Sexy Thick Girl Stands in London Street for One Hour. Alone
all nonwhite
really makes you think
She seems to friendly. Why would she let mudskins touch her?
>one hour
Anybody that believes this should be euthanized
Pick one.
Woahs shes dressed like a whore and shitskins treat her like one....who woulda guessed...
>all shitskins doing the molesting
I would rub my fucking dick in that booty too 2bh
I'm masturbating right now
call me a prude but maybe she should wear some more clothing
Yeah. White men are pussies and deserve to be wiped out.
>only shitskins
>white man will be blamed for this
>that closeup
No one had the money
If you unironically believe this you should fucking move to Saudi Arabia
i cant wait. hopefully its sooner than later. i cant stand my pussy beta self. come kill me niggers
shut it down that's rayciss
Dress in degeneracy, get degeneracy.
Just like the NYC video, no whites doing the harassing
First one, fine, but this is too much, she's almost naked there. Still doesn't excuse the niggerish behaviour and the phone filming, literally for what purpose? I don't get it, like there isn't enough porn material on the internet.
What does this even prove?
>going after mates
No wonder whites are getting outbred
political politeness
Whores, niggers, wiggers.
Where are all the white people?
What I got from the video is that the reason why men are perverts nowadays is because women are immodest.
Give them an inch, they will take a mile.
>girl in yoga pants
>men ask to touch it
These losers have never seen a thicc in yoga pants b4?
God putin needs to nuke London. Might be the only thing to save Britain.
I really don't get the obsession with fat asses these days. But then again I'm white and older than most of the people here and I kinda know how she will age over time.
Videos like these are perfect allegories for whats happening in Europe. The continent is a sacrificial lamb and the immigrants are the wolves, make more videos like this in hopes of redpilling women on who the real monsters are. Shitskins are a scourge.
>unarchived or hooktubed youtube link
Sage all bots. No one-line writing prompt can be legitimate content. A shill is anyone who writes like a shill.
>Where are all the white people?
its london what do you expect?
London or Zimbabwe? can't tell
kys Mohammed
> A lot of shitskin and niggers
Yea, that's what I expected from Londonistan
>baiting boon behavior for Youtube hits.
>it ends with a photo of her in a bikini sticking her ass out next to her Instagram account so more people can go and ogle her for free
Yeah I'm getting mixed messages here. Also the guys walking past and checking her out with a quick double take and then carrying on hardly constitutes harassment.
rape that westerner bitch
more like:
>female put into a real life monkey cage SHOKING MOST BRUTAL PRANK
Fuck Jewtube and fuck you faggot
This is diversity welcome to diversity
>the only british white guys in the video are a soy boy and inbred man trying to muster up the courage to politely ask her on a date, only to pussy out
>the rest of the men are brown
Well, I can't say I'm surprised.
grr fucking shitskins.
it would be much better if there were only white guys in the video hitting on her.
You're supposed to point out that it's fucking shitskins harassing her, cuck.
The channel owner is a muzzie he probably got off on it too
White girls are obsessed with black/brown men in the UK
Every last degenerate faggot who encourages these nigger-level fatasses on women needs to be shot.
Ooga booga! *smacks lips*
They look like prostitutes.
Are any of the reactions a surprise?
What's the point here?
Not gonna bother watching the clickbait video. But if the conclusion is that men find women sexually attractive all I can say is "no shit Sherlock" if men werent programmed to find women attractive then the human race would literally not fucking exist.
>not liking a juicy ass and thick thighs
What are you gay?
>what it looks like when a "nice guy" touches you
And that place is a multicultural shithole.
Its London, there are few whites left in those areas of London.
you don't have girls there
Can someone explain to me what is so "degenerate" about her oufit?
She is wearing yoga pants and a T-shirt. Literally nothing wrong with that.
What should she be wearing?, a fucking burka?
GTFO faggots
No whites. My response:
t. small dick white boy
t. mong mallsharter.
