Brit/pol/ - (((Schools))) Edition

>Teachers are "brainwashing us and our children into thinking the bad guy was Hitler. What have the Jews done good in this world?” - Labour candidate Nasreen Khan

>If you voted to leave the EU, don't bother wearing a poppy

>Father goes against state wanting to kill his brain damaged son, is banned from hospital

>Uk must provide Brexit clarity - Barnier

>Pressure grows on Carwyn Jones to order Carl Sargeant inquiry

>UK prosecutors destroyed crucial emails in Assange case

>Owen Jones

>Britain backs ban of bee killing pesticides

>Plenty of room left to build millions of houses on so the greenbelt can end up like Tokyo

>Alex Salmond to host TV show on Russia Today, Nicola Sturgeon screeches autisically

Other urls found in this thread:

Greater Shqiptaria tbq.h

are romanians white?

Rate my MORAL oc


If they're not white then what are they?

Small minority of extremists..

Heil ewige Führer \O

Not British

>>Owen Jones

I remember him trying to shill himself on here a few months back. That you Owen?

some are some arent


that whole area needs nuking at this point

like a 1/4 of them are gypsies, who are litreally bleached 12th gen pakistani rejects

3% Gypsy according to wiki.

Inb4 D&C this orange line gives a good hint on what is White and what isn’t

lads i got a £1000 whats some fun shit to spend it on?


And how much of this gypsy shit in balkaroach orthodox genepool? Chetnik nigger DNA, pic related. South Asian is usually 1-8% with most Serbs, but that 0,1% is a good example HOW OLD the tradition of ciganbreeding is in Serbia. Same shit happened in Greece and Romania/Eastern Slovakia to lesser extent

Take a hike kike

get a new PC !

Prossies and coke

Two weeks ago I posted on brit/pol/ from a Whitehall computer through a VPN telling anons about how there will be an election called on the 17th November scheduled for 8th December.

I told you I was right. I told you Whitehall was in meltdown and I told you the department that I am working in currently is in chaos. I am a civil servent for the Ministry of Defence. Been a while few weeks here. I told you Fallon was going.

Anyway, mark down 17th November. Next Friday Theresa May is going to announce a general election for December. This is because the DUP are angry at the internal discussion at the moment with Northern Ireland potentially staying in the custom's union to avoid a hard border. The DUP will withdraw support for the government next week when Davis agrees to this plan, and Number 10 expects an election as a result. Screenshot this post.

think that line needs to be moved north a few steps

20 years of playstation plus membership

>American cuisine is the best in the wo-

Is it all the free money you have or some sort of minor lottery victory?

0.1% South Asian?! Wow what a fucking paki eh?

Get a grip.

gypsies never pay taxes so there not going to fill out census are they

>American cuisine
Pork, beef and beans in a big pot with chili?
America has no good native dishes.

Eastern Euros absolutely despise Gypsies. I'm guessing they like to keep track of what they're up to.

I hope this is real, really cool that we have a few insiders

>native dishes
there's a cannibalism joke there somewhere
muh noble savage

Capped JIC


Prove it

romanian goverment litreally gives there gypos passports and then talk about to them how great london is

GENOcide is extinction of continuous bloodlines. Brits have 100% always, why wasting it?
Central European and Northeastern Europeans*

Southeastern “””””Europeans”””””” of Orthoshit variety are known gypsy breeders
Why and where in your opinion? The rest of zones are fine in terms of bloodlines

A nice weekend break and a 9/10 Ukranian prostitute.

>Ywn wife up the QT Trivago girl

better not be larping

always welcome the happenings

but then again having constant elections to re-elect the very shitstains that don't know how to run a government isn't solving anything

Check the archives. I was posting two weeks ago responding to the Hitchens poster. I'm not that senior in this department but we have a non-disclosure agreement which I'm essentially breaking at the moment. Everybody in Whitehall knows what is going to happen next.

speak for yourself

Posts proofs of identity or fuck off.

Is Islamophobia the single greatest social ill scourging contemporary western societies?

if she does it will surely be a corbyn landslide, no tories will vote for her after last elections terrible campaign and now another and labour is more energised than ever

>identify yourself and risk losing your job and providing a massive leak which could result in criminal charges under the official secrets act

not gonna happen buddy

Why is she so hot? She's not actually that fit, theres just something about her...

is she a kiwi?

