Taylor Swift did nothing wrong

Are they trying to turn Tay into a white supremacist? This looks like the PewDiePie situation all over again. Are they doing it on purpose, or are they really this stupid?

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How can they be so overtly racist? Why is there no outrage from whites in America? When will people get tired of this?


When will she accept she is an Aryan goddess and leave the (((music industry)))?

they're going to make her be publicly blacked soon if she doesn't get married to a nice white man

Don't do a damn thing, you dumb bitch.

this is her current bf btw

i hope she stays with him, their kids will look cute

It's just a hunch but I think she'll marry an American man. I doubt she spends much time "dating" any of these men the tabloids claim she's dating.

>aggressively white

Niggers hate Taylor Swift, so kikes push lies and slander to ruin her brand

Well I mean she does have all those Nazi quotes....

>aggressively white


>Aggressively white

But seriously, she needs to realize that not singing about dick bicycles in 2017 makes her a hardcore nazi.

I just hope she settles soon because she's almost dried up isn't she?? 28+ at this point, and she said she wanted 10 kids.

>Agressively white

The jew cries out in pain as he stabs you in the back

taylor's a tranny

>When will people get tired of this?
It's already happening. We have a large, active, far-right movement in America today. That has never been the case before.

Why can't Taylor Swift into communism like a good white woman?

Why are you quoting Buzzfeed everytime ?

>aggressively white
Hitler was aggressively white. Taylor Swift makes innocuous pop music about her boyfriends
These fucking people

Average Taylor Swift fan is a 14 year old white girl with conservative parents. Being apolitical just makes good business sense for her. Besides, maybe she really doesn't care about politics. We don't need every celebrity to be a political voice. That often does more harm than good.

There's no way she's not liberal anyway.


One of her albums is called 1989 so yeah I think she must be 28. Honestly how much can she possibly care about continuing her pop music career at this point? She's not getting any bigger.

liberals are eating eachother. White women are the next targets on their list

I'm not one of the white supremacist Sup Forumstards and IDGAF about this, I just want to comment webm-related.
>Tay Tay wn crop your testicles

Alanna Bennet is a high yellow nigger. somebody like Taylor Swift will always be hated by a creature like that. Taylor Swift is just being a smart businesswoman. why get political and piss off potential fans. nigger women will always hate her because she is every thing they wish they were

>>aggressively white

Jesus save us all.

she is 27

There'll be a war on taytay considering she refuses to express any political opinion, and doing so, appears to confirm what she's accused of, that is being a nazi because that's what all aryans are.

She'll become the aryan goddess we always wanted and there's nothing to stop it.

Surprise: She's mix-raced and very uncomfortable around whites.

Aggressively white? Mother fuckers went ape shit when Katy Perry had dreadlocks for a silly music video.

I'd have sex with her, but she is no Tay-Tay

28 by 2018
she's cool tho hope she finds a nice white man soon

>aggressively white

hooo shit they jelly as sheeeiiiit
they want her to speak so they can create 56 more bait titles criticizing her
she doesn't speak
45 more click bait titles "why isn't she speaking"
i respect her a lot for sticking to what she wants
insert clip of that ugly cunt what's her name katy perry having that weird live dinner show talk that was so fucking cringeballs
holy shit what a good 30 months we've had


> aggressively white
please shoot whoever wrote this

yep thats an ugly liberal nogg

There's the media at it again. Destroying personalities who don't align with their agenda.

If Germany had won WWII would all women look like Taytay?

God damn I fucking wish Hitler killed every last jew

i have sandy hair but not as light as this guy and my eyes are gray not blue
my face is less round and amorphous too
also his eyes look off? or just me?

so much this

Oh wow, I thought she was white and self-hating, based on that other picture, but she's actually racist towards another race

ant and dec have fallen from their thrones as two guys standing off to the side of a stage

if you're white that's absolutely degenerate. if not have it


>tfw I will never have Taylor Swift as a girlfriend

Alanna looks like the embodiment of basic black bitch with an afro/womens studies diploma along side her discount journalism degree. She represents everything wrong with Buzzfeed's racist social justice clickbait bullshit.

Aryan goddess

nice tits tay
also, isn't it foul how these people appropriating her name for meme accounts on twitter (including homocommie evil goblins microsoft) are all so degenerate? that "swift of security" is the weakest fucking nigger on twitter, what a piece of shit
and tay microsoft's ai was clearly trying to absorb some namespace

I was reading the comments and teenage white girls are pissed, looks like we win again

they must be really stupid do they want her to blackface to look less white
>Aggressively white

A half niglet gets her panties in a twist because Taylor Swift is a traditionally beautiful white woman. Mulattoes are the most hateful.

What else is new?

