Now that you American retards are finally convinced that Trump is and has always been a Zionist agent just like Obama...

Now that you American retards are finally convinced that Trump is and has always been a Zionist agent just like Obama and everyone before him. I'm here to Red Pill you about Hezbollah. Ask me anything,

Other urls found in this thread:

when are you guys getting gassed?

go back to your mosque and tell them nobody likes you here


I'm sure the JIDF and Nu-Sup Forums will be here soon, especially Americans since Americans are the fattest dumbest goodest goys on this board who think LE BASED TRUMP has done anything but suck Jew and Jihadi cock while Hezbollah have killed Jizya demanding Jihadists oppressing Christians left and right.

Sunni here, when will you take over Lebanon and make it Israel's biggest enemy #2 after Iran?

>ask me anything
What do you think about the case of the missing Lebanese prime minister?

Pretty spoopy, don't you think?

Why do you find goats sexually attractive? Saged fag nice flag queerbait


You really hurt the poster now.


Yeah, his company owes a lot of money to the Saudi government. He's likely being blackmailed. Even his own party back in Lebanon is siding with his Hezbollah (contrary to what KSA wanted) and Saudis are very upset right now, Saudi minister recently promised Lebanon "will not enjoy peace".

Israel is of course very happy about this whole ordeal and is totally on board.

>Mfw Hitler was redpilled by Imam Hussain (SAWA)






they look whiter than amerimutts

Why do you guys have such a bad AIDS epidemic? We're you all born with AIDS from your homosexual father's or do you all just have lots of homosexual sex with each other?

kys you incestous insect.

The mid east has the lowest prevalence of AIDS in the world. Its shit at everything else but when it comes to sex and soceity the Haji's are based

It's all part of the show.

Hezbollah is red pilled and white.

can you ask you pedo prophet to stop being a cock sucker?

Mohamed le prophet du cul de dieu, il vas se faire enculer le muz

Hezbollah are great. They are also basically as white as Italians. I applaud your efforts to bring down Israel and wish you much luck in the future.

You really showed him hahaha Allah snackbar

The only reason Americans don't support Hezbollah is because we have been drip fed bullshit about them by the pro-Israel media for decades. Lebanon has one of the largest Christian populations in the middle east and Hezbollah works to protect Christians as well as Muslims. The only reason to oppose Hezbollah....the ONLY because we are all on the kikes' payroll and will go to war with anyone they decide needs to die.

reported to SPLC

Pretty much summed up.

this. Even with all the propaganda however, I saw Alex Jones put up a video "Hezbollah and Israel to go to War" or something. So I checked the comments to see what people were saying. I thought Jones' viewers were stupid civic Nationalist, Israel First cucks but at least 70% of the comments were supporting Hezbollah.

user wtf


A Lebanese Orthodox Christian actually redpilled me on this when I was visiting one of their churches. It was years ago back when Israel was bombing Lebanon and I mentioned to him how glad he must be that Israel was getting rid of the terrorists in his country. He went fucking NUTS on me and told me how proud he was of Hezbollah and how Christians and Muslims unite under the Lebanese flag as one people, unlike in other countries. I apologized.



What are Hezbollah's views on the IRA

I'm in the north of Ireland and I have seen Hezbollah flags flying in Irish nationalists areas

Stop watching Jew media to learn about the Middle East.

Every faggot arguing in favor islamists that just so happen to align with Russia are proof of the Russia shilling.

Fuck Syria, Fuck Lebanon, Fuck Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Yemen, and any other islamic shithole. every attempt at political engagement and development has ended in catastrophic failures for all foreign powers, even if you save them one day, they backstab you tomorrow. They offer nothing worthwhile to our nation other than terrorism and migration. There is no logical reason to waste our time over there anymore, the region is not even strategic to our nation.
Build a wall around the entire middle east/na

Back in 80's there's was a lot of open support to the IRA. There's a street in Iran named after Bobby Sands.

the british mi6 is making alot of problems for the IRA. The IRA only wants none over them as a ruler. They rule for themselves. The same motto goes with HezbAllah. They hate the kikes and dont want mossad ruling over them or throwing false flags. Trust me the mi6 are some low scums so as they're counter partners mossad, cia and other secret falseflag operators.

