Why won't Americans invest in public transportation?
Why won't Americans invest in public transportation?
why do you care?
Infrastructure isn't a sexy issue the way that abortion and gun control is
Theres a lot of niggers.
Because we're a massive country with huge swaths of land between the major cities. All major cities have public transit, just not from one to the other, because that'd be absolutely retarded.
Living in cities is terrible, so people live outside them and drive in. I know you Eurocucks absolutely hate the idea of people choosing what best suits their needs, but in freedomland, that's what we get to do.
If public transit was better we'd have it.
Nice flag. You post this shit every other day. Saged mods burn this post
Bike riding and public transport is a very good way of remaining a virgin for the rest of your life
>what is China
Because public transport is only viable in large high density cities.
To get to work I take my car through a tunnel or over a bridge which have no pedestrian access. If I had to ride a bike I would have to ride through ghettos in bodymore and it would take probably close to 2hrs IF I didn't get robbed or killed first.
>almost exclusively a white activity
>he doesn't know
It's mainly because our country is fucking huge. The states can't afford it and the (((fed))) sure doesn't wanna take salary cuts for it without raising (((taxes))) of course.
TL;DR too expensive, no one will pay
They're also packed like rats
Also please tells this to Australians cause they have no public transit either. Or on the same levels as we have.
Again the country is too big
a bunch of illiterate third world peasants being controlled by an ultrawealthy ruling class?
America has 0 high speed rails.
Bicycles aren't public transport
Why is Amtrak such trash compared with Japanese or German trains?
k.e.k from my little village of 6000 people i can go pretty much anywhere in this country by bus and train etc.
Yes because see this China is way smaller dumb dumb
You are absolutely right fuck self determinism, fuck individual freedom, fuck political involvement, fuck free speech, fuck a democratic system, just want them gibs. fucking snow nigger
Because in the 1920s the Jewish auto companies needed to sell cars and convert roads that were taxpayer funded public domain to a taxpayer funded source of income.
Roads used to be true public domain. People walked on roads, pulled their mules on roads, did business, let their children play, etc.
So to do that, they put out a massive PR campaign calling anyone who didn't like cars an uncivilized bumpkin.
They'd do these stunts where clowns would get hit by Model T's and stuff.
This is where the term "jaywalking" comes from. "Jay" being slang for backwards hillbilly who fucks their mother.
And here we are today. Good public transportation has never been attempted in this country.
>fucking snow nigger
Too expensive. The (((fed))) doesn't want to pay for high-speed rails.
Basically unless the train connect two different states together they tell you to go fuck yourself even more.
So basically us Californians are told to pay for our own high-speed rail which apparently we're actually doing but our taxes will be like fucking 150% or something I bet.
no, they are a waste of a pale complexion.
>but our taxes will be like fucking 150% or something I bet.
Imagine being in the Northeast.
The city dwellers do not understand the way living in rural area's works.
In the Netherlands its very common to ride your bike almost everywhere, 15 to 20 km (9.320568 to 12.42742 miles)is a common distance to travel by bike around here. there are more bicycles in the Netherlands than the population number. Almost every family however owns 1 or 2 cars.
Biking is a good way to travel swiftly within your city and if the distance is less than 2 km (1.242742 miles) you can do it faster by bike than by car. However, having a car (it was only €250,- to buy) in year early 20's is a sure way to hook up, student chicks love guys with cars because all the guys at the uni/college travel with public transport.
And your entire country is smaller than most of our 50 states. Your point?
No, the northeast has states that connect to one another pretty quickly. All of the northeast are different states so the fed would actually have a CHANCE of sponsoring it. A chance but probably not for (((reasons))).
California has no chance of the fed sponsoring it because we are all one giant state.
This. Everyone's situation isn't the same, OP. If I were to bike to and from college, then I'd not only be wasting several hours a week doing so, but I'd also be forced to either go through a ghetto full of dune coons or a neighborhood full of crackheads during my route. Much easier to take the interstate and avoid that mess altogether.
It's okay to admit that you're a poorfag who can't afford a car, OP. Most of us have been there. There's less shame in admitting that than projecting your insecurities through these shitty threads every week.
Another problem is our housing is so expensive that we have to live 50 miles or more away from where we work.
That's a huge issue.
I was thinking more of the mafia influence in combination with the taxes and increased property values that would have to be purchased or taken by imminent domain. The mafia influence is still very real in the concrete and construction unions in the northeast. While the hubs are already there you digging through miles of city and suburbs almost the entire way around.
Actually Sweden would be the fourth largest state sweetie
They're fat and retarded.
Intercity trains are actually much faster and more comfortable than cars, and at least here minorities don't take them because minorities don't leave the city, plus conductors are constantly walking the aisles yelling at anyone who as much as puts their legs on the seat in front of them or listens to music without headphones, so for a minority the intercity trains are like a torturous hell.
