Is Spielberg too big to go down?

In 2003 Crispin Glover wrote this essay and really painted a circle around Spielberg, without saying it straight out.

>When Steven Spielberg clutched his Academy Award for Schindler’s List, saying it’s for the “six million,” was he speaking of a quantity of people killed, or the quantity of dollars poured into his bank account?

/ourguy/ ?

Other urls found in this thread:]

Density bump

Dolpinately /ourguy/


And yes, this new Spielberg/Hanks/Streep propaganda movie coming out is the perfect setup for their demise. Praise'm kek let the Spielberg/Hanks accusations come out the day before the premiere! (Streep is already pretty fucked for worshiping Weinstein)

check bump

That would explain why Shia Labeouf is so messed up. Kid was practically attached to him for a number of years.

“The United States has it’s own propaganda, but it’s very effective because people don’t realize that it’s propaganda. And it’s subtle, but it’s actually a much stronger propaganda machine than the Nazis had but it’s funded in a different way. With the Nazis it was funded by the government, but in the United States, it’s funded by corporations and corporations they only want things to happen that will make people want to buy stuff. So whatever that is, then that is considered okay and good, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it really serves people’s thinking – it can stupefy and make not very good things happen.” – Crispin Hellion Glover

isnt shia jewish?

even jews get diddled?

Jews systematically rape their own kids and cover it up.

>During his childhood, he accompanied his father to meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous. LaBeouf has also said he was subjected to verbal and mental abuse by his father, who once pointed a gun at his son during a Vietnam War flashback

that's rough

>Did DreamWorks, the megacorporate entity co-owned by Steven Spielberg, consider paving over the last remaining wetland in Southern California to create a studio? Does Steven Spielberg feel comfortable emasculating the natural? Is climbing the Alps, or is riding the Matterhorn rollercoaster in Disneyland, more attractive to Steven Spielberg? Is the theme park mentality of our culture, which is made to feel “right” and “moral” by the propagandizing movies of Steven Spielberg, helping to destroy individual thought processes and emasculate what remains of the earth?

>Is it possible that the Columbine shootings would have not occurred if Steven Spielberg had never wafted his putrid stench upon our culture, a culture he helped homogenize and propagandize?

>Would the culture benefit from Steven Spielberg’s murder, or would it be lessened by making him a martyr? Or would people then begin to realize their lives had become less banal and more interesting due to his departure?

>Because I think it is possible a beautiful piece of non-lingual music could well be written by an angry victim once Steven Spielberg becomes a corpse. It could be that this angry victim of banal and ruinous propaganda will have written an anthem signaling a new era, a new thought process, a new music, and a new culture that is desperately needed in the coming days, and forevermore.

Holy shit.

Crispin Glover is a dead fuck.


According to the fan forum from 2005, the administrator who copypasted this essay claims that Crispin wrote this in 1999

By the way, he was fired from Back To The Future (illegally) for questioning the morality of George McFly's character equating happiness with monetary reward. Zemeckis was so enraged that he broke his contract and replaced him with a Jew.

This is all really interesting, but what the fuck is up with Clowny Clown-Clown?

He ended up suing Zemeckis and Spielberg setting a legal precedent for actors having to do with firing and replacing them. He talks about this in 2013 interview with Opie and Anthony.

For decades, the producers of Back to the Future have been smearing and slandering Crispin saying he's "difficult to work with" and lying about him asking for more money which is false.

>that's rough
Cry me a river. Hell of a lot luckier than the kids who's parents point the gun at them then shoot.

His franchises and name are worth too much to too many people inside and outside the industry, same goes for Lucas. see: Padawan-Berkowitz Force Pair Bonding papers from 05-06. Seriously hope he's not one though. Maybe I'm part of the problem.

Glover is Sup Forums manifest.


His parents fed him to pedophiles.

go look at spielberg's list of films

90% have child actors who he obviously fucked, many some of the most famous 'fucked up' child stars of the 80s and 90s worked with spielberg at some point.

"Recently, I had the distinct opportunity to see “Crispin Glover Live”, where he gave a series of slide show presentations that left me in a state of what I would describe as bemused confusion at what exactly I was witnessing. After all, how does one begin to fully explain what a reading and rendering of a book about the intricacies of rat catching and cadavers from a professional in the field of dissection and listing of anatomical features interspersed with what appear to be a series of drawings, book passages, and black-and-white photographs from the 1950s really mean? Next, he showed his surreal movie “What is It?”, a Jungian-like exploration of the unconscious adventures of a motley cast of characters, mostly with Down Syndrome, that involved a white guy in black face, a running motif of a dissolving snail being salted, and Crispin Glover himself playing some kind of cruel king of the underworld surrounded by a bevy of topless women with animal heads and one grown man in a diaper lying a crib. Honestly, you can’t make this crazy shit up! But, Crispin Glover can and did make this up…creating what I’m sure was one of the greatest WTF moments in many warped peoples’ minds that were lucky enough to be there that night with me at the Alamo Drafthouse."


