Where does one even begin to find a girl who isn't a huge slut these days pol? University culture has ruined everything, not even modern day churches are completely safe from their influence.
Conservative qt
Church, obviously.
they arent any different boyo
you will find her when you are ready to. Keep improving yourself, keep improving your community and keep asking girls out, she will find you eventually.
>when you have enough social capital, whore will flock you in the prospect that you sustain their asses
wow, so based
Find someone shy or religious or who used to be fat and lost weight.
yes, so weed out the whores and find the right girl
Just go to a Sup Forums meet up and dom a lad into being a trap for you
Women will always be women. You're hunting for bigfoot OP.
I don't mean the fag friendly churches like the one you are allowed to attend.
try a community college, sure there are dumb people there but a good chunk are pragmatic, unspoiled girls who are trying to make their way honestly
I've been to a few and usually the most conservative ones are filled to the brim with senior citizens, but I suppose that's just because of my location.
How? They all operate on the same hardware.
Why did you post a picture of a tranny?
Well, everybody know this, but american culture is now so feminist that saying that is part of the "redpill"
isnt that Dolly Little ?
Try the military. Sure there are barracks skanks a plenty, but you'll find some diamonds in the rough. Conservative and red pulled on the real ways of the world.
Go foreign, go young, or go home.
>slow period at work, nothing to do
>talking to one of my coworkers the other day
>she asks if I'm more liberal or conservative
>hide power level, say I lean conservative
>"good. I can't fucking stand liberals and their bullshit."
>Women will always be women. You're hunting for bigfoot OP.
Not entirely wrong. The way to have a conservative gf or wife is to convert them. Does not matter where they start. Be strong, be a man, lead. Own her, physically and emotionally. Do not give into her games. All women will change their opinions to suit a strong male.
>hiding power level to the point where you just say you 'lean' conservative
You have to act at least libertarian-tier if you ever want to politically impact your peers. And if you are only that right-wing, you have nothing to hide.
>tfw i want a conservative gf but also a dominant one
i will commit suicide
I don't think you'll find one answer for that, op. I'm a conservative girl and I don't even know tbqh. The best way to go about it is probably to talk to girls you think are cute about politics and see if they agree, as both conservative and agreeable girls are wife-tier.
And behavioral software. You sort them by the hymen and by the less whory displays and more submissive mindset.
Fuck off new fag
Unless you're a pathetic loser your woman will conform to your political views. Just be confident. My wife used to be a liberal retard because her sister is a hippie but once we started dating she's adopted my political views. Women seriously want you to tell them what to think. They're happy if they have a man to tell them what to think. No joke
Shut up Kate
if you want a tradicional girl make enought money so he hasnt need to work and your nexxt generation will at least raise acorgingly
get testosterone lvls checked. Wanted the same thing turns out had low t. Have trt, want normal women.