I don't see why they're not a good idea in America, assuming you can be anti-free market for a minute and get rid of the retarded "freight-trains-first" system that causes all the shitty amtrak pieces of shit to take 7 hours to travel between two nearby places.
tfw have to ride on the sidewalk because the humans driving in the streets are retarded as fuck and could easily kill you reaching for a mcburger
because they bombed our neighborhoods with blacks 40 years ago and we all moved to the suburbs for the sake of our children
And that country is your #1 trading partner :)
i know that feel user. I live in a place where literally everyone drives and you are basically fucked if you dont have a car. its torture
The infrastructure revolves around the automobile and is therefore purposefully very spread out to keep the Amerilards reliant on the auto-jew. Seriously, I've been to US towns with populations of little more than 30,000 people for work assignments where the nearest grocery store is 8 miles (about 12kms) away from my hotel. No other option except to rent a car to get around while I'm there. Shit is literally retarded.
Of course the Americucks will defend this 'freedom' when in reality car ownership is the biggest shackle around your ankle you can possibly have. Its a never ending drain of money and the #1 way for police to randomly make contact with you to attempt to fine or jail you for arbitrary shit. Basically, most of your rights go away when you are behind the wheel because of 'muh public safety' but Ameritards seem to be okay with this because its just too much effort to walk or ride a bike somewhere.
the american prefer the cuck-mobile. literally a cuck shed on wheels.
That's more due to the fact that most if not all (white) Americans want a suburban-style big house with a nice lawn. All the Americans I've talked too almost vomited at the thought of living anywhere besides a two story house with 3+ bedrooms, a basement, a garage, a driveway, and a front and back yard that combined take up almost as much if not more space than the house does. Here in Israel people rarely live more than 15 miles from their workplace, and most people live within 8 or 9 miles, but apartments are the normal accommodation most families live in, private homes are considered a luxury for the rich, and even those homes rarely have yards larger than the first floor living area. From what I've heard from yuropoors, the situation is similar, private homes are more common there but they rarely reach the size that American homes do.
Quit making me agree with you Schlomo.
Cause Amerimutts are useless, fat pieces of shit cattle who love sucking their own shit off of kike/dune coon cocks.
Yes and a bagillion $$ project starts by having high speed rail from Bakersfield to Modesto.
For those not familiar with either "city"...think rural illegal Mexican ghetto.
It is literally the stupidest waste of a LOT of money. It will quickly become gang infested and dangerous. White people won't ride it. It will have to be subsidized after it's built. White working people do not need to go from Bakersfield to Modesto, like ever.
If they actually wanted something worth while, they need to build a high speed rail from Los Angeles to vegas. Another from San Fran to Tahoe. Heavily police both to keep the niggers and spic gangs off them, and white people will use them.
I don't think you know what cuck really means
Don't we?
All the major cities have a well run, well maintained public transport system that services the suburbs and is used by pretty much everyone, a rural network that allows you to commute from outlying towns, and interstate trains.
Nobody expects small town nowhere to have trams, but it seems odd that so many of your larger cities haven't invested in commuter rail.
1. Size of the nation. You'd have to hit a consistent, non-stop, 400 or so MPH to beat the time of a direct D.C. to L.A. flight. Assuming you meant only commuter rail/light rail, see 2.
2. Trapped with niggers in a rolling bin you cannot escape and have no control over while the only putative help (driver) is in a hermetically-sealed pod that is nig-proof.
We're your number one trading partner I would shut your mouth if I were you.
Yuck! I stopped there once for groceries and literally everyone in the store was a homeless person buying alcohol or a drug addict buying food with food stamps in order to exchange them for drugs. The cashiers all wore latex gloves so they wouldnt catch hepatitis. I'm not joking, California is totally fucked.
Well I thought the OP was making the argument that we need some type of national high speed rail that goes from LA to NYC.
Australia doesn't have that either.
We have basic commuter trains in America. At least in CA we do and definitely NYC and the east coast. Plenty of trains going all directions. People actually use trains to get to other states on the east coast.
I'm trying to think of a large city that does not have trains and I can't think of one besides maybe somewhere in Alabama.
Looks more hellish than an NYC train
At least there's whites in New York
We...have...public transportation?
The fuck are you on about?
okay McNabb
>Trapped with niggers in a rolling bin you cannot escape
Literally this! I took an Amtrak Train from Arizona to Los Angeles with a bunch of niggers on board. They were so rowdy that the one of the Amtrak employees had to come down and tell them to quiet down and watch their language before the train had even left the station!
Hence the term yuropoors.
But even our apartments are expensive. A studio apartment in the bay area goes for 1600 a month. That is a 0 bedroom apartment.
People still have to live 50-75 miles even though they're living in apartments.
I would know, I work with people that commute that far and i'm basically mr.wageslavethatmakesabitmore
Might be hard for Euro fag to grasp given how tiny ur countries are but America is fucking huge and nobody lives in the city (except nigs and fags)
>They were so rowdy that the one of the Amtrak employees had to come down and tell them to quiet down and watch their language before the train had even left the station!