Yea they fired him for suggesting they change the script back to making the McFlys happy together without all the money. Then they used his likeness and footage of him from the first movie in part 2 and didn't credit him or pay him. I would've sued too.


Well maybe that's not so good. I rescind my comment with respect.

Crispin Glover has always been a boss. He took Hollywood to court and won millions (and not over some pleb-tier sex abuse allegation either). He now lives in huge manor in the Czech Republic with no fucks given

Just think what that says about the character of the parties involved.

"This came out during an enlightening session of Q&A at the end of the movie where Glover talked about the creative straight jacket of Hollywood and how experimental movies such as his own are essentially locked out of any commercial distribution through the main theater chain outlets. This obviously isn’t that surprising given that the commercial theater chains only real objective is to maximize profit on a per screen basis and will quickly cut anything that isn’t pulling in the numbers they want, which is why you rarely see any documentaries playing on the silver screen except in a handful of small theaters that also play indie and foreign films. It was during this Q&A that Crispin Glover spoke about what became something of a defining moment for him. He was working on the set of Back to the Future that would soon make him into a household name with director Robert Zemeckis. Originally, after Marty McFly returned to his new and improved family that now lived in a wealthy neighborhood where the kids all had great professions as opposed to low-paying jobs, the McFly family had a black servant. Glover politely mentioned to the director how this might appear racist to black audiences, and Zemeckis wisely changed the servant to a newly humbled Biff putting a second coat of wax on George McFly’s fancy car. However, the underlying assumption of the movie remained unchanged in Glover’s mind as he relates in this interview on the Opie and Anthony Show where he speaks about the controversy surrounding his feud with Robert Zemeckis."

Holy fuck, didn't realise Cpt. Tough Guy was present.
I salute you sir, thank you for your service. Keyboard army's finest.

See, it would be great if pol would live up to Crispin's example: immaculately dressed, no cursing or slang, opinionated but aristocratically polite. Instead, frogs.

it's not him, it's the Algorithm.

Found him!!


No, redditors like comic books and have no manners. Pol is capable of better. Pretend Jordan Peterson is telling you that so you can scream hallelujah.

The character design of hook is inspired by a pedophile novel for homos. Just as the child rape claims against Spielberg were cooking up he made Schindlers list to the

have you not noticed that whatever bad characteristics one attaches to any race and/or ethnicity/religion, the ones that are harmed the most by it are people of the same ethnicity? see:
-black on black crime
-ISIS killing muslims
-chinese are heartless psychopaths and ignore children dying on the street

jews are the same

I had to interview him in highschool (film school). We had him in our auditorium, two other students and myself were tasked with asking him questions about his career. Before the interview he demanded fresh fruit and an attractive female sit on his lap. He's very weird. We were only able to provide an apple and he didn't awnswer any questions instead gave a generic motivational speech.

I'm a pastor Anderson kinda goy


Going to add, when he asked for an attractive female to sit in his lap he wasn't asking for a high school student. He wasn't that creepy.

>Pol is capable of better
Redditor confirmed

That's not Danny Glover's son

A heretic who is not even consistent with his own heretical teachings?

Fine, you're a bunch of useless fat or ugly dorks who have to cling to nationalities and heritage because you have no redeeming features. Still better than reddit though

He's also a technical jew

>Praise'm kek let the Spielberg/Hanks accusations come out the day before the premiere!


When you are dirt poor, so damn poor you can't afford to pay attention, money = happiness. Study after study after study after study has shown this.

The reason for that is when you are extremely poor, money brings you economic security. It feeds you, it shelters you, it gets you basic healthcare, it gets you laid (if you are male), it gets you entertained, it gets you spiritual fulfillment (you can afford to volunteer, go on missionary, whatever). Money = a large increase in your happiness.

If you are only at working poor class, money improves your overall life, as it brings economic security and economic freedom. Again, this brings happiness.

Once you are about 1.5 times over the local povery level, money no longer provides a significant boost to happiness. I can bring some small happiness (ie, now you can afford a new car over a used car, now you can afford to assist in your children's college finances to pay for them outright, depending on how big the money increase is to you).

