Jews privately own the Federal Reserve Bank and create cash out of thin air when they make loans to the government, then they get it all back when the loan is payed. What gives? Why hasn't this ponzi scheme Jew scam been shut down?
Jews privately own the Federal Reserve Bank and create cash out of thin air when they make loans to the government...
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>muh jOOoz
how come it ain't the vatican that owns it?
i have an arduino
There are 9 banking families, all Jews, that privately own the Federal Reserve Bank.
Because people don't know. Most folks have no clue how the banking system works.
cause their silver shorts havent collapsed yet. PHYISICAL SILVER IS THE ONLY WAY TO KILL THE BANKS. FUCK OFF WITH (((BITCOIN))), its TOTALLY controlled.
ask JFK oh wait
No they're not. Just stop. How many fucking times have we heard this?
This is the unironic answer.
they own everything don't school peoples
It hasn't been shut down because the AMERICAN MILITARY is the strong-arm of the JEW.
Where have you been your whole life?
>not reading about more and more countries, world powers included, teaming up to ditch the dollar.
Thats because the US is going to make a new currency you mongoloid.
Fuck cryptocurrency. It's even more worthless than fiat. All it takes is a power outage and all your transistor settings, I mean "money," are gone.
Who's gonna use it? Just us? The Texans will start shooting before the dollar is replaced.
I like this. Spread it.
Bitcoin is now high enough that if a significanf fraction of holders bought silver, it would blow up the paper silver scam, which would blow up the paper gold scam, which would blow up the paper dollar scam, which would blow up the gibs scam, which would blow up the cities, which would blow up America, which would blow up the world!
Can someone post primaryour source corroborated evidence that the banks making up the Federal Reserve system are Jew owned? This is important because shares in the FedRes are exclusively owned by the banks. Also, after a 6% dividend, all the money goes back to the US Government. But a guaranteed 6% return each year is still a lot.
JFK tried to fix this.
This is true :)
Are you fucking retarded? JFK did this befoer.
A total Jew lie. Everyone already knows the truth so give it up, Jew.
"the powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations"
Carroll Quigley [Bill Clinton's Georgetown University mentor], "Tragedy and Hope", page 324.
I want legit economic knowers to redpill me about banking system, if it simply da joos why is no one doing anything about it?
OP just gave you the full truth.
Because good Christian white men have not killed them yet.
this. GOOD. then we'll start anew, like a pheonix from the ashes.
The dividend is a distraction. The real value of ownership is in getting to decide how the money supply will be manipulated and who gets first cut. Trillions can be made on such insider dealings. All goes to benefit the Jews.
oh, the (((stockholders))) of the federal reserve also receive 6% per annum, come rain or come shine.
It's a (((fair))) system for you american plebs
>Why hasn't this ponzi scheme Jew scam been shut down?
how ready are you for war??? thats the real question. All post-modern wars and currency wars.
They probably wire a few million fake dollars to peoples accounts to pay them off to keep the Ponzi going. Not like they had to work for the money to bribe politicians with. They shazaam, created it out of thin air.
I am poor. But I have a LOT of silver and a smattering of gold. Should I buy more silver?
>shares in the FedRes are exclusively owned by the banks
Cool, so they were finally audited and we have those details?
"Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins is the definitive piece with which to begin research into the subject of (((Federal Reserve Bank))) ownership.
Why shut it down when we can make our own money printing scam
*dowloads bitcoin*
>Should I buy more silver?
Can you eat it? Are you in a place where you can protect it and avoid starving mobs?
I haven't bought metals since gold was 1000 and silver was 10. Bought land, guns, ammo, and food (wheat, beans, oats, rice, salt in nitrogen packed 5 gallon buckets).
This right here. It’s like quantitative easing where the cost of the fiat currency inflation is felt down stream and those with access upstream reap enormous gains and benefits.