Why the fuck do students chimp out and fucking take a gun to school and fucking kill their classmates? How do we stop this from happening?
>muh bullying
Nigga bullying is fucking alpha as fuck and it weeds out the weak, the virgins from the chads. Also i was a fuckig virgin loner and bullied by chads, but i never brought a fokken gun and chimped out to get revenge. So lets discuss this shit, and will gun control actually stop school shootings? I never really hear about school shootings in europe
How do we stop school shootings?
It was their version of bullying.
They just didn't fuck around.
How many school shootings were there when rifle teams were still commonplace in public education?
Send a letter to CIA and tell them to stop
Replace gym teachers with armed guards.
Armed security or hall cameras with gun mounts in ceiling. Kill any shooter from above while snapping photos. Police can control the cameras and would send a clean up crew while the sentry guns keep the shooters busy.
when was the last time this happened? It's a cliche but seems to be becoming more uncommon. Nowadays it's all lunatics buying ARs and going to any area where groups of people congregate.
Well. I believe it's more of a cultural thing. In japan there are no guns, yet they have young kids cutting down each other to pieces with knives and shit.
If I'm right, guns will only make it more cruel.
And yes, bullying explains to you that the world is not a fair place.
Stop fucking with kids' heads and go back to the way they were treated 50, 60 years ago. Gun control won't stop it.
Can't you see how badly you're screwing up society or are you too stupid or brainwashed?
Ban feminism.
Give teachers the ability to carry in schools. More people shooting back causes more fear for a potential shooter. Schools are good targets because of the large quantity of people in a relatively unguarded location. As a future mass shooter I can tell you that the potential for anyone to be carrying is a major deterrent. In schools they have to rely on police response time to keep them safe. If a shooter knows every teacher in the school is packing he's going to pick another target because the risk vs reward is too tilted. At that point you can't effectively escape or evade.
You'll never be able to stop shootings but you can heavily deter the shooters.
home schooling.
>no commie teachers
>no 6.000.000 brainwashing programs
>As a future mass shooter I can tell you that the potential for anyone to be carrying is a major deterrent.
>As a future mass shooter
you broke the first rule about doing something fucked up, retard
Eugenics is the only way. Prevent mentally ill outcasts from coming into existence and the problem is solved
Arm teachers.
End jewry.
I got beat every day for 14 years for being a different color (granted white kids also saved me a lot too). when i turned 15 i got a gun and started deep throating motherfuckers girlfriends with a 4 inch glock barrel telling them how i was going to scatter their brains the next time i got my ass beat for no reason. they stopped fucking with me completely. Ive been a gun owner EVER SINCE. Had i done this when i was 7 or something i probably would have grown up normal with a nice girlfriend and kids with a better education. I support school shootings. What i dont support is collateral damage and random targets.
You've been warned. If the fed somehow manages to ban AR's I'll go buy one illegally just to commit a mass shooting to make a point. The fact that anyone can own just about any weapon is what keeps me afraid to pull the trigger. More gun control means an easier time for me.
Eat your hearts liberals I'm lurking waiting for you to take the plunge. Ban assault weapons now.
take it easy shadow the edgehog, im sure your mom will be home soon with more tendies
There are already states that banned guns. Just pick one. Pick a real cucky one . Dont aim at cute girls though we can still use those.
If you're serious at least go for high profile targets.
Way too many shooters are wasting their bullets on nameless plebs.
haha this totally happened
>Why the fuck do students chimp out and fucking take a gun to school and fucking kill their classmates?
Good question. Let's ask their (((doctors))).
Change the whole education system - the way kids are educated is archaeic. Anybody with a pulse can subconsciously feel the mental abuse; everybody else is too asleep to notice/give a damn
>bullying is alpha as fuck
>get their faces shot off by the Adam Lanza kids
Nigga wut? If you're gonna act like a chimp, then doe like a chimp. Smartest kids were the ones who were quiet and bolted.
I'm a diagnosed schizophrenic that has 2 strikes, an extensive record of forced hospitalization and a violent streak. The state of Utah knows I'm dangerous but keeps giving me chances. Before I was an edgy teen who got kicked out of school and placed on a domestic terrorist watch list. 16 and my life was already fucked just because I made bombs in my down time. Now I'm 26 living alone and biding my time. I can't get disability because I'm high functioning and can work. Unless I do something drastic. Mental institutions are more comfy than prison and with my past they'll declare me legally insane. It's only a matter of time before I snap and every doctor I see knows it. From the desk of Dr. Thomas Baird "user is an extreme case that must be handled delicately and removed from society. His actions will one day endanger the people around him. His lack of remorse will ensure that he won't stop until he's dead. Recommended police response to even minor episodes."
I'm a ticking time bomb. Just ban ALL guns already.
Im sure the school has the budget for laser guided machine gun turrets the pop out of the wall.
