Apologize. Now.
Stop noticing things
Other urls found in this thread:
All of those things are verifiably true though
So by that logic:
I believe the last two are true means that I should believe the first is.
but all those things are correct
what the fuck
it just has to be a brilliant false flag.
All three are true and documented/verifiable
>loses argument against her own strawman
So much for muh ashkenazi iq
except it isn't bullshit? The statistics exist already, we know they do... Why I hate liberals so much, fucking reality denying white haters.
do shitlibs actually think that those things are bullshit? i thought they handwaved them away with "socioeconomic factors" or whatever. is it just flat denial of facts now?
Based Sophie trolling?
No, Ms (((Ellman-Golan))), it doesn't SEEM like jews control power, jews just control power, niggers do commit more crimes and mudslimes are all terrorists and taqiyya faggots.
Based jew
>i'm not redpilling you but I am secretly?
>greatest reverse psychology usage ever
Autists. There are things that are true but you can't say they're true.
God exists
Black and Hispanics people commit shit ton of crimes
White women like black men
Remember, lad, these are the same people who think "your truth" and "my truth" are two different things. They don't even register hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance means nothing to them. There's no "outreasoning" a liberal or winning them over with rational arguments--if they were capable of adjusting their worldview to meet facts and logic, they wouldn't be liberals.
alt-right bigots BTFO
Why not post a link? Shit is annoying.
This statement has the opposite of the intended effect.
The 2nd and the 3rd statement are obviously true, so maybe there is also some truth in the 1st.
Why do jewish family names look so artificial all the time?
I need artificial hope to keep me going, too!
Praise Jebus
it's almost as if prejudices were a survival mechanism or something
Proportionality (by population), it's certainly true. I still wish someone would link to the tweet, I'm questioning it's authenticity.
>seem to
But, niggers DO commit the most crime. It's a statistical fact.
Don't fall for Jewish equivocation; there is no "seem" to it:
Jews DO contol a lot of industries/power.
Black people DO commit more crimes.
Muslim people DO commit more terrorist acts.
... Ever get tired of the anti-theism and being an all around twinkle twat to God? Pray to Him, man, and stop being an edgy larper.
Nevermind. I found it.
Still annoying. I suck at twitter, takes me awhile to find shit.
>an objectively meaningless existence
>"real" hope
I remember being 16.
Seth Rich will be avenged
>admitting that you are a schitzo living a double life in denial of the obvious facts screaming in your face
well, its progress
They can't be correct because they're racist you small dicked white boi
All of these are true.
kek. do you democratpost a lot?
This dude is pretty funny - 'I walk to the store all the time, it's not a great neighborhood'.
Lives in some place called Boulevard Park, WA - which doesn't look like it even has a ghetto. A whopping 6,400 population. People are hilarious.
None of those are bullshit though.
I'll just have to acknowledge that all three are true :^)
can you please go out and redpill the west? just go out and be like:
>"look i know you want to make sure no genocide happens but your actions are inadvertantly genociding yourselves. jews really do have disproportionate power and whites really are being stabbed in the back. we need to make the world healthy again, and it starts with you people waking up and living healthily."
i would donate 2 ur patreon
>Actively trying to gag your critical thinking
That tiny voice is what took us out of the caves.
Roasties have no shame.
A Jew speaks the truth is this a trick?
Fuck your in my head
Mission accomplished.
Whatever i tell people about the goyim thing so we are catching on.
Voice rings true, its amazing how truth is not allowed
Shit bait sage you're self nigger
Don't you think we're at least 6 million steps ahead?
u mean 6 gorillion?
Yes, I do.
the real redpill: all those things are true, they justify discrimination, but never racism
All of those things are 100% true.
Is this tweet a subtle redpill?
Soon my brothers. Soon. Get ready.
Who needs statistics in 2017? It's fairy tail bullshit.
Statistics is crazy, if you acknowledge it, you belong in the nut house.
>The Jewish Activist Who Powered The Women's March.
>Sophie Ellman-Golan is an activist at the forefront of the fight for social and racial equality.
Hold your breath. The only people who should apologize for facts are the perpetrators. BTW your statements are a little weak. Fix them, please.
this sunofabisch
I think that was ironic. If not it was 1/10 b8
Evidence and statistics are cishet white male inventions so they can always be right. #resist
yeah i know. i thought it was funny. asking if he avatars as a shithead dem often.
Yeah this is a huge fail, because it is statistically verifiable and true that black people DO seem to commit more crime, and Muslims DO seem to commit more terrorist acts.
>that tiny voice
Does she mean facts and statistics? Are they actually speaking to leftists again?
Fucking cuck posters.
It is established fact that white women are the least likely to be attracted to any other races. Whites of both sexes are most attractive to other races as well.
Pretty much fact that everyone wants a white partner, especially whites.