Fucking hypocrites

Hey Sup Forums just wanted to let you know you guys are a bunch of crybaby hypocrites. You cry about it when non white men date white women, not surprised as white women are by far the best. But, then you guys constantly bash white women, and are obsessed with asian women. Asian women are fucking ugly, and almost as undesirable as black women. Please stop being retards. If you want to "save the white race" stop going for ugly zipperheads.

dont worry only a fraction of pol does that

based leaf

You left out the part where we're not the ones out to socially engineer the extinction of a race

>le Sup Forums is one person
>implying asian race mixers aren't constantly ridiculed here


>Le nobody said that
>I have yet to see it, always praising chinks

>Asian women

stfu you dumb faggot leaf, stop pretending like yellow fever fags are not constantly mocked with eliot pictures and fugly happa pictures.

Ah, i see you're a retard too. Yes, asian women are fucking ugly

They usually aren't. There's whole fucking threads of appraisal with maybe a couple people calling them out. And wow, you're a bit mean! I can assume the salt is still left over from losing both wws

No you retard, only beta faggots go for asian woman and only beta faggots defend them.

Fucking kys canadamutt

My white dad threw out my white work it has nothing to do with girls you self absorbed woman if my white dad is a fucking retard than I don't want retard babies I'll choose elsewhere thank you

José, try that again but in English this time

A fucking Vietnamese thinks he's better than anyone

Don't advertise them you moron. Do you want Vietnamese women to get blacked?

You are projecting. The whole point of this thread of yours was to feel superior.

coincidence ?


Fuck my sides


They're called monkeys, nobody hires them and they can't move here to live off the system.
No worries.

>you guys constantly bash white women

Yes we have some mgtow faggots and /r9k/ fedoras who cant into women, or wont

>obsessed with asian women

Yes there are some yellow fever faggots, but we also have shills that deliberately make racemixing threads to shit up the board. Lurk more faggot.