One you are several times over the poverty line, more money does not bring you any happiness.

So it all depends on where you are starting out in the economic standings, and how much further more money raises your standings. Making $50K a year, and going to $60K/year? It isn't going to make a big difference. Starting at $17K/year and going to $130K/year? You think you died and went to heaven.

That's exactly what I was thinking as read the essay. Glover is like a Sup Forumsack trying (and failing) to conceal his power level. You KNOW there is more there.

This essay is better

Pederastic Park?
by Adam Parfrey

A vicious sort of urban legend began to flourish about the time of Richard Gere's alleged alliance with rectal rodents. Its subject was Steven Spielberg, and the gossip had to do with the director's overweening fascination with child actors. Mindful that hearsay is sometimes false, we are withholding the delicious details. But the fact that this rumor exists at all confirms an underlying unease over the presumably innocent entertainments created by Hollywood's oldest Wunderkind.

Spielberg's latest theme park-style extravaganza, "Jurassic Park," isn't as explicitly swishy as his failed "Hook," but it reveals components of the auteur's personality that have parents wondering about the movie's appropriateness for children.

"King King," "The Lost World," and "Godzilla," three monster epics cannibalized by "Jurassic Park," achieved their thrills without resorting to on-screen menacing of tots. Indeed, only on milk cartons can we find children so physically raped as the celluloid juveniles of "Jurassic Park." The film's sadistic tone is established early on, when a fat child challenges the paleontological theories of protagonist Sam Neill. Neill turns on the boy, and in low, menacing tones, he demonstrates to the child how a prehistoric nasty would mangle and devour him. Adding a distinctly Peter Kurtenish frisson, Neill slashes near the child's belly and crotch with a large, sharp claw.
Perhaps among all our "childlike" wonderment with the subject of dinosaurs, we forget that child abusers commonly invoke the threat of large beasts to frighten and silence their victims. Is the director conjuring the trappings of childhood obsessions only to wield them for a darker purpose?

He has described himself as a monarchist before.

Although overtly sadistic, "Jurassic Park" was reined in by its obeisance to special effects; it revealed few of the excesses of "Hook," in which Spielberg's psychodramatic inclinations were allowed to roam free.

"Hook" is the culmination of over a decade of false starts in bringing J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan to the screen. At first, Spielberg was reportedly considering a live-action redo of the Disney animated feature, starring Michael Jackson as the perpetual pre-pube. But the auteur of suburban childhoos wasn't satisfied with a simple remake.

The high-concept Hollywood sound bite, "What if Peter Pan grew up?" not only indulged Spielberg's predilections, it provided the film's investors with a tinkingly trendy phrase redolent with the "recovery" metaphysics that have become the ethos for Hollywood's haut monde, the same haut monde who have lately forsworn the continual cocaine-and-Quaalude concatenations so relentlessly documented by former Spielberg producer Julia Phillips in her autobitchography, You'll Never Eat Lunch In This Town Again.

The recovery movement is led in part by ex-drunk John Bradshaw, who smilingly encourages his readers to throw off the ruinous shackles of adulthood in order to "liberate the inner child." It comes as little surprise that Steven Spielberg takes part in Bradshaw's therapies, which include workshops where "lullaby music is played and participants cradle and stroke one another."

Seth McFarlane calls out Weinstein in 2013

apparently he is the reincarnation of hitler

Seth McFarlane puts this in American Dad. Seems oddly specific no?

Asking Steven Spielberg to liberate his inner child would be akin to asking a serial murderer to actualize his anger. By his own admission, Stevie has experienced little in the way of adulthood outside of his overprotective upbringing and the adulatory, toadying fantasy land of Hollywood. Bradshaw's "inner child" therapy is a mere baby-step away from the Diaper Pail Fraternity, a Sausalito-based group for grown men who revert to incontinent fantasy, where surrogate mommies exclaim and coo as they wipe the kinky kid-fetishists' dirty behinds.

Spielberg's is redolent not only of the inner-child component of recovery, but also its darker aspect: child molestation. Bradshaw seeks to place blame for psychological malaise on a dimly remembered past in which some form of traumatic abuse took place. The less the so-called abuse is remembered, the more convinced are Bradshawian therapists that it actually occurred. At the time that "Hook" went into production, all the radio and television talk shows fixated upon child abuse in a catharsis of mass scapegoating. Suddenly, millions of Americans were convinced that they had been molested by their nuclear family or ritually abused by Satanists.

