Central Europe Thread

Poles, Germans, Austrians, Czechs, Hungarians and Slovaks are welcome ITT.

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Guten tag
Dobry deń


I thought that Germoney are west europe.

Vistula draws a border between west and east.
Czech Republic, in Poland Poznan, Gdańsk, Wroclaw, Kraków, Warszawa - west
Lublin, Białystok, Rzeszów, Ukraine, Belarus - east

there is no central europe, only east and west, and poland is eastern europe. dont be ashamed of who you are

blood draws a border between west and east

is that a nilfgaardian knight

not rly, dimitri

Literally forgot about the country in the center of europe kek.

nilfgaardian golden sun



what's up?


The Lith of Uania

hejjaa :))) czesc

I am so tired of our 'german' politicians pressuring other countries to take refugees. Please resist that bullshit at all costs.

everything that is in Witcher is based upon slavic mythology/tradition/history
this is how knights from Sandomierz in the 14th century used to look like

Oh ffs it's a horsenigger thread



at this point it is literally impossible that we/huns/austrians/czechs would accept a single fucker
anyway, lots of them get welfare in germany and then go to poland, I’ve noticed more and more of those subhumans in Warsaw

>Germany, Austria
>Central Europe

nice try Poorlack

I saw a lot of niggers in the warsaw bazars and next to vietnamese shops. Can't you make them 'disappear' somehow? They tried to sell me a fucking machete and an actual gun, I am not even joking.

You mean an "American Colony Thread"

What kind of gun?

Im silesian, actually.

I don't care. Germans and Austrians are worlds apart from us

strange, when I was there last time didnt see any nigger


These are also people. The same as you are. How much can you be so mean?

You think I asked? They tried to pull me into a small sub-section of the bazar, I noped the hell out of there.

iron curtain, maybe?

check'd and saved

History not just iron curtain

They sell jeans and watches and shit like that. Always pestering you into buying something. Vietnamese or whatever work together with them. They have one vietnamese kid stalk you the whole time.

let's talk about the German-menace and how to solve it guys, I think Bavaria and East-Germany can still be saved, but we have to torch the rest and everything west from it.

can any warsawfag confirm this, here??

Does Ireland count as a Polish colony?

only big cities are infected the rest is fine, i guess

I think so. Irish are honorary Pollocks and dishonorary Anglos.

Start with Berlin, Hamburg and Offenbach. The worst of the worst.

Na stadionie dziesięciolecia było ich od chuja, potem kazali im siępoprzenosić i jest ich trochę na bazarach. Ale problemów praktycznie z nimi nie ma.

As a Pole I'm pretty sure nearly every town has a Polski Sklep

na razie

race war when, guys?

I have never been to Berlin, but I only read and hear bad things about it, I sometimes think it can't be that bad, is it really that shitty? I remember reading an article somewhere claiming that it's a failed (city)state. What is it with this city, they had similar problems in the 1920s.

I've heard there's quite a lot of Lithuanians in Ireland too. My uncle lives there. Second most beautiful country I've ever visited. Italy (2011) is first.

I've grown a bit sick and tired of it.
All fields are dark green, everything is hilly and its cloudy and raining all the time

When EU somehow gets Poland to take refugees, maybe by rigging 2020 elections

I can confirm, it is that bad. A friend of mine - a native German, but he grew up in Poland and then decided to study in Berlin (that was 5 years ago) was giving me first-hand relation. Germans should pray for the Polish occupation and Berlin Uprising, so we can turn Berlin into ground zero

The mountains are quite a sight as the steep rocky coasts.


The mountains are quite a sight as *well * as the steep rocky coasts


It is basically under construction everywhere, some parts have almost no germans or white people in general (especially in Kreuzberg, Moabit, Neukölln). Ultra-liberal, full of fags and mudshits and just everything thats terrible. It is also super expensive and not even worth visiting.

For me fuck mountains,
I wanna see flat green plains and sunshine,
oh fuck its Ireland
Same with the coast, I prefer coastline like pomerania

mir gehts genau so

they will fuck us up with ukrainians by that time

what about dusseldorf?

The thing is: Poland takes 1 million ukrainian refugges, germans care bulshit about them even though they are christian and european, they prefer some shitskins who want to end us.

this tbqh. Central Europe aka Mitteleuropa is a German meme

I have never been to Düsseldorf, although it shouldn't be too bad there yet. Every major city is as liberal as california here, so our death is just a matter of time.

guten tag :-----D


not the fucking germans, jews are pushing this shit
still ukrainians are better than shitskins and niggers i guess

>lumping Germany and Austria in with these third world shitholes

Anything thats white

ure right probably

Wut. No shit, real kalashnikov? How do you get this in Poland? I thought it's impossible to buy one in EU.

I think we could get along with Germans.
The eternal anglo will always be the problem though.

Lower Silesia is a Silesia only in name these days, stop larping

the real problem

You would pretty much have to scorch half of NRW and Saarland as well.

Poles and Czechs, would you agree with the following:
There can never be a strong union between Germany and its (eastern) neighbours because of resentment from Germany's invasions of its neighbours.