>"not built for 2017"
>Posted on November 10, 2017
>has some of the highest view counts on Youtube
>is loaded af

Jew tricks, always.

stop the nazi meme shit you kike
nazis are leftist
nazis are pedos - raped and murdered hundreds of thousands of kids and babies
nazis are jew puppets
you don't need nazi memes to "be a tough nationalist" - rancher memes and steel worker memes are better
nazis are leftists
nazis are commies
the nazis and the "antifa commies" were both on the same side running the shop
WWII didn't push the frankfurt school to america
frankfurt school pushed WWII to america
they came up with it
they orchestrated it
((((((they)))))) holocausted the jews
they created holocaust denial
they run the holocaust publishing houses
they run the media
they paid for the trump dossier
there is a direct, living line of connection between the frankfurt school, the nazi-"anti"nazi movement and the dirty old pedo jew PAUL SINGER
and all the britfags are sucking jew dick like christopher steele - is that even a real identity, i mean come the fuck on, guy probably has a strain of aids that is directly linked to jew tribes - jews are mulatto (jarab) rape babies of arab niggers raping whites.
that's all
dirty evil fucks
imagine generations of rape slaves
all that mental illness

race mixers are the worst scum on earth, maybe worse than pure niggers.

Taylor swift is my role model. Aside from the the stupid feminism thing, of course.

that usually explains it all. but don't forget in the US niggers can't be racist, so they're free to say whatever they like.

2/10 b8, Moishe

Taylor Swift is a MTF tranny

>he doesn't realize she's making fun of that culture
have you ever seen a clip of hers?
it's pretty obvious, maybe you're just a little slow.

>tfw I actually know her dad and grew up in the same neighborhood as her and ~ the same age. I actually think there is a minuet chance of ending up running into her and hitting it off.
Too bad shes taller than me. It'd never work

we need to meme more celebrities into "alt-right idol status"
Ryan Gosling?

i'm done

>aggressively white
I like it.

he's the obvious choice

He has a kid with a Mexican.

>what is freezing eggs

She's tried to hide her relationship with him though and still doesn't talk to him to magazines

>the jews are attacking people just for being white
white nationalist victory is inevitable now.

that doesn't excuse his blatant white supremacy

She's into memes.

What's your favorite Swift meme?

It's because mostly, Sup Forums is filled with idiots these days.
So you have multiple people blowing their load explaining every single plan non stop, rejoicing over potential butthurt, and worshipping celebs that appeal to the perceived board culture - all while leftist journalists and their interns lurk basically 24/7.

So they are forcing her hand and making her disavow white nationalism because she hasnt so far, and it would be a cultural victory. Also, if she does have center or right wing beliefs, they are able to expose and attack her for it.
All she has to do is ignore this kind of shit and keep making music. Fuck this generation of children that have been indoctrinated into thinking they have the mental ability to add to the political debate as if they are not brainlets following a herd in any given direction.

she's definitely /ourautist/

jesus if thats not cyber-fash idk what is

They ate using a classic move of subversion.

>say slander and hearsay, artists defends this thought showing some admittance by trying to "cover it " up.

She took the bait now she is f'd

>nazis are pedos - raped and murdered hundreds of thousands of kids and babies

they're pissed because she refuses to get involved politically. and from her standpoint, it is absolutely the most rational thing to do. why would someone with no political experience or knowledge make an unqualified political statement? she doesn't want to manipulate her young impressionable fans, and i don't give a fuck about taylor swifts shitty music but i honestly find her behavior here very admirable and full of integrity.

show us your flag, this is terrible bait

>my favorite internet meme
XDDD My favorite meme is le feeling man. And le sad frogge.

>So you have multiple people blowing their load explaining every single plan non stop
nice irony

dude, she's keeping it safe for the normies. she's been browsing Sup Forums for at least 7-8 years. I would be very surprised if she didn't browse Sup Forums as well.

she stays inside alone A LOT and browses redpilled stuff.

She's cute tho.


chill out man, go suppress independence in Catalonia or something

I'm guessing this is the fat cat meme.

Dat from fuhrer

>Haha I like sending people pictures of this cartoon frog
>It's just an image of a funny frog and they call me a white supremacist on all my alt twitter accounts.

STD guaranteed

It's an old Sup Forums maymay

I sometimes forget that there are actually people who write like this unironically.

Hitler wasn't even aggressively white, he was aggressively German. I wish his was aggressively white

t. jealous anglo


How new are you?

>marxist media will make the memes become real
Heil to the Queen !

Madonna is still around. Of course Swift has a dozen more hits and most likely writes her own.

>his oneitis is Taylor Swift
I don't know if I should feel bad for you or be jealous

this picture blows my mind. never seen so many blonde people in one picture

I noticed it too and therefore didnt actually explain the process and in depth anything
But I suppose you're one of the brainlets that missed that

>hollywood stealing cyberfash aestheticism
not sure if I want this

This is insane.
Left, dark and I can see through this liberal-SW bullshit a mile off.

I guess Taylor isn't playing the game - Would love to see just how much kike money she has behind her.

The less she has and the more money she makes the fiercer the attacks.
That and SJW have to moan about something.