Info Wars

What are your thoughts on Alex Jones? Shill? Fake News? Retard conspiracy theorist?


Retard, but he's /OurRetard/

They are turning the water gay!

He's right on a lot of things, but he's a gatekeeper which means he distorts the truth to fit the Jew's agenda so people don't learn the full truth. If you think you've found the truth you won't keep searching, and that's what Jones is for.

>dehydrated water
so oxygen. nothing to add but hydrogen

Entertaining to watch but nonetheless a snake oils salesman. If you buy any of his products you might be retarded

paid disinfo agent until he brings up the JQ

reminder that "what are your thoughts on ___" posters are reddit shits.
kill yourself op

Greatest living American
Also, fuck you, shill

His comedy act wasnt never good.

He pretty much redpilled me. Hes the one who excelarated the awakening if not start it.

He's an entertainer first and foremost

Technically, they could market it as an energy drink called "atomized rocket fuel".

He was good and sold out along the way. Definitely controlled opposition

If you watch the Ronald Bernard videos, you can see why Alex Jones is controlled op, or trying to cover his ass. There is some really big picture stuff that he is leaving out.

Alex is akin to a sports broadcaster for politics in our little matrix-y bubble. He calls out the bad shit people are doing inside of the bubble - but he never talks about what is going outside of the bubble. So basically, he is just keeping us all wrapped up and consumed by our little pretend world.

The air filter is actually really damn good.

He has the same enemies we do. He calls out (((international bankers))) (((Hollywood elite))) (((main steam media))) and (((academia))). He may not name the Jew, but he is still helpful so I support him

>americlap doesn't know what dehydrated means

Very important to the movement. His job is to go on the airwaves and drop entry-level redpill after entry-level redpill and absorb all the criticism and bullshit and character assassination that comes with that.

Realizing that something Alex Jones talked about is true is baby's first redpill for hundreds of thousands if not millions of people.

Don't compare Alex Jones to some kind of Platonic ideal of what a news host should be like. Compare him to Anderson Cooper.

You saying then this when Cats being master of all world. "All your Smurf are belong to Smurf"

You are literally retarded

90% Retard conspiracy theorist.
10% Truth nobody else will say.
Still helps us in the end.

>What are your thoughts on Alex Jones?

I'd like to cum on his titties.

dehydrated means lacking water not hydrogen :)

No thoughts other than I can't bear to listen to him anymore. He's too hyper. I can't stand (really a visceral dislike) for David Knight and Rob Dew.
I wish he'd bring back Joe Biggs, Jakari Jackson, and Lee Ann Whatever. Those were better days for Infowars.

He helps us out, curious normies visit him, he gathers votes and support for right-wing causes and he name drops Sup Forums among other things. He can't name the Jew or they'll have him killed, but he's genius because he basically all but does it without ever actually naming the Jew.

I'm 100% certain the repitllian shit is a cover for what he's really trying to do. Man's a hero.

Remember when Mackytits said she likes Michael Obama and she would make a good president? Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh...dem titties tho. David Knight is awesome though dude wtf. Rob Dew is terrible and looks like a greasy porn director


Also the fireproof matches and submarine screen doors

>backed off of Sandy Hoax
>backed off of Pizzagate

yea a real hero, goes on Megyn Kelly and grovels providing cover for Podesta - this faggot is a CIA shill

He's right about almost everything even if comes off as a bit crazy.
Also the products he sells have legit health benefits, but 9 times out of 10 you can source them from other places for less money.