I want to get closer to you guys, but I have the feeling that there can never be true friendship, because most Poles and Czechs deep down hate Germany. The wealth disparity and Merkel's atrocities certainly don't help.

ure a retard, seriously

lol fucking polecucks you are not central europe and neither are baltics.

i miss ashley every day

I've lived in Wrocław all my life, and have never met anyone who considers himself or herself "Silesian" rather than Polish

Fifth column pls go

all europeans should work together, forget about the past
we wont stand a chance otherwise

Love each other.

u have never been in Silesia, stop larping
im not dividing anyone, im just proud of my heritage
nothing wrong about it

I was looking for that one since my HDD crashed, Dziękuję Ci

Thats true, nowdays we are a bit too small for German elites to respect us and Polish elites knows this well. Therefore our geopolicy is focused on becoming "relevant" enough.

There are few projects and ofc Polish elites would love to have PLC back, this won't happen in the nearest future tho as Russia needs to collapse first (some think tanks says it will happen in 2 years but realisticly speaking lets give them even 10 years) Than countries like Belarus will regain independence and could team up with Poland once again

Second project is V4, together we are more populated and we have bigger trade than for example France, the only problem here is that Czechs and sometimes Slovaks can't make up their mind so This project is still uncertain. Meaby planed expansion of v4 will convince Czechs to stick with us

Three Seas initiative - 2022 when we switch to non russian gas/oil that will be cheaper, many countries will start benefiting a lot from this project and it will push this countries to support this project as much as possible

If Germans would create "2 speed eu" they willl basicly make V4 way way stronger and we will benefit from it

So, all we have to do is to succeed in one of this projects and than whether Germans like it or not they will have to threat us way better than they even threat their puppet france

Also - as long as we are friends with Americans (and in 2022 we will seriously boost american economy buying their energy) we don't have to worry about german agression

The object of NATO, said General Lord Ismay, its first secretary general, was “to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down”

oh and 1 more thing, in 2022 the changes that will happen will piss off not only russians but also germans as they won't have such a cheap gas/oil anymore

There is no "central europe" lel, former commie states are eastern europe, case closed.

90% of eastern european men regularly buy sexual services from prostitutes. That how you can recognise an eastern european from a western european.

I think you're too optimistic about Russia collapsing anytime soon. Would be nice though.

Putin can't rule the country forever. It really is possible that local oligarchs will try to balkanize russia to get more power for themselves.

Proof or didn't happen. Central Europe got least HIV cases in Europe.

croatia BTFO

I'll be in Prague and Budapest next month - any places I need to check out?

Polish power fantasies are always funny. Its hilarious how you want czechs and slovaks to give up their own intresses and start to be polish bitches. Russia its not going anywhere. Its more likely that fake country of belarussia will be intregrated more into Russia when lukashenka gets offed.


Prague is a tourist trap.
You are better off visit Plzeň or Brno.

>Its hilarious how you want czechs and slovaks to give up their own intresses and start to be polish bitches.
>implying their interests don't align with the rest of us
>implying massive nigger cheap slave influx and the loss of culture and power to foreign banking circles is in their interests

Croatia, Romania and Serbia could join us too, just like other countries nearby if they see the light and are ready to fight for their own interests. Selling your future for marbles is a retarded thing to do, being corrupted and puppeted by a neoliberal cabal isn't really the interest of any country here.

Shut up russian shill, your posting this in every thread .....

What said. Brünn (Brno) has got to be Czechia's most beautiful city, you just have to visit it.

Althought you can expect some balcks there since fucking erasmus thing.
They are all from France.
Also you might hear a bit of slovak there aswell since Slovak students can study in Czech Republic just like Slovakia, not paying for anything etc.

There is no forgetting the past.
Forget where you come from and you will never know where you are headed.

It will end up with polish shits trying to domineer others just like before.

Polish victim triggered is always hilarious. You really are biggest niggers of europe.

They have their we wuz moment,because Trump gave them a pat on the back.
It will pass.

Vadik, take your shit thaughts back to russia, no1 even threat russians as europeans.

I haven't seen that many niggers, especially not in comparison to Austria.
My Czech isn't that great, so I wouldn't have noticed the Slovaks, isn't the language quite similar anyway?
The loveliest memory I have from the trip besides the gorgeous architecture is a bunch of white kids playing at a fountain in the center of the city. I haven't seen something like this in any bigger city in Austria since a long time ago.

Pozdravljeni in dober večer. Have a mountain pic.

Polish people are honestly only ones from europe that are routinely extreamly dislikable of all people I have interacted with. Their we wuzzing has been going constantly from 95s when I first had displeasure to see that polish shit. They are same time crying about how they are victim in every situation and should be given special treatment and conpensations. While at same time they jerk on powerfantasies we wuz PLC and how they should controll all eastern europe. Its textbook behavior of hypocrite sjws.

Ivan see this is one of the reasons why everyone hate ruskies.

You are a parasite who keeps shilling 24/7 for few $

All you do is bitch and divide and conquer because you are aware that your time is over...

Your gov don't even have money to pay people in the eastern russia. Some people are being paid with vodka and toilet paper ....

Who is we wuzing than ? ITS YOU AND UR SHIT COUNTRY

Yeah it is similiar, very similiar. We can basicly understand each other.
But there is quite a difference in speech and dialect. Czechs always have that "higher voice" at end of the sentence while we have it on start of it.