What happens if we lose, guys?

What happens if we lose, guys?

>reddit athiest tier logic question

these people legit scare me. i try to browse reddit politics and some other liberal areas to get a feel for what their arguments and stuff is and its all just insane crazy shit. ive never seen them actually care about something for a real reason.

why raydid is in commie sans?

im dyslexic and comic sans is easier for me to read

They're only discussing it because they're starting to wonder if it could actually be them who'll be wrong. Dems championed the lobotomy in its day too. Looking at you tranny pushers

I wouldn't worry about it, boy is anyone else tired? I think we should just all lie down and take a nap.

Fuck off back to lereddit you cancerous faggot


no thanks

these internet liberals always talk a big game but in reality they get ran over by dodge chargers

>being on reddit

neck yourself

just crazy how fanatical they are about all this. literally brainwashed unless we are just so biased ourselves but i dont think its that

>neck yourself
you're american

lmao at the '"""intellectual""" analysis of mccarthyism by someone who was probably born in 1995

the entire sub is like that. theres got to be more shills than real users

I still go to Fark, and the anger and threats from some people are frightening. If you say anything that isn't in line with the SJW's you're either a Russian troll or someone they want dead.

Trolling them is fun AF.

As technology increases, hierarchy increases. This is because technology multiplies the force one person can wield. An effective person can now be more powerful than 100 non effective people rather than 10, something like that. So the left won't win. Pure numbers mean nothing. They spend billions of dollars and can't produce effective propaganda that the right produces for free. It just won't happen.

it's funny they think McCarthyism was understandable in context, and wasn't as bad as whatever they have against Trump, who's built better relations with both Putin and Xi Jinping than Bush or Obama ever did.

nowhere in this diatribe do they ever lay out what exactly is so objectionable about Trump that his supporters deserve an eventual pogrom, it's just taken as self-evident. I wonder if they even know?

these people can't even remember what they were outraged about last week or what gender they thought they were
people that aren't mindraped bugpeople are going to remember to stay the fuck away from these hysterical lunatics though, i wonder if these jackasses will remember how stupid they acted a few years from now, history sure will

>nowhere in this diatribe do they ever lay out what exactly is so objectionable about Trump that his supporters deserve an eventual pogrom, it's just taken as self-evident. I wonder if they even know?

It always comes down to racist/misogynist/xenophobic/transphobic/homophobic

what would have happened if we lost?

same shit, different day. they want you dead.

>Implying (((they))) can actually kill Sup Forums

We are fucked

>not supporting nixon
>not realizing mccarthy was right
>not being a nazi

real nazis might be the only way to save us at this point they are too far gone

To answer your question seriously, of what will happen if we lose, here you go.

We'll end up in a civilization where whites are the minority, demonized, and despise by all, including much of their own race. We'll see a world where a white person winning the presidency, or office at all is completely unthinkable. We'll see the day when a police officer refuses to arrest a person for a crime committed against a white man, because he doesn't believe doing so to be morally wrong at all. We will see a massive spike in violence against our race, and the police response of doing absolutely nothing will skyrocket. Media will either cover this in support of the violence, or ignore it entirely. Public opinion will be ruled by racial identity politics that doesn't even save a spot at the table for white people. We will be killed, refused jobs, fall to the bottom of society, and become oppressed beyond all belief, and still be despised. Eventually, we will fade into the annals of history, as "That evil race that we defeated, and washed away into the wind". Nobody will even question it, after all, history is written by the winners.

lmao Sup Forums is a virus

i hope everyone stops being a pussy and fights back if it comes to this

fuck that

It's not the dyslexia, it's the faggotism.

>one line writing prompt one-post
>no source, information, context, argument, logic or content
>give me your reaction
>attempting to inspire doubt and fear

source: your anus. nothing good comes out of there other than my dick

>LA Times
Well, I'm convinced.

yea CTRs plan is to show how crazy their shilling has gotten.

The rub comes when there are not many white places left to run and the white Cops and National Guard that are left have to live around the diversity they enforce on others. Diversity is only fun if you are a Slave Master or don't have to live near large numbers of it. The diversity most whites cheerlead is the kind they see on their television and the token level of that is oh so polite and obedient (because it fears what white cops will do to it if it misbehaves.) If the Democucks have not calculated how much more diversity they can flood America with before it turns on them, they had better start doing it now. The diversity doesn't have to be submissive when it outnumbers you and Big Industry, Big Banking, Mainstream Media, Entertainment and Law Enforcement is behind it. If those same elites get a taste of their own medicine, they will change their tunes rapidly. Remember their treachery when they try that.

>The rub comes when there are not many white places left to run

That's when the fun starts and the fight begins. Every animal will lash out when backed into a corner.

You forget that the world would be destroyed if white people were demonized

>What happens if we lose, guys?

