The left can't me-
The left can't me-
This, keep up the work comrade!
This is not the left memeing, this is Euros banting with the Americans.
And they look like Brazilians to me.
Leftist wouldn't like the implied racism of this meme though.
This isn't a meme.
It's true. Americans are not white and need to be treated as mongrels.
Lefties don't make racist memes, genius.
This ain't lefty, this is Euro.
time to pray to mecca Mohammad
that's a false flag bro. we did it to trigger normies and civnats. same thing with BBC posting
The average leftist unironically believes that mixed race people are more attractive.
Sorry, but we're not racist. We just hate Americans and white people.
Not in public they wouldn't, but this is /leftypol/ doing their divide & conquer thing so they don't give a fuck
Yuropiss just spam it because they are insecure Europe is going to have American tier demographics by the end of the century.
Yes goyim keep posting those divide and conquer meme, when I hear 52% and white flight I picture Europe's biggest and most relevant cities.
The biggest redpill of all is old photos of Brazil, when they were white.
Everyone should learn from mistakes of others, not mock their failure.
They turned countries like Brazil into mongrel shitholes and flat removed Rhodesia from existence. Now they are expanding those practices even further, but idiots think "banter" is more important when the exact same shit is being implemented globally.
>[generic statement cut off by a dash]-
>commie flag
is this a new meme? who else here is filtering OPs with communist flags?
>I picture Europe's biggest and most relevant cities.
Let's compare that to American cities.
>all it took to destroy Sup Forums was one MS paint drawing
>tfw your echo chamber stops supporting socialism so you resort to spamming cartoon golins
>The left can't me-
Why do they make racist memes?
>Sorry, but we're not racist. We just hate Americans and white people.
And that is why you are suggesting that mixed people are sub human? I understand that this is disrupting Sup Forums and that people are getting pissed, but how is that helping you accomplish anything? Is the only way forward for you to disrupt us? Who would then push forward your political solutions? The establishment? Is that really what you are, the shock troops of the establishment? You don't make any sense whatsoever.
yes keep deflecting goyim yuropeaons have no problems of their own...
Our white homeland is slightly whiter than a 500 year old colony.
>the left won't justify the means by the end
I think it's our problem that we're too ethical
>Our white homeland is slightly whiter
99% of left wing memes were made by Sup Forumsacks to trigger other Sup Forumsacks
America is a prosperous white nation
Why do commie flag posters bait so terribly? Its not even fun to larp with you faggots.
Brazil was always like this, but I guess, with time, mixage became acceptable. I don't really think this is a XX century thing here.
>500 years of shitskins
>30 years of shitskins
I don't know user, this is a though one.
>thinking a meme is merely a .jpg documetn
We are way beyond that point in memetics, son
Wouldn't be so sure about it, the recent MASSIVE influx of such attacks on both sides rather hint at a coordinated effort, most likely by leftists trying to divide and conquer. They know about national fault lines and hit it accordingly. If they can piss off a few people to not visit Sup Forums anymore due to this, they are already satisfied. And they give a shit about racism or sexism, it's as if you don't know leftists are total hypocrites. They treat negroes and women like retarded children just as well, additionally to anti-white racism and anti-male sexism. And then turn around and creep on some women to score some feminist pussy by posing as an ally etc.
They are a disgusting bunch with absolutely NO qualms about using the lowest of low attacks.
>i dont like this meme for calling me out as a shitskin mongrel so its leftist!
Basing whiteness on arrest record mugshots? Could you get any more shilly?
Nice false flag burger
You are clearly larping as a commie trying to make this a leftypol meme so people stop posting it
Kill yourself
Why do you do this thing with the star? I've seen the occasional orthodox kike shill that can't say god without using that star, but why this?
Are there any actual whites left in Brazil? I heard there were German communities and what not in the south. Are there any pure Portuguese descendants left?
>If they can piss off a few people to not visit Sup Forums anymore due to this, they are already satisfied
their mistake. almost every regular 4/pol/ poster will already know about alternative imageboards with a more serious, more radical nazi presence. Hell, I used to lurk on them before I just got sick of faggot mods stickying everything all the time
But I might go back for a while and then what happens? More nazism? Probably.
Countries in yuropiss are literally 70% of their own nationals. Paris, London and many other cities are practically mostly nonwhite but better keep ignoring my own problems and defecting it to Americans. You know keep pretending their is no problem, millions of immigrants having babies while pasty ass faggot germans die out with 1.6 birthrate. By the end of the century your country will have american tier demographics and there is nothing any faggot pasty ass yuropiss can do about it.