I can wait for the day we whites rise up and get rid of all the Jews, shitskins, and other degenerates from our country.
catalonia shall burn degenerate scum
You could literally bodypaint yoga pants and legitimately not tell the difference.
>implying there is nothing between yoga pants and a burka
Daily reminder that if you think this way, you deserve the feminist hysterical plague.
The same thing I mistakenly expected in Paris. I'm not sure if it's a concerted effort by Hollywood or just general American naivety that makes us think European big cities are like they are in movies.
Remember when stockings used to be something that was only acceptable to wear underneath other clothing and not on its own?
I guess my oldfag is showing.
I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not going to complain about (attractive) women wearing skin-tight pants around. But you're deluding yourself if you don't consider them revealing and inappropriate.
it's straight white peoples fault that she was molested by homosexual minorities
>ITT white beta males get upset that brown men have the testosterone to approach white women while they are too afraid to even say hello
Why get upset? Go out there and do the same.
also that girl in the video is a useless attention seeking whore. Only worthless shitskins would even give her attention. She should be imprisoned for dressing like that
That will be the day.
Never been to london ever and this makes me depressed
they are revealing, clothes that cling to the skin are revealing, people who think that it's wrong to point that out are letting women set the discourse, they know what they are doing
They're so tight she may as well not be wearing anything.
A good test is something is too slutty or not is would you be ok with your daughter wearing it?
And you do realize there is a massive middle ground between wearing thot uniform and a burka, right?
>thot stands alone in Londor for hour
>everyone is a muslim
>only one white guy and he looks a bit inbred
Hm sounds about right to me.
do you also have a decapitated corpse in your bathtub and a pile of cocaine in your draw?
>I dressed and stood like a whore on a street corner for one hour
>Men tried to pick me up like I was a whore on a street corner
>fucking sexist pigs #notoslutshaming
Is it autism?
She looks like a prostitute and is just standing on the corner. This is so dumb, this would be like standing in the hood with a stack of money in your hands then being surprised that you get robbed.
> Only worthless shitskins would even give her attention.
That's because white men have lost their masculinity. White men don't approach anyone and you faggots wonder why women are race mixing more often
part of autism is seeing everything in black and white terms user, which is why we have this debate every time someone points out a slut on Sup Forums
It's not that, it's that the blame from feminists/the media will be lain squarely at the feet of ALL men instead of the real culprits, thus enabling more feminst control of our society/government.
> Dress like a whore in a place full of niggers
Sexual harassment is not the worst that could happen. If she was standing there at night when less people are around, a group of niggers would have raped her.
I mean
Even if she was wearing jeans or a dress her ass would still be pretty much visible
>If we all behave like animal nigs we win!
It goes beyond that
>White guy asks white girl to display herself like a whore on the corner of the street
>Girls accepts it
Yeah don't do this. Cold approach never works, you will be rejected (Sometimes HARD) get some female friends and have them hook you up with their friends.
It shouldn't.
I've been there many times and it's fucking hell.
Awful place, there's barely anyone English left there!
Does anyone else get that sinking feeling knowing this is in Europe....the homeland of white people, where we evolved and came to be....London for fucks sake, so much rich, interesting and noble anglo culture came from there and this is what's it's become, a city that's 13% black and rising......
dat ass.jpg
it's just a prank
Look like a whore, get treated like a whore.
>white low test bois cant appreciate a nice ass
better eat more soy.
dear britcucks.... you stupid faggots make me soooo ashamed to be english, when will u guys stop being beta faggots and man the fuck up..
your such beta faggot cucks u probably get off to this video watching shitskins harass english women, fucking pathetic
fucking subhumans all of them
destroyers of a nation
then a random cuck
how many fucking muslims
glad one fat balding homoturd footie cunt at least made an appearance
utter faggotry, the post
Your cuck ancestors fought against the only white ethnostate to ever exist.
she is just asking to be raped dressed like that.
dressing like a jezebel whore is not acceptable.
she's one ugly bitch, and she gets aroused by all the attention
a thicc ass is all this jewish bitch has going for her
Fuck thats a nice ass. 10/10 would eat like chocolate ice cream