISIS is an american / israeli creation that failed against the power of the Slav. get bent shlomo.
Isn't that same situation in Russia? The Siloviki elite rule and Putin kind of follows their aim?
This, Russia and Assad could have wrapped this up years ago if Barry hadn't been supporting terrorists. Trump is doing the right thing by doing nothing, but I wouldn't call not supporting the enemy as winning the war. Assad is doing all the heavy lifting here
Fuck off kike, trying to take this win away from Trump.
You mean Russia and the Syrian Arab Army.
Why is the Al-Tanf base still up then fat boy? Why are we still arming the SDF? Fuck off moron.
>Reminder that Trump is close to defeating ISIS
>you can defeat a stateless ideology
>You mean Russia and the Syrian Arab Army.
Americans seem to think they are the "good guys" in all this.
lol. nice try shlomo. but i love and follow the word of Christ. do you? write it. say you believe in our Heavenly Father Jesus Christ and follow his word. do it j00.
sneaky fucking j00z
Don't worry, it's 4D chess, to defeat your enemies you must arm them.
US will come into conflict with Syria now that both sides are facing each other. I predict another false flag staged by CIA/Mossad/Saudi Arabia.
"russian media said the west would close Al-tanf"
Oh shut the fuck up
Less chaos in the middle east = less refugees flowing into europe. Plus israel is against assad.
>Still there and all reports of it closing stopped around august/september
>Still supporting the SDF
>Possibility of another US Base being opened up
Shill your God Emperor back on /ptg/, you fucks know absolutely nothing about Syria or whats happening there
Nailed it
>Trump enters office 2017
>implying all the heavy lifting was made in 2017
It was the Syrian army sprinkled with russian and iranian support that had the most gains.
Retards are not welcome. If anything America has had a NEGATIVE impact overall considering all the shit King Obama did.
If it weren't for your previous government starting all the arab spring shit and destabilizing the entire region, this wouldn't be happening.
Assad must go shitters should fuck off along with their shitty threads.
How's your Greater Israel project going, Mr. Goldberg?
Quoted the wrong guy, it was meant for this shill
Trumpfags are really really fucking stupid.
>It was the Syrian army sprinkled with russian and iranian support that had the most gains.
Don't forget Hezbollah, North Korea, and Palestinians.
Siloviki means 'Force structures' like FSB, MVD and other. Rules are those who have money. Siloviki are more like a guarding dog than a ruler. More like Putin himself is the real ruler of Russia. The main difference between US and RF is that we know who rules our country while americans do not.
reminder that for 5 years the Syrian Army lost ground and was on the verge of defeat until Sept 2015 when the Superior Slavs stepped in to manhandle the situation.
do you dumb fucks also want to debate the color of the sky as well while we're at it?
so, defeating the CIA?
>More like Putin himself is the real ruler of Russia.
But isn't Putin himself part of the secret service community? No such thing as an ex-KGB officer and all that.
I've always had this impression your secret services permeated all tiers of your society, even after the fall of the Soviet Union. Am I wrong?
>North Korea
Now that is news to me. I'm going to read about it, thanks.
So the Syrians will go back right
Bullshit. ISIS was on its way out long before Trump. Stop shilling.
you mean Syria is close to being complete destroyed.
Isis will survive, change it's name and become even more powerful than before.
Of course. Just all those other refugees over the last decades went back.
Pro-Tip: They never went back.
Would like to see a debate between McCain and Flynn on this topic.
ISIS is already looking at lawless and unstable areas to move into like the Southern Philippines/Indonesia. Duterte blew most of them out of Mindinao but they still exist on the Sulu islands and I bet will start shit in Malaysia/Indonesia pretty soon, blowing up tourist shit and radicalizing the rice kebabs there.
Jihadi groups always follow the same progression
>get blown out
>start hijacking shit and kidnapping for operational income
>get enough money to do some major newsworthy event
>get international donors from Qatar and other terrorist shilling orgs wanting to profit off your chaos
>progress to being actually filled with CIA and other intel agencies
>US/UK/ect defeats you while staffing you
hillary could have won
The mayor ISIS army was in Syria
derail the thread you faggots
Reminder here is an example of the lies your masters told you from Jan 2017
>‘It could go on for 30 YEARS’ Terror expert warns fight against ISIS is FAR from over
Eradicate the "expert" class
it's the same strategy Obama implemented last year. Trump didn't change anything.
the number one reason isis/mossad is dead in Syria is Russia. this is simply not debatable.
>it's the same strategy
Literally just a lie
>trump is close to defeating isis
lol. Trump has done nothing but help create an environment for ISIS to flourish
The defeat of ISIS is Putin's doing.
Al Qaeda > ISIS
Al Qaeda in the Maghreb > ISIS 2: Electric Bugaloo
ISIS will last a similar cycle as Al Qaeda has
hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa ahhh AHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh man i hate to burst your bubble,
LOL, ISIS are in America, ISIS are in England, ISIS are in Germany, so on so fourth.
Im getting real tired of this MUH ISIS ARE DEFEATED bullshit. its utter rubbish and the sooner you wake up to the truth, the better off you'll be for it.
>tfw you for a minute considered "maybe Assad and Putin arent so bad" but thankfully never went full retard and became an actual online Russia shill
Trump is God Emperor bitch
>Syrian Army&co and Russian VKS work very hard to destroy ISIS
>all USA do is trying to hinder SA/Russia in this
>Trump is close to defeating ISIS!!!
And then Muricans will be making movies and games about how glorious Murican Army all by itself defeated ISIS and defended poor Syria.
the united states did nothing. thats why they arent talking about it. in a month america will send more forces from jordan into syria and isis will be back and thats that
america doesnt want isis stomped out otherwise it would stop sending in mercenaries who will fight alongside isis / become isis members
>Trump bombs Syrian army troops at thardeh
>ISIS captures the area the next day.
>Trump bombs Syrian airfield
>al qaeda launches a successful offensive in Hama the next day
Wow really makes me think
Love those pop-up sights.
Russian and Syrian government forces*
They are trying to downplay this so in the event they win the Presidency in 2020 they can fire ISIS back up without too many people batting an eye.
YPG is close to defeating ISIS.
He's leaving all of those peaceful Muslims homeless you fucking bigot.
One year after beeing elected, the islamic state is no longer a state.
B-B-But Trump did nothing!
Yes, Putin was part of secret service. Now he has much more power: army, secret service, mvd, gru. Why whould he share the power with someone from fsb?
If Putin were not the real ruler of the RF then the real ruler would have already changed him. It would have looked more like democracy. But it does not happen.
/sg/ here
trump is a kike puppet and Assad did nothing wrong
Trump helped defeat ISIS by going to fight the CIA in the Deep State. While Putin and Assad are killing the sandniggers on the ground, Trump has been fighting against the Agency which runs them. When Obama's CIA director Brennan was a fucking communist and a Wahabbi muslim himself you know the CIA was nothing but a den of traitors to the USA that needed purged.
What I thought was more like "Putin controls FSB, which in turn controls everyone else", one agency to control them all or something like that.
Of those agencies, which one do you think has the most soft power?
>Reminder that Trump is close to defeating ISIS
The only thing Trump has done is stay out of the way of the military operations that were already in place before he was elected.
>Trump helped defeat ISIS by going to fight the CIA in the Deep State.
reddit pls go