Don't ignore me cuz I'm a sunni

>every attempt at political engagement and development
>calls bombing and regime overthrowing "political engagement and development
topkek mate

Why are you pretending that your country and its Jewish handlers' presence in the Middle East has been with good intentions? The US has always been a force of evil in the Middle East and deserves everything bad that happens to it as a result. Pic related.
Hezbollah has 12 seats in the parliament and the President of Lebanon openly supports it. It's already a threat to Israel which is why Israel supports the current Saudi campaign against Hezbollah.

a non-interventionist position is by default pro-iran because without us serving as a meatshield for saudi and israel, iran will rape them all to death. which im fine with. if it benefits putin as well, so be it.

YEAH Irish republicans would be sympathetic towards Palestine and we hate Israel

My friend was in the Irish army peace keeping in Lebanon, they despised a defector battalion of Arabs who were serving with Israel

You dumbass. You realise the kikes hates to see peace in ME? That means its the death of they're existence. Second hand america is the kike's big loose dog. That runs around making wars internationally and making falseflags by its lowest of the low the cia. Let me make this easier for your slow thinking mind: Pearl harbor was not attacked by Japanese. End of the line.

Ghaliboun with the black flag ?

I think your buddies might've already bit the dust, thats the real redpill
i heard some techno wizards were inbound

What is the mission of Hezbollah? How does it differ from Al Qaeda? ISIS? etc...

I have a feeling you're an arab...

Trump hasn't shown his hand in the ME yet.
Other than that carry on.

Fuck off Muslim scum

Top wew. Are the arab rape gangs also all Mossad agents?

How can i financially support the Hezbollah?

Did I say anything wrong at this point? Do your research. Its not that fucking hard. Arab or not it doesnt make anything change. My soul is thriving to crush the evil from its existence.

Does hezbollah respect hitler? Do you guys learn about him? Is the salute supposed to be a copy of hitlers salute?

Are the podesta pedophiles all je- oh wait.

refer to this picture

Don't get me wrong, I don't like the Jews any more, but this whole "The enemy of my enemy is my friend mindset" people have with Arabs and Jews is retarded. They can both be enemies.

You mean besides bowing down to Netanyahu and King Salman? Trump is too autistic to do anything meaningful, it's Kushner and the generals that are dealing with the ME.
I believe your country considers Hezbollah a terror organization so I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Some individuals in Hezbollah may or may not like Hitler, but he's not at all relevant within the organization.

Try harder next time.

Why does Hezbollah like to preform the Hitler salute?

You realize that after bombing the Marines in Lebanon>
The USMC WILL skullfuck You?

I didnt say you were wrong but you're not white and I need to call you out on it cause you're in Norway.


Again, one side is more prone to falseflagging, covert infiltrations, ideological corruption at a scale not even witnessed in the history of humankind, harnessed enough power to make your world collapse on itself, and the other side is and always has identified and fought against the first.

Do the math.

I am iranian as it turns out (vpn being a thing), and i'd like to support any way i can.


Is that why they ran away right after the bombing?

you shi'ites will still genocide the Yezidis
or am i wrong?


>shia muslim
>dating a chechen

This has nothing to do with Hezbollah but the Shi'a militias in Iraq are protecting Yazidis from the Kurdish PKK in Sinjar.

>the other side is and always has identified and fought against the first.
They are also still actively invading Europe.
The correct answer would be to get rid of both.

I like hezbollah. There's a fantastic video out there somewhere of hezbollah soldiers torturing some Sunni Muslim jihadists. The hezbollah soldiers (Shia Muslim) mockingly chant AllahAkbar and laugh with great joy as they beat the fuck outta him.

It's a great time, if someone could find that video I'd love it. Great watch

>They are also still actively invading Europe

Largely because of Israel's repeated destabilisation of the Middle East. Remove Israel from the picture and the ME, even if it is completely incompatible with our societies, will largely be content to stay within its own part of the world.