On the crest of the child-abuse wave, Spielberg's Peter Pan project was transformed into Hook, whose ad campaign abandoned the traditional flying fairies in lieu of a stark visual of the prosthetic steel claw gleaming against a black background. The gruesome hieroglyphic was a perfect mnemonic device (see Hook, think Hook) ”but more importantly, it transferred any possible pedophilic overtones from Spielberg himself (the auteur hero) to the classically pederastic fantasy figure of Captain Hook, the fiend who spirits children away to a Neverland where Cabbage Patch foundlings enliven the sodomitical lives of Village People pirates.

In Back to the Future 1, Crispin’s lines had to be dubbed over because he was unable to talk due to severe anxiety. Anxiety or PTSD? HMMMM


Ideologically I'm not allowed to care about what other people so unless it effects me.

Hitler working for the jews has effected me more than nigs marrying whites

>Hitler working for the jews has effected me
Go on...

Here, Spielberg could be evading responsibility for his alleged tendencies by projecting them onto his villain, a strategy employed by Hitchcock and other directors renowned for their sadistic inclinations.

Peter Pan had, of course, become such a dusty chestnut that almost no one would object to its pedophilic content.

Who would remember that its author, Sir James Barrie, was a full-blown boy fancier who never consummated his marriage to actress Mary Ansell and carried on a passionate "friendship" with the sons of Sylvia and Arthur Llewelyn Davies?

Even today, no one can comfortably explain why Barrie insisted on naming his eternal child "Pan," after the goatish satyr of mythology.

In a tradition begun by Sir Barrie, most stage productions of Peter Pan cast a boyish woman in the lead role, a transvestite tradition Spielberg may well have paid homage to by casting Glenn Close as the bearded pirate named "Gutless."

Pederastic organizations such as NAMBLA insist that children are wise, sexual creatures who should be given the opportunity to be fondled, sucked, and anally penetrated by middle-aged men.

The NAMBLA Bulletin has a special column called "Boys in the Media," tracking the doings of such Hollywood chickens as Macaulay Culkin, known affectionately in the Bulletin as "Mac." The self-described "Ganymedian" L. Martin, who write the "Boys in the Media" column, spoke by phone about Stephen Spielberg and Hook.

[This is all taken from]

>Parent points, shoots kid, kid dies
>Parent points, doesn't shoot kid, kid grows up to be Shia

Tough choice to be desu.

Well, it's created this on going hero meme with historical figures. They're all absolute sell outs, but people still worship them which enables the next great """""""hero""""""" to rise and trick the goyim again.

Then fast forward 20 or even 60 years and the problems created by said hero's selling out the jews continue to perpetuate because none of his Hitler fans have the balls to objectively look at history.

AshkeNAZI, national socialism doesn't abbreviate to nazi, Ashkenazi does.

Crispin Glover is crazy. Has been since Back to the Future, at least. He comes off as schizo and I wouldn't take his opinion seriously.

> silicone valley businessmen
> silicone
> cone
if you want to be professional edit your spelling mistakes, note when you bold part of the essay, and dont' post the whole essay: link to it on another host as a third party source.

because you've written this yourself and posted it here it's pretty easy to dismiss this as fakenews. you should spend more time on research and document _ALL_ the allegations against spielberg: it's more compelling and seems more neutral.

>Do passions burn in the man now imprisoned who wished to anally rape Steven Spielberg?

btw wasn't there a rumor spielberg raped the cast of poltergeist?

Anyone have a list of all of the hollywood pedophiles (or sexual assaulters) and has anyone already created a meme of it?

The all inclusive pedo list is called; IMDb

underrated bump

>Crispin Glover has actually been sane the whole time.

I kind of agree with him in one way that Sup Forums should try to improve themselves. But only to be able to insult or banter more eloquent. Sup Forums and Sup Forums is at its best when they go as far as they can to geniuses at stupidity.

they rated out jesus after all

Those fucking degenerates destroying those childhoods...

You can't win, Spielberg and Weinstein have raped every single one of your beloved celebrities.

"Spielberg is known for his interest in young boys, certainly," said Martin. "A lot of the members have been talking about Hook, telling me how much they enjoyed it."

NAMBLA spokesman Renato Corazza refused to confirm or deny Spielberg's possible membership in the Man/Boy Love Association: "We don't divule our membership rolls."

And is it merely accidental that another pederastic magazine goes by the acronym P.A.N. (Paedo Alert News)?