How is this supposed to fit in the the Budget that there supposed to be announcing soon?

wait aren't russians orthodox?

Don't identify you self just prove to us you are where you actually are.

I don't know. The Treasury are the biggest and most secretive department in Whitehall. They don't tell us anything and share no resources and pool no information from any other department. They answer directly to number 10. Thanks Blair.

>he thinks the government can plan 6 days ahead


I thought I was the only one haha

Try and get something, I don't expect you to take a selfie next to top secret documents or some shit like that.

Are Muslims still blowing shit up over there or has our news just stopped reporting on it?

Hope you re wrong as that would cause chaos


this desu

I read that in Mosleys voice for some reason, and any predictions on how Brexit will go? Hopefully not a larp user?
Also this the tory leaftlet made me question whether the were campaigning for labour

Well I would risk taking a screenshot of my desktop that has identifiers of Whitehall equipment, but I'm at home and that requires me to VPN into the office, which is down on Saturdays because IT are lazy pricks. The only other option is showing my ID card which isn't going to happen obviously. I guess you'll need to just wait.

Just blank out your face on your ID card

Any WH letterheaded stuff?


How did you get into your job?

Maybe 5-6% of ethnic Russians actually believes. Deeply secular people with highly anti-clerical folk and literature tradition
shut up.

>larping this hard

ill bet £100 on any poltiicla bet of your choice if it happens . screen this post ill be here on 17th

>I read that in Mosleys voice for some reason, and any predictions on how Brexit will go? Hopefully not a larp user?

Not a LARP but you can check the archives. Because I work for the Civil Service I am supposed to distance myself from party politics and remain objective in my tasks. But being surrounded by party politics dailys in departments is hard to ignore the latest gossip. I joined the Civil Service in 2010 just before the election. Judging from what I have seen the Conservatives are in a complete mess, Brexit has destroyed their unity and I've heard remainer MPs like Soubry and Clarke talk of chaos theory government takedown to stop Brexit happening. There's rumours up to 20 Tory MPs will side with the opposition if Corbyn brings a vote of no confidence to the House. Ken Clarke has a cabal of MPs determined to stop Brexit happening. I think when this election is called for December, Labour will win a slight majority. I don't speak to the Shadow Cabinet but I know those who have and none of them are willing to pass the Withdrawal bill if they win power.

fixed the map for you


I had a Russian English teacher in school, Believed it or not, she claimed that Russia was an Islamic country.
"Of course look at kremlin, clearly Muslim design"
She herself was a Muslim and now I know she was talking shit, painting her own view of Russia onto us just because she wanted it to be that way.

You are doing the same. Just because you are secular doesn't mean that your country, as a whole, is.

Bullshit, I lived there ten years and even the most thuggish types can surprise you with a certain degree of folkish Christianity.

What is happening in Lebanon with Hezbollah [Iran] and Saudi?

>You are doing the same.
He's a fucking weirdo, talking shite. I've seen him on here before, spouting his bizarre notions and posting divide-n-conquer maps of Europe.

Russia is huge

Some are.

reading up on that yesterday, quite intensely complicated

Because that was not Ethnic Russian but one of those tatar/chechen subhumans inhabiting it. 65-70% ethnic Russian, 25-30% gook/mong/kebab nation
spic, please. Russian artisanship, anecdotes, literature, classical music are all developed by people who hated the church

Hugely Christian.

Fuck me that's actually really interesting white hall user
>Conservatives are a complete mess
That is the least surprising thing honestly
>MPs like Soubry and Clarke talk of chaos theory government takedown to stop Brexit happening
Now that I can believe.
>Corbyn brings a vote of no confidence to the House.
When would you expect this to happen any pointers? other than the date you gave for may calling another election?
> Ken Clarke has a cabal of MPs determined to stop Brexit happening
This again doesn't suprise me but it I'd like to know (or if you'd be willing to guess) which parties is he getting the support from? as iirc he was the sole conservative to vote against brexit It'd have to be some labour back benchers or lib dems surely?
>I think when this election is called for December, Labour will win a slight majority
All thats missing in that is corbyn saying "Weak, Weak, Weak" to May at pmqs honestly
>those who have and none of them are willing to pass the Withdrawal bill if they win power
I'm actually uncertain about this one, Corbyn has effectively brought in the whip and will probably force them to vote towards it imo as he still is the lone secret brexiteer in the party

Well user this is going to be interesting to see come into fruition and I hope i made a decent amount of sense as truth be told I'm on a lot of pain meds right now any other insights you want to drop because this is honestly quite fascinating

No. It has a number of serial numbers and ID security numbers on it. If I was to blank out my name, my photo and all digits of everything, you wouldnt be looking at much.

No. WH don't send letters to Civil Service home addresses. The Civil Service proper does that. And I don't have any from them. They have a paperless scheme.

I joined my local council admin team in 2003 and you progressively increase what is called a Band bracket you're in depending on experience. My local council was in London and I applied for work in the Westminster area through their internal jobs site only banded members have access to. I was placed with the MOD. Low level mind you.

What do you think about these Christmas Ads?

John Lewis
Marks and Spencers:
Tesco's not only featured miscegenation but threw in some Muslims, gays and Sikhs for good measure so everyone can have a PC Christmas

How does it feel knowing that You WILL lose this culture war.

He's an Albanian in a Russian proxy.

And a literal faggot. Goes on about genes while squirting his up other blokes sphincters...

But it’s not. It’s as secular and non-religious as the Baltic states are. If you visit church in Russia - it would be almost empty during the service
Pic related

Whites cannot lose this war. We will either win it or the whole World will collapse under its own weight.

>posts half brazilian footballer

Who else is getting drunk tonight?

Could you get me a low level admin job?

I've always wondered why the pro remain MPs of all parties, which I'd suspect there's a Majority of. Don't form some kind of grand coalition, either now. Or if an election is called like the mole says and May doesn't get a majority.

No, whites males (aka nu-males) will just die out with a little autistic screech who opposed it.

You can't win against the Media.

The state of this country and its people is crushing my soul. I hate it all.

wait who's that in the bottom right

A degree of cynical anti-clericalism doth not equal atheism or scorn for Orthodox Christianity itself. You see attacks on clerical corruption in any society where there are all-too-human clerics. It's in the Robin Hood ballads, where nevertheless the outlaw is a devout Mariolator.

why motivates you to go here?

How can that be?

>If you visit church in Russia - it would be almost empty during the service
That's simply untrue. The small town I lived in built three extra churches while I was there.


Of course British food exists

>When would you expect this to happen any pointers? other than the date you gave for may calling another election?

Only rumours of a reshuffle but that's mainstream news by this point. Backbench MPs have been making noise about Williamson's appointment because it was a Leave to Remain change in the Cabinet. Many in the cabinet wanted Rees-Mogg to replace Fallon but he didn't have the defence credentials and is still inexperienced in cabinet affairs. No other dates I'm afraid.

>This again doesn't suprise me but it I'd like to know (or if you'd be willing to guess) which parties is he getting the support from? as iirc he was the sole conservative to vote against brexit It'd have to be some labour back benchers or lib dems surely?

Clarke recently went on a "diplomatic scoping mission" to Brussels with Nick Clegg. Clarke works very closely with Cable and the Lib Dems. We reckon he's got all Lib Dems on board with the possible exception for Norman Lamb who doesn't want to stop brexit. The dangermen for Labour is Chukka Ummuna and Chris Leslie. They work with Ken Clarke and Anne Soubry and have built a cross party coalition of sorts and worked on the amendments for the withdrawal bill. The theory goes that when May calls the election on Friday, there could be a leadership challenge by January to the Conservative Party if they're still in power. But its all a bit hazy at the moment.

>I'm actually uncertain about this one, Corbyn has effectively brought in the whip and will probably force them to vote towards it imo as he still is the lone secret brexiteer in the party
As I've said our department doesn't have direct contact with the Shadow Cabinet. But Corbyn is alone at the top and it's beleived he will be pressured by the overwhelming remain powers to ditch the bill

That in fact, the second most common relationship behind WM/WF here is BM/WF

and that brits have no culture anymore


Unfortunately it exists in the same universe as cheeky foreign bitches and disgusting immoral editors who are happy to publish their "opinions".