>piss off a few people to not visit Sup Forums anymore
>tfw Sup Forums memes may help clear out the Reddit cancer.
>stealing Sup Forums memes and claiming them as your own
''le 56%'' face is a Sup Forums meme
but that image is taking the piss out of shitskins though
So funny to see all the porkies getting triggered over a stupid /leftypol/ meme.
Leftypol sure seems to be out in force today, so remember to sage all bait/slide threads. At least we have the decency to not raid back at their shitty little board every week.
Meh I post on r/conspiracy occasionally. The whole Reddit hate is getting goofy as fuck.
The left didn't create this meme or propagate it. This is pure Sup Forums doing what Sup Forums does
This forced meme will die in a few weeks, while pepe, current year man and trump will go down in history, you communist faggot.
Stay there, never come back.
You're unironically admitting that capitalism creates multiculturalism. Nice
>newfags can't into Sup Forums banter
Fucking kill yourselves
Yes, in the south, and spread across the nation. Some whites, some few blacks, lots of mixed people in the middle. Guess the proportion is 25/60/15. I see far more whites than blacks, but mixed people dominate everywhere.
Leftists don't make racist memes. This is a rightist meme sweetie it even started here.
>T_D murimutts trying to make 56% out as a leftie meme
Getting a bit desperate here Johnny boy?
It's not even a new meme. People have been making the 56% joke for a long time.
This is a right wing meme, meant to shame americans for allowing their country to become 56%
Just a backlash from the Europoors meanwhile they ignore Mohammed going balls deep on their girl down the street
Sup Forums being full of mongrels LARPing as Nazis is still funny
Sage for forced D & C meme.
>Sup Forums meme
>the left claims it as their own because they literally cannot meme
why am I not surprised?
33rd degree poster!!
It's actually an Sup Forums meme so you get no credit fag.
t. meme expert
>he thinks it's the left spamming this and not Sup Forums trolling
Capitalism only creates racism, prejudice and oppression towards poc.
A segregated society cannot be considered multicultural at all.
>Divide and Conquer
Literally ONLY Americans call this Divide and Conquer
OP is a shartboy
>Sup Forums isn't l-leftist ;_;
(You) right now
Norway is only 70% Norwegian in 30 years? And you guys think Americans have problems
Wtf this is not a leftshit meme, it's an euro/american bant, probably created by white nationalists.
Brazil was 70% white, you ignorant
now it is 40%
> mocking Mexicans who try to pass themselves off as white or American
> mocking racemixers for creating abominations
Good work, comrade. Stalin would be proud. These creatures deserve to be mocked.
This is internet essence
troll trolling trolls
>40% white
America is 40% white, brazil is 10%. Mixed isn't white, even if it looks attractive sometimes.
I knew /loserpol/ was behind the recent amerimutt spam.
I agree. When Trump lost in Iowa I went on a shitposting spree for 2 days. Around the end of the election I also started stockpiling those Hillary pepe's because I thought I'd get some good mileage out of them.
The left has only 1 tactic. Repetition. Witness forced, artificial repetition of crap memes, just like CNN, Clinton, Dems, BLM, Antifa, etc repeat, repeat, repeat over and over and over and over again shit that doesn't have any organic rhythm rhyme or reason.
This tactic only works on brainlets. Hence the state of the Left in current year. This is why you lose.
youll be one of us soon
>making fun of eurabia since forever is hilarious
>making fun of amerimutts is divide and conquer
and they may end up regretting it
ends justify means
that is the essense of leftism and you know it, shill
>Actually mixed as fuck
Come one now
eurabia is actually real though
>trolling the newfriends who don't understand how Sup Forums works outside of /ptg/
>"you may end up regretting it"
/mlpol/ was the best this board has been in years.
>time to pray to mecca Mohammad
Indeed :^)
That's a pol meme faggot.
That's not a leftist meme, you disgusting piece of filth.
>We're not racist.
>We just hate Americans and white people
What about nigger Americans?
t.proud "redpilled" mong
>implying leftists want to draw attention to mongrelization
back to the gulag faggot
take a look at Sup Forums
that is what Sup Forums is going to end up as
because retards thought it was funny to post trap, fag and cuck shit.
No there was a time where the monkeys stayed in the jungle and only the white people lived in the city.
They think their trolling is so strong that people are filtering out the words.
Brazil is much whiter than you'd expect as a foreigner because we only export the image of our blacks in music, football, carnaval, crime.