The muslims would go back in a heartbeat were their homelands not ravaged by wars started by the international jew.

You want to live with your own, and while this is understandable, it follows that the muslims also want the same thing.

The african-american issue you have in the US is much more complex than that because they basically have nowhere to return.

Do you actually believe this?

>finally convinced
sharpiepooper timestamp you goatfucker

As someone who was born in France and returned to his country, yes.

He's right though, except for Maghrebis. But from my experience, most of Middle Eastern immigrants come to the West because their country is riddled with war & corruption

Also worth noting that, although jews have a reputation for being one of the most scattered, cosmopolitan people in the history of humanity, they themselves couldn't resist grabbing lands by force simply in order to call somewhere home and live together there, as dickish as it may sound.


fuck off shills Trump is playing 4D chess

Why do you pretend to protect Christians but then assisted and participated in the Bosnian war against the Christian Serbs?

Can't tell if you're joking or not...

kys you muslim goatfucking satanic vermin

The difference is that obama was explicitly anti-isreal. Trump loves them.

>iranian flag = hezbollah
>bosnian war was a war against christians
american education
>american education

Hezbollah has literally killed hundreds of US citizens, more than any other single terrorist group, usually through cowardly bombings because they can never fight us head on. When they do, like in Iraq with their special forces, they get steamrolled. One time we raided a compound and captured like 50 of their leaders straight out of Iran, they're rotting in Guantanamo right now.

>Iran, a predominantly Shia country, was one of the first Muslim countries to provide support for the Bosnian Muslims (Bosniaks, who are mainly Sunni Muslim) in the war. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) sent more than five thousand tonnes of arms to the Bosnian Muslims.[1] IRGC also supplied trainers and advisers for the Bosnian military and intelligence service.[1] Several dozen Iranian intelligence experts joined the Bosnian Muslim intelligence agency.[2] The Iranian Ministry of Intelligence-supported mujahideen units trained selected Bosnian army units.[3] The Hezbollah (Lebanese Shia), supported by Iran, also sent fighters to the war

Your hypocrisy knows no bounds goatfucker.

> and captured like 50 of their leaders straight out of Iran
> thingsthatneverhappened.jpg


Why are the Moroccans, Algerians and Tunisians staying in France?

Why are there millions of Turks in Western Europe?

Literally doesn't change the fact that you used a picture of an Iranian flag for Hezbollah and that you called the war in Bosnia a war against Christians lmao.
>american education

As an American burger I sincerely apologize for just how fucking retarded my countrymen are towards your organization. I sincerely wish you guys the best of luck in fighting the Jewish scourge, and the Lebanese also have some of the best food on the planet IMO.

>How dare they kill the invading force on their own soil?

Thank God not all Americans are this short sighted and self centered

Is it true the British are an island of European rejects who converted to Judaism 300 years ago?

>Hezbollah has literally killed hundreds of US citizens,
Hopefully they kill more so you Amerikikes fuck off.

damn i wish my country was half as white as those in this picture

They killed Americans back in the 80s, and some of them are shitheads. We have no problem cozying up the Saudis who literally orchestrated and funded 9/11, so in terms of who we should be fighting against......

Could you give me the quick rundown on the one they call "Nasrallah?"

Nasrallah is easily the best speaker in the Middle East if not the world. Just listen to any speech of his.

>Now that you American retards are finally convinced that Trump is and has always been a Zionist agent just like Obama and everyone before him. I'm here to Red Pill you about Hezbollah. Ask me anything,

ACTUAL Lebanese with Hezb Allah friends. Toute obviously a JIDF shill trying to spread bad PR about Lebanon and trolling these retards in here. Nobody in Hezb Allah refers to anything before 1985 because that's when they were formed, like you referencing the 1982 bombings. Also no one uses the specific spelling and vocabulary you use in Lebanon.

JIDF Ben zona pls go

Fucking.JIDF shill what gives you away is that no one in Lebanon spells it "HEZBOLLAH"
Its fucking Hezb'Allah

lol in reality half of america is 50% white than the people in that photo

>Saved for later reading and reposting if redpilled