Friendly reminder that Democrats are the party of the people and that R*publicans are the party of white supremacists, big business, millionaires and nazis.
Friendly reminder that Democrats are the party of the people and that R*publicans are the party of white supremacists...
donkey is usually associated with stupidity
Friendly reminder OP is fag
If that were true, then the Republicans would be actively pursuing legislation that allows the rich to become more rich while the poor languish. Typically, this is done under the guise of 'trickle down', a concept that has time and time again shown to be objectively false. Do you see any such legislation?
Democrats are the party of gay nigger immigrants. Everyone else should vote GOP
Democrats are the party of a pic related future. Vote solely to keep them out of office.
Democrats are the party of the mongrel mutts.
can someone tell me what it means when libshits use the * in their tweets?
I saw one guy say T*ump
>party of the people
>doubling down on identity politics
>taking care of illegals before your own country men
>outright ignoring real issues to virtue signal
>party of the people
A*on, pls...
Friendly reminder you're a Mexican colonist
We're gonna massacre the Gross Old Pedo party next year.
>redneck confederate making fun of anyone
Wew. Do you even have front teeth?
Lifelong democrat here. I am ashamed I ever bought into their racist child raping ways.
Did u see how many blue seats Donnie turned red? Hahahha
>Blue state goes Bluer
As A Independent hhahahahahahag cute.
friendly reminder that anyone who supports the democratic party, support mentally ill people, paedophiles and people who commit sexual assault
You're so full of it!
Democrats are the pariahs of the United States. Very few want to go with your global commie garbage that your lot needs import an underclass to elect your dictators into money and power.
We'll deport the illegals, and hopefully prosecute leftards and their rightards co-conspirators.
Friendly reminder that memeflag OP is a tremendous faggot. Sage and pic related
They're so enraged and hateful, they can't even spell the names of their political enemies.
the democrats are demon infested.
The "Ugly" TRUTH
Democrats are the party of "Self Indulgence"...with no moral compass
I think you need to take your Religious gay bashing back to wesboro Baptist Church.
Party people love sex dungeons and pizza maps
Former lifelong Democrat here. Had to leave after the party turned to shit. They won't get another dime. From me and by the looks of the dnc books they aren't getting many dimes from anyone
>faught a war to keep slavery
>promote a welfare state that keeps minorities in poverty
>insist only brown people are capable/willing of doing low wage menial labor
>demand disarming of Americans b2cause of minority crime rates
>demand free abortions to keep black population down
Former Dem here to tell you retard leftists your losing support fast. Your identity politics will be your downfall. Union guy for 30 years and the manpower is turning faster than you know. They no longer want to tow the line and are sick of being told to be a good union slob and vote D.
You fucked this one up idiots. You may want to not believe it but you have.
>donkey is usually associated with stupidity
It was one of the earliest metaphors of Jesus Christ.
>R*publicans are the party of white supremacists, big business, millionaires and nazis.
Of course we're all millionaires, that's why we have time to fuck around all day and shit post on 4chins. I try to tell people we're not all white supremacists, then that stupid fuck David Duke gets on TV saying how much he supports Trump. So we do have a bit of a PR problem. If the Trump traitor family and sewer administration would all quietly go to prison so the real Republicans can take charge again, that would suit me fine.