Alright, although you can't say it in public, the evidence that blacks have lower IQs on average than whites is pretty strong. I seriously doubt that a race war or something like that will happen, so how do we get blacks to achieve more and be more productive? How do we convince them that abandoning their kids, mocking others who do well in school, idolizing criminals, having premarital sex with a dozen partners, and so on is not helpful?
Simply moving to a less diverse area of US and trying to ignore it isn't ideal, since I would still pay gib taxes. Ancap memes aside, I would consider paying for something without getting anything in return theft.
Is despair the only option?
Time for despair?
Stop giving them welfare.
Stop giving people privileges for being born with darker skin.
Do you actually think that will happen? Maybe the second part, but the Overton window has gone so far left that welfare is now taken for granted. Republicans and Democrats now just bicker about whether the gibs should decrease slightly or increase dramatically.
Yeah, I was going to post horrific stories with every post.
We've been battling this fight for over 100 years, the (((powers))) that be will not cut them off without using them against us. You better hope for a race war, because its the only solution to this problem. The legislative option has been exhausted and niggers are the slaves to the State, a slave that love his chains as long as he is fed.
He knows he is a violent nigger, and is warning people that his brain is telling him to kill the child. He is doing the right thing by warning people.
Now that's some high power niggering.
He should get some kind of nigger award at a big ceremony (crack?).
Niggers need to figure it out for themselves.
Just look to the past for some (potential) answers to the Negro Question
1) Deport them (to Liberia, Haiti, etc.)
2) Segregate them
3) Enslave them
we could let them breed with more intelligent people that aren't in our country and hope they normalize
Stop wasting your life thinking up solutions for niggers.
Niggers need to help themselves, you need to help yourself.
The cabbage patch nigglet is quite cute. Papa coon should easily be able to find a gay couple in need of an accessory to look after her at least until she's not cute and starts to steal.
I guess I was looking for some kind of measured, step-by-step process. Realistically, only the second option seems like it could happen. Self-segregation is on the rise, but they still get my tax dollars.
Like I said, that is only a half-solution, since everybody still pays for gibs.
the alternative is all the nigs revolt and we have to answer to the UN about our genocide. I think it will be a net gain for humanity in the end
Billionaires extract billions from ravishing the coon and coon-lands so to keep the humanitarian consequences of this rape out of sight the same billionaires (like Soros) make sure we pay for negroid life support.
I'm fed up with messing around and want a very final solution to the worlds problems. Anything less won't cut it because of global demographics being so frightening (16 goes to 32 to 64 to 128 etc ... we are at the last chance motel here)
>end welfare
>lose millions of black democrat voters
Like the libs would ever let that happen.
Nigs have only limit capabilities they'd have to be led by creepy (((billionaires))) to achieve anything and then it's only by playing victims - truth is they are their own victim (everyone around them suffers too)
But the fact is that all mainstream political parties are criminal organisations and if they weren't responsible for creating and manipulating law they'd be the first and main target of the law
this guy last night: I don't remember how old my baby is if she's 8 months or 6 months or 2 months, but shes down stairs.
That's a new one.
Maybe pol should continue to do things like It's Okay to be White. pol's influence has increased a lot in the past year or two. I'm not saying that we single-handedly elected Trump, but the traffic and trolling has helped. IOTBW was simple, ironically inoffensive, and revealed to many just how crazy the coddling left (and BLM) is. Again, since I think a race war is unrealistic, maybe pressure from centrists for blacks to do better would help. That pressure might make blacks even more hostile to whites and backfire, however.
Eugenics or CRISPR are the only two options. But I still am a strong believer a civil war or massive civil unrest will be our opportunity to create the AAZ.
And there's still some people that oppose planned parenthood and similar organizations.
maybe whites should start renouncing white violance
I laughed so hard
absolute gold
I started out laughing, but then I started crying.
the new white ladies and gentlemen
That was an interesting read. It's unbelievable how far in denial the left are about black behavior.
And he even says he's still liberal after all these years.
>get good grades in high school and get into a good college
>get masters/phd degree in economics
>get a decade of work experience
>finally land your dream job of working at the IMF
>still gotta tell niggers they have to pay their bills like a $10/hr bank teller fresh out of highschool
These subhumans are like a vortex of despair, dragging everyone else in.
I've been working in a pharmacy for 2 months and this has already been a problem multiple times.