Discipline and lack of respect for authority figures. School and parents used to have a lot more power over kids then they do these days. The decline of that power I really feel is the cause of modern chimping. No fear of consequence. Hierarchical structure goes flat - couple that with some narcissism and you get a power/god complex.
if your really gonna do a mass shooting, do us a favor and use an illegal gun so it doesnt give any ammo to gun control lefties. also why not try to assasinate a high profile corrupt politician or banker like hillary clinton or soros or a rothschild or something. you would actually be enacting your anger on the right person and doing the world a huge favor
now i know you're role playing, just kill yourself then if you hate life so much
> spouts total BS
I re-discovered implosion physics, re-discovered a number of apparently classified software-related technologies, drew pictures of bombs & guns in middle school, and warped an entire classroom full of my peers into nihilists during show & tell with a single spoken paragraph essentially driving home the point that nobody chose to exist. I'm receiving "disability" because I'm a problem. I have no empathy towards authority figures, I own 3 guns, have a mill & late, and haven't killed anybody (and I don't plan to).
I don't think teachers should be armed, but I do think a select few people at every school should be trained be considered the equivalent to Air Marshals. There should be hidden, ultra locked gun closets/safes in schools for these "marshals" to reach for in the event of an emergency. Give me the downsides to this.
death penalty to the parents if their kid goes on a shooting spree
How do we stop girls from sticking sharp pencils in their ears?
"We" don't. And it doesn't matter, since it hardly ever happens. The only time anyone but the
direct family gets involved in mitigating some behaviour is when the direct family is hopeless,
and even then, it should be a one-off.
Stop trying to make the world want a mother, fagit.
Give young people a chance for a future worth living for...
My point: Anyone with the background you describe belongs in an asylum, and will be sponsored by the state in some way. Maybe they _want_ the nutters to go out and shoot people already. That's the impression I'm getting, anyway.
Underrated post.
Close all schools.
That shooting pictured wasn't guys who'd been bullied. They were noted for being violent to other students.
Please don't shoot up a school, we are few enough white people as it is.
Guns are for pussies. Allow the students to fight duels with katanas like real gentlemen instead. I cut off my highschool bully's pinky with my katana, with which I am a master swordsman, and there was never another incident between us. I instantly became known as the school badass and she never bullied me again, nor did anyone else. Anyone who lets themselves get bullied deserves it.
>How do we stop shootings to happen in gun free zones?
Have you ever heard of a successful mass shooting in a gun shop or a police station? Me neither.
Make schools illegal.
>bullying is fucking alpha as fuck and it weeds out the weak
>killing your enemies=beta virgin cuck
>Why the fuck do students chimp out and fucking take a gun to school and fucking kill their classmates?
because our government locks them up in a forced re-education camp for 8 hours a day where they are brainwashed with ZOG propaganda, with only a 30 minute lunch break
I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often
the US public school system is fundamentally, horribly flawed
why stop it? it's always exciting and entertaining.
>not replacing art teachers with rent-a-cops
>govs don't look into poverty, drug abuse
>it's always muh guns, muh music, muh vidya
>People still believe the MSM isn't the bought mouthpiece of the elite
>bullying is alpha
yeah thats what they did, bullied them with guns
peak alpha
>Also i was a fuckig virgin loner and bullied by chads, but i never brought a fokken gun and chimped out to get revenge.
In my case, where they bullied me to the brink to suicide, I always told myself that I wasn't leaving alone.
>Why the fuck do students chimp out and fucking take a gun to school and fucking kill their classmates?
marixst leftist public education
This was a shooting at a black highschool. This story was posted yesterday. The truth is most "school shootings" are in black urban schools where kids both black and white are under the arm of negro gangs. it's a national travesty that these bands of thugs aren't tracked down and dispersed before these things happen. The true nature of the nigger is to form these sorts of gangs. it doesn't matter what country they are in.
Those two are kikes they had journals talking about how they hate goyim
Kikes covered it up cuz muh antisemitism
>Armed security
This, at the high school I went to a fight broke out and one nig pulled a knife on the other. As that happened Tyrone the security guard pulled his piece from his ankle holster and put an end to that shit.
Stop teaching children life is meaningless. Get rid of this atheist popculture-science nonsense.
Get rid of the no-gun-zone laws that made all of these shootings become common place in the US.
Implement safety training and shooting education for children, just as was always tradition in the US before the left took control of everything.
Make it illegal for the media to show a picture of a mass shooter, or state their name.
I'm not saying this would stop all of them but it would dramatically reduce them, at least to pre-1990 levels.
based delaware. who knew
>Saying nigga
>being virgin loner
>using greentext over inb4
Gas yourself, new fag. Sage
ban assault autists
there aren't any school shootings
>have mental illness
>brag about it on internet
i think tumblr is more your forte m8
Wow based annon here.
It's a lefty fag.
The moral degradation of this country contributes . Bullying stems from lack of compassion. Never has there been as many evil shits running around this world than now. This is because of several factors.
1. Parents. The Boom Generation is the most evil generation in history up until now, they infected us with their selfish, mean, only care about now attitudes.
2. Lack of God; Atheism, Faggotry, and Sceince has almost entirely destroyed spirituality. The increased arrogance of man has thrusted people towards individualism. However, we are social creatures. This divide is causing much pain.
To overcome modernity, one must find a relationship with God and root for the betterment of his peers, neighbors, the aged, and the children over himself. Remove selfishness and we would have a lot less mass shootings.
>How do we stop school shootings?
You don't want to hear my solution.
Students can conceal carry and make gun duals legal again, so students can settle the score 1v1.
>This school ain't big enough for the two of us
Bring more firepower. The higher the density of armed people shooting, the lower the casualties and the likelyhodd of it happening again
That too. Schools should be strictly academic. Literature, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science. Fuck foreign languages too.