Spielberg's costume designer Anthony Powell endows Hook's "Lost Boys" with a cute Benetton-meets-Oliver Twist look tailor-made for the chicken-hawk sensibility. Dance of the Warriors, a futuristic fantasy about a warrior cult of young boys who fight right-wing Christians for the privilege of having sex with aging boy-lovers, sports on its cover a salt-and-pepper boy couple who almost precisely mirror two of Spielberg's Lost Boys. The book appeared in the pedophilia sections of gay bookstores just at the time that Hook was going into pre-production.

Just who are Spielberg's Lost Boys? Walter Keane-style big-eyed orphans? Lord of the Flies in Suburbialand?

Hook's smarmy press kit tries to make each personality distinct. There's Rufio ("the proud leader of the Lost Boys, whose determined jousting with Peter for the honor of guiding the troupe of ruffians leads to a new understanding between the two rivals in Neverland"); Ace ("the Lost Boy with all the angles figured out for his peers"); Thudbutt ("whose imposing size belies his gentle disposition among the Lost Boys--but don't get him angry!"); No Nap ("a street urchin complete with suspenders, knockers, a newsboys cap...and a heart of roughened gold"); Latchboy ("the curly-top redhead who always finds himself in the thick of any mischief contrived by the band of tarnished angels"); Pockets ("one of the smallest Losy Boys, who has a particular soft spot for helping Peter get his wings in Neverland"); and Too Small ("the tiniest Lost Boy in stature but one of the feistiest in nature, who wears his pajamas through thick and thin").

Hook's emotional highlight, strangely absent from the shooting script's first revised draft, is the touchy-feely communion of the adult Peter Pan and the Lost Boys. We're treated to prolonged takes of the tykes touching and caressing Robin Williams's face and body.

When the Lost Boys smear war paint on Wiliams's naked torso, the idyll is reminiscent of a certain gay body-painting video advertised in The Advocate "that focuses on creative eroticism, that expands and extends the beauty of foreplay."

There's not room enough to detail the pedophilic implications of other Spielberg productions: the man/boy relationship in "Empire of the Sun," which begins with John Malkovich's comment about young Christian Bale's "sweet mouth" and reaches its emotional climax when Malkovich directs the chicken to move his cot next to his; the child-alien/human ectodermal interactions in Close Encounters; and the sanitized incest theme of Back To The Future.

However, it was E.T., Spielberg's most exalted triumph, which seems to clothe boy-love fantasy in New Age vestments.

Spielberg uses every trick in the director's chapbook to induce us to love a wrinkled, potbellied cosmic interloper that hides in boys' closets and communicates with a glowing, phallic finger.

It was young Henry Thomas's taunt to his twelve-year-old celluloid brother--"penis breath"--that had Spielberg conjure, if only for a disturbing instant, the image of a bald-faced lad with a cock in his mouth.

Although the "negligent" participants got off with nary a knuckle-rap, we must not forget that Spielberg also produced the actual snuff film "Twilight Zone," in which Vic Morrow and two young children were beheaded during filming.

Perhaps the most perverse aspect of Steven Spielberg's work is its obsessive posture of sentimental innocence.

Psychologists trained in the vocabulary of sex criminals often note the cloak of goo-goos and sugar frosting as the subconscious moral gymnastics of repression and guilt transference.

But now that "Jurassic Park" has more openly revealed the overtly sadistic aspect of Steven Spielberg's curious desires, there is only one more place to go for this self-styled avatar of contemporary myth. His movie, "Schindler's List," was filmed in Auschwitz.

>we must not forget that Spielberg also produced the actual snuff film "Twilight Zone," in which Vic Morrow and two young children were beheaded during filming.

Wasn't there a story out there how the original script for Star Wars involved an underage Leia and that in Indiana Jones, Indy's love interest was like 20 and that implied she was 12 when they banged? Spielberg rewrote the parts into full blow women.

Lucas was into the young lasses, not Spielberg.

Dollar store Crispin.

Holy shit it basically says he’s a pedo

based as fuck...


Me in twenty years.

Spielberg is the head pedo, and he's also a "finder".

Yes, he won't go down. Israel and the Mossad will fucking kill you if you find evidence.

Moved those goalposts, didntcha?

trips inspected, challenge accepted

I'm inclined to agree. Spielberg would be a potential kill shot.



I have the actual Glover essay in pdf. You have to go to and use the waybackmachine. PREVIOUS BREAD









General [new]

pedowood 2014:


>The recovery movement is led in part by ex-drunk John Bradshaw, who smilingly encourages his readers to throw off the ruinous shackles of adulthood in order to "liberate the inner child."


I knew I couldn't have been the only one who thought of that

His Dad's a registered pedophile too.

requesting webