Is the United States (and western civilization in general) going through the same path as Ancient Rome?
What caused the Roman Empire to fall that could help us prevent the fall of the West.
Is the United States (and western civilization in general) going through the same path as Ancient Rome?
What caused the Roman Empire to fall that could help us prevent the fall of the West.
Immigration caused the downfall of the Roman Empire. And women were given disproportionate power leading to economic failure.
>What caused the Roman Empire to fall
rural and suburban retards
How will a replacement population, maintain west civ?
lets take a look at the United States
Avg American iq 98
Avg Mexicans iq 88
African-Americans iq 85
Corruption Index .high score =less Corrupt
Denmark 90
New Zealand 90
Finland 89
United States 74 (position 18 on Index list)
in fact out of the top 20 most trust worthy countries only 3 are non European them been Singapore,Hongkong and japan.
now lets look at our replacement pop
India 40
Mexico 30
Brazil 40
the replacement pop are not here to integrate they are here because of the society white europeans make but what happens when they are the
majority? and who will they blame when it all fails down around them because they cant maintain it.
Side note..ancient Greeks had an est IQ of 125 but because of dysgenics ,
ie immigration it has fall to today a iq of 92
Shitskins ruin everything always.
Yes, and it's caused by progressive and lefty politics. Forcing more and more people into society while refusing to take responsibility for anything.
>George W. Bush = Commodus
>Immigration Act of 1965 = Edict of Caracalla
>Mexican Barbarians = Germanic Barbarians
>Internet and Fast Food = Bread and Circuses
>Liberalism = Christianity
>Jews = Jews
Wasn't Christianity one of the reasons it stayed so stable for a long time?
Also, what role did Jews play in the destabilization of Rome and persecution of Christians? I hear they used to throw Christians to the lions in the colosseum.
In Roman times, Christianity was the religion of degenerates and slaves who preferred it to Hellenism because it rewarded their subservience. The Jews such as Paul the Apostle actively wanted to convert the Romans because it would make them more sympathetic to their people.
They lasted four times as long as we have existed and they did so by standing up to corruption. There were MANY times the population had to pressure the government into reforms, tribunals consuls, etc because the existing order was too corrupt. EACH person was invested in rome. There were some class issues between rich and poor that factored into politics, but people saw themselves as citizens.
The empire went into decline after Marcus Aurelius. Corruption seeped in through various means until the intention of certain institutions was thoroughly corroded. Its military was over stretched and taken advantage of by the power hungy and greedy.
You haven't actually picked up a history book have you?
>Paul the Apostle
>based his theology on the fact that you did NOT have to be Jewish to be Christian
>calling Paul a Jew
you should be fucking ashamed of yourself for this post
The earliest followers of Jesus were still referred to as Jews.
What caused the roman empire to "fall"
>Over expansion
>Splintering political cohesion
>Unsustainable war economy
What didn't cause the Romans to "fall"
The Roman Empire never "fell", it phased out over a period of several hundred years without anybody especially noticing. Please end this meme
>what caused the Roman empire to fall
Globalization. Read the first book, by Princeton University Press "1177 B.C." which shows how late Bronze age civilizations were too dependent on each other via Globalization and these oppressive empires crumbled, -and that set the stage for the emergence of classical Greece.
Later the Romans did the same mistakes of the Egyptians and the Trojans and the Mycenaeans by yet again pursuing a globalist strategy which made them vulnerable to barbarians sacking and fucking up their shit all over Europe, then finally in North Africa killing off the Roman empire.
Whenever Globalism is purged and crashes there's always some positive golden age that succeeds it until some fucksticks try it all over again
and that has absolutely nothing to do with Paul, who spent his entire career as a preacher trying to do away with that belief
meant for
>fade away
Absolutely no, it was definitive barbarian battles that destroyed the Roman empire which was already collapsing under globalization.
First the Huns overtuned the existing strategic balance of power on Rome's European frontiers to force the Goths and others to seek refuge inside the empire. This prompted two generations of struggle, during which new barbarian coalitions, formed in response to Roman hostility, brought the Roman west to its knees. The Goths first destroyed a Roman army at the battle of Hadrianople in 378 and went on to sack Rome in 410. The Vandals spread devastation in Gaul and Spain befor conquering North Africa, the breadbasket of the western empire, in 439. We then meet Attila the Hun, whose reign of terror swept from Constantinople to Paris, but whose death in 453 ironically precipitated a final desperate phase of Roman collapse, culminating in the Vandals' defeat of the massive Byzantine Armada, the west's last change for survival.
Rome lasted a lot longer than is taught in school. There's roughly a thousand years of history that are glossed over in most college courses. During this time the Eastern Roman Empire flourished and maintained the semblance of western civilization and kept the Arabs at bay. In the meantime the Western reaches ebbed and flowed under Viking and Arab conquests but eventually coalesced under the Carolingians as Europe's people attempted to rebuild in the image of the lost empire.
What came out of this is what we have now, and yes it is under attack. The problem now is the lack of solely white countries, the cold nonaggresive invasion of our culture along with our general pacifism prevents the common man from rising up and fighting for his future. At least for now.
