How can one man be so based?
Based Woods
>americans have to sleep with guns next to them because their country is such a shithole
Forbid her to do it.
Like i said, hire hookers to do it.
>no right to self defense or kitchen knives
t. Muhammed Esquire IV
Kill all democrats.
>Being complacent
>she will never shit in your mouth
>adherents of the NRA
I wish I could have seen her smug ass smile wiped off her face on election day when she realized Trump was going to win. I still kek at the look on her face when Ann Coulter said Donald Trump had the best shot at winning the presidency
This is why i leave my UK flag on, get WAY more (You)s
>he can't buy assault spoons
>brits have to bin knives and spoons because of the dangers in cutlery
>can't shoot or attack their rapists/murderers/thieves because that would be a breach on their intruders rights
I'll take having to kill people than being required to be courteous while being murdered/robbed/attacked.
Democrats are feeding into the demand for more guns:
> import savages
> savages raise crime rate
> sane people feel unsafe
> sane people who buy guns feel safer, and tend to not die from home invasions
> more people buying guns, and wanting to keep them
> mfw all contemporary politics are actually engineered to get people to buy lots of guns, regardless of the dominant party's policy
I'm keeping mine. I don't care what they say.
Have to? No.
Choose to? Absolutely.
Liberty is fucking awesome.
>has a Muslim mayor
>still gets snackbar'd
I don't even know who all these niggerbitches are, but I'm pretty sure they're not even as intelligent as an average housewife, they just are 'somebody' cause they're fucking niggers.
Wow you were right
I should post through a UK proxy lol
I went to Londonistan a couple months ago... holy shit it was like an arab/north african city. Barely any white people. I won't set my foot there ever again.
> bongs get beaten to a pulp from behind by groups of shitskins for literally no reason
Don't ask her, just suck it out like a bong hit
Too easy
>I was only pretending
'soaked and bathed in blood'
It was a mistake teaching everybody to read and write.
>implying i was wrong
James Wood's tweets give me wood..
>NRA adherents
>being arrested for wrong speak
Fuck off bong. Go suck Muhammad's dick some more.
I cant "acid attack" understand why "girl gets raped" Americans would "truck plows through crowd" live in "gets arrested for hate speech" such a shitty country.
>he doesnt like having peace of mind, just the religion of peace
Do brits sleep with jars of acid next to the bed?
>bongs love being cucked
>some muzzie coming into his home raping/murdering his whole family
>tea and biscuits
>part and parcel
Okay now, the other responses just had brainlet buzzwords but this one doesn't even make sense.
oh (you)
>Slave tries to make excuses why he is not free.
Remember to pay that tv license or you're going to jail.