How long did that admonishment stick for?
Neither do we desu.
JIDF likes to flaunt everywhere about how 98% of Israel's inhabited places are accessible with public transportation (I don't remember the exact number but it's somewhere in that area). What they never mention is that anything smaller than a city is served by fuck all of one bus line that comes fuck all of 2-3 times a day in each direction, and as such literally everyone who lives in a place smaller than a city owns a car and those buses usually just pass by the stop without picking up or dropping off anyone, many times the stops are so permanently empty that the drivers don't even slow down to see if anyone's waiting at them.
>Why won't Americans invest in public transportation?
Because unlike most europeans we can actually afford to buy cars. A toyota camera in the Netherlands costs over double what it does here.
So the money you give to your gov'ts we keep and buy shit like cars with.
So his point still stands. Your countries are tiny in comparison and you fags are shit packed In together
cagecucks btfo
Nobody with any money wants to ride the rails with the poor folk
>almost exclusively a white activity
what is "nigga stole my bike"
>fags on bikes who have no mobility outside of 10 km
Wew lad, have fun peddling away when shit hits the fan.
>Cars you can go anywhere when you want, not when some faggy euro bureaucrat decides you should.
>Bikes are limited to children and virtue signalling fags and nu-males.
>Euro virgins are butthurt American Chads and Aussie Bruces can pick up women in their muscle cars while they have to ride the bus.
This is both true and untrue.
I had german roomates who actually complained cars were too expensive here. Even used ones.
So idk if that's really so true.
BUT, they did say that Mercedes-Benz, Audi, BMW are cheaper here than in Germany.
So idk.
They moved up to the lounge car shortly after and stayed up there until they got cut off (beer) and kicked out back to their seats for being loud and disruptive. Not even joking.
Because we are investing in global warming
My truck rolls coal to burn extra fuel and piss off numales
I'll never understand the boner liberals have for trains.
Is it autism?
>I'm from reddit
Did your post seriously require 5 paragraphs?
Jews aren't white.
>almost exclusively a white activity
These types of things make it impossible to take this board seriously even in shitpost debates.
I wouldn't consider those paragraphs. Paragraphs should have at least 3-5(+) sentences and have a cohesive point. All of his sentences encompass the same argument he's making. But i'm just being pedantic about things
I type this way so that people read it.
Who wants to read this: wall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of textwall of text
Lol, the current round the world cycling record sits at 78 days. You can go anywhere and everywhere by bike, all you need is time and physical fitness. Thousands of people ride a bike across the USA from coast to coast every summer. It usually takes them about 80 to 100 days at a leisurely pace.
>when SHTF
Have fun driving your junk heap when the gas pumps run dry and/or the electricity to the pumps is out.
Ya just take 80-100 days off of work. No problem.
Lol, yeah, I guess the thousands of people that do it every summer dont have to worry about making car payments to Mr. Shekelberg and have the FREEDOM to explore their country on their own terms and at their own pace. Lol, stay cucked wage slave.
Do you faggots realize how big the united states is?
>Have fun driving your junk heap when the gas pumps run dry and/or the electricity to the pumps is out.
have fun riding your bike when the rubber mines run out or the carbon fiber farms are barren
Hahaha the only thousands of people riding their bike are all named Mr. Shekelberg
It's the opposite user.
Because we're not cattle. Public transportation is nothing more than cattlecars for people.
High rise projects are nothing more than human corrals.
Dumbass you arent gonna get away in time on your bike.
>what are bike racks on cars
Lmao literally no argument from bike fags
Because we prefer the efficiency of private transportation over the inefficiency of its public equivalent.
Motorized bicycles are the way to go.
What worth is a 2-story, 4-bedroom house made out of cardboard? I've seen videos of a gusts of wind completely obliterating those "houses".
Israel is a small country in terms of area, no wonder most people live in apartment blocks.
Because it’s fucking dumb. You move forward with technological progress. Not backwards to pedal bikes
Maybe I don't live in a crowded inner city and want to go places some distance away regularly. What then?
>private metal cage with leather seats, seat heaters, and your own radio
>loud overcrowded bus full of shitty people and cloth seats soaked in human slime
hmm hard choice
Nobody wants to spend several hours in a metal tube full of niggers.
Pretty much this.
Getting a car is basically a rite of passage for teenagers in the US.
Your wheels are your freedom. There is nothing more American.
Europoors wouldn't understand.
Nice try user but thats an invalid argument. Unlike cars bikes need very little maintenance. You dont need to consume something (like cars with gas) in order for it to operate. Sure, tires wear out eventually but if the supply of replacements reallly did run out a person could aways revert back to making wooden wheels like were found on the original bicycles back in the early 1800's. Steel frames will last at least 50-60 years and probably longer.
It isnt at all like a car where after driving 300 miles the car is completely worthless unless you have access to more gas to put in it.