European civilization must be recognized for what it is, a continuation of Rome and her values. The ebb and flow of civilization is something we should study more in depth, civilizations do not simply fall, they decline and return and mature again and again. It is our job to steer our society towards the light, unfortunately we currently embrace a disgenic culture, wherein the weak are propped up over the strong. This will lead to an ebb in the path of civilization, hopefully one not too deep.
>Is the United States (and western civilization in general) going through the same path as Ancient Rome?
What caused the Roman Empire to fall that could help us prevent the fall of the West.
Inflation, slavery and immorality. So ease all borrowing stop importing minimum wage slaves to do jobs lazy millennials should be doing and become Roman Catholic.
They were of judea - the area. It did not mean Jews at the time. Modern Jews arent even the same Jews as the ones you speak of.
>win the game
Rome failed 30 years after they started making fun of their leaders because they only fucked their wives and no little boys on the side.
What are "Pharisees" anyways? Are they the Satan Worshippers that commandeered the Jewish religion?
The true Roman Empire fell with the Ottomans at 1453.
The reasons are two. Muslim savages that counted at hundreds of thousands and the traitorous Vatican, which made Rome weak after plundering Constantinople for 50 years after the infamous 4th Crusade.
USA has nothing to do with Rome. You can compare yourselves to Australia, Canada and South Africa but not Empires with truly mystical culture and intellectuality that still affects people to this very day.
The US just need to name Trump as Emperor
That's pretty true today. Sadly though, these days laws are passed to protect IMMORALITY.
Rural and suburban retards literally founded rome... Hillary Maximus voters destroyed it.
>What caused the Roman Empire to fall
Superior Germanic Franks
As someone who wrote a dissertation on the subject. Ignore bullshit like muh degeneracy. The Roman Empire fell in part due to the increasingly polarisation between rich and poor, lower class and wealthy. The creation of alternate power structures (i.e. wealthy landowners removed from government control and taxation) also helped kill the WRE. Immigrants have to be broken up into small communities and not given a chance to retain a shared heritage, identity and cultural unity.
Do you mind providing sources of information?
>What caused the Roman Empire to fall that could help us prevent the fall of the West.
feminism causing an rapid influx of high profile
sexual scandals
Rome was Brave New World.
So who extactly migrated to Greece leading to a drop of 30 IQ points in a nation that currently has 11 million people?
Well plenty could be done in theory, but nothing will because people are people.
Um, user: that is a type of degeneracy. When the rich steal from society (cleverly designed as rigging the rules more and more in their favor over time), it prevents healthy family formation and all sorts of other effects. Degeneracy is the answer.
Shitskin Turkroaches
the word means 'separated people'. not sure if they were real or allegory for tribalistic retards
lol right is me, but usually people make fun of that not glorify it
>Because of the New Testament's frequent depictions of Pharisees as self-righteous rule-followers (see also Woes of the Pharisees and Legalism (theology)), the word "pharisee" (and its derivatives: "pharisaical", etc.) has come into semi-common usage in English to describe a hypocritical and arrogant person who places the letter of the law above its spirit.[56] Jews today who subscribe to Pharisaic Judaism typically find this insulting and some consider the use of the word to be anti-Semitic.[57]
from (((wikipedia))) page. interesting read, i doubt the historical claims of (((josephus))) but if you read the new testament you will know all you need to
You tell me
This is the redpill that Sup Forums cucks can't handle. This is where, god forgive me for saying this, Karl Marx was right. Economics shapes the dominant values in society. This is the one argument made by Marx that is undoubtedly true.
The breakdown of the family, political corruption, nihilism as a norm, feminism, mass nonwhite immigration, and the rest of it are all consequences of an economic system that subverts everything for profit. Degeneracy is killing the west, but that degeneracy is caused by the subjugation of all values in society to economic interests.
Are these from Denmark?
Will show my missus if they are.
Yeah it's extremely obvious. It has happened to literally every civilization ever(except ones that were destroyed like the Aztecs).
As for why nobody has ever really come up with a satisfactory answer. I like Caroll Quigley and Oswald Spengler's ideas but really they are more speculation than science.
History of course does not permit scientific experiments.
When the Romans started becoming Christian it was the start of a steady downfall of the civilization. At least Catholics kept Latin alive though so silver linings.
Currency debasement and cultural degeneration. Sounds about right
The roman empire fell because of a weak army and infighting.
It was Hitlers fault
>Commie flag
Of course you would say that.
also the Black Death weakened the ERE when it was at its strongest, during the reign of Justinian.
Was there a good emperor who tried to save the empire but the people were to degenerate to save?
There is no way to "prevent the decline of the West". You need heavy rain to wash away the streets. People will have to die. You can't swim against the stream anymore.
Western Rome never recovered from Manorialism that was established from the Crisis of the Third Century.
>Is the United States (and western civilization in general) going through the same path as Ancient Rome?
Great interview on this
Twilight Zone of Pre-Collapse Just like Rome
Every empire that falls does so to: Degeneracy, infighting, and lack of security. Pick one of these the West isn't afflicted by.
Pro tip:
>you can't
>Immigration caused the downfall of the Roman Empire
Should have built a wall on the Roman Empire's borders to keep them out.
>Ignore bullshit like muh degeneracy.
>The Roman Empire fell in part due to the increasingly polarisation between rich and poor, lower class and wealthy.
Aren't things greed, love of money, and placing personal enrichment ahead of the fate of the civilization a sign of degeneracy in itself?