Oh no! Some fat greasy communist will never forgive me!

r/politics is controlled by CTR, when Bernie lost the nomination the mod team of r/politics got entirely replaced and the average article went from shitting on Hillary to praising her OVERNIGHT
the hivemind there is dangerous, any conservative opinion will be shadowbanned, don't even try to argue there you're wasting your time

wow cali is that bad?


it just makes me sick they will stoop to these insane tactics. normal people read that shit and think its normal

You can't lose if you don't give up.
Laugh at them when they are cutting off your head!

ah these people will think again once their trust funds are exhausted

There are two people amongst Sup Forums that if they spill their blood on the Earth God will pour out his wrath on the world.

Ever hear of the IRA user?

Pretty much nothing desu.

Even if Trump where to lose in 2020 it's not like the dems are going to have a sudden mandate to round up all the republicans and collect the guns. It will just be another 4 or 8 shitty years like Obama had where the government was all but gridlocked (except for nigger gibs, israel gibs, and big business gibs) where nothing meaningful domestically gets done. They could try to drown us out via mass immigration, but by that time I suspect the onset if automation and its ensuing job losses will make immigration a pretty unpopular issue.

that's how the left is though, they're incapable of actually arguing the logic that motivates their opponents' ideology, they simply have to repeat that they are the good guys fighting an absolute evil and pat themselves for it (circle jerk) over and over and over and over
if you actually look in their comments, it is NOTHING but strawman arguments, personal attacks and red herrings, they are convinced that they're on the "right side of history" as obama would say

luckily i think Sup Forums and the right in general is more convincing because instead of presuming they are correct because they have good intentions, they look at the data, get - rightfully - depressed, then accept that the world is a fucked up unfair place and move on like adults

the left technically can't function without censor

No sheckles for you!

OH WOW OP thanks for showing me this crazy person. Now I know there is a crazy person posting on reddit. Thank you OP.

There's nothing here OP is wasting your time. Hope one of his pets dies or something, I don't think he deserves to die for this, just one of his animals. And I will not forget OP ever, I will hold this grudge forever! I am small child and I will never stop being upset at you!

If we lose then its not like they'll be laughing at us anymore about on how they were right and we were wrong as they'd be getting rammed by the truck of peace or speaking arabic.

>And I will not forget OP ever
no one cares who you are and you will see my posts in every other thread and think im someone else so get over yourself kiddo. you have no power over anyone. literally the most pathetic threat ive ever seen

A glorious death in the field of battle

Listen up, I will hold this grudge forever, a whole lifetime devoted to it. All because of one bad post my friend. And to be honest, I can say for certain that this feeling will never ever ever go away in the foreseeable future.

What can the left do to actually win. The only place that is a lost cause is germany

The nationalism white pill: eradicating nationalism is far harder in the long run than eradicating soft commie liberal globalism. Short term swings in power to utopian ideologies pushed by corrupt hypocrites cannot hold sway over the ideology based on truth for too many generations.

>libs cry about automation
>let's let millions of refugees in you bigot
I honestly can't think of one point libs have that isn't contradicted by another point they supposedly hold


Kek. We regularly beat the entire liberal establishment's intelligence apparatus in the meme war we didn't even realize was going on until the election. They have no hope, and as such will have to resort to blatant rigging, which is going to get found out.

things will get a lot more bloody for the next, who would try.

i feel like we got really lucky though. i bet if we aren't careful we could lose everything and they will try to rig elections again

2020 is going to be a rough election for sure. It's going to be up to us to be vigilant and active in the election process at the local level.

It's funny because THEY think we're the delusional ones for not seeing how Trump is clearly a racist evil idiot crazy sexist Russian-loving family-destroying monster Cheeto.

You think Trump is a nice-enough, imperfect and eccentric billionaire with a good sense of humor and an authentic desire to make America great again? To them you're a fucking lunatic.

We won't be forgotten, our partial skeletal corpses will be paraded through broken rainbow streets forever, the flesh and marrow already consumed by the starving masses. We're Sup Forums, we never had names, only ideas, and those will never be forgotten, even if they're only demonized. But if we lose? We're all dead. You, me, the white race and probably the jewish race outside of israel. most atheists too. Blacks will likely be enslaved again when we're gone.

most of us know we are in a bubble because we actively have to escape from the uniparty bias. these people don't know what they don't know, and it comes off as arrogant ignorance. sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's sad and sometimes it's scary. and the thing is McCarthy was right. just look around at college campuses. and the left has been using a more extreme McCarthyism to pursue Trump-Russian collusion his entire presidency, so stop with the moral bullshit. it's pathetic

>You forget that the world would be destroyed if white people were demonized
And like we've seen in multiple african countries, the world collapsing will be blamed on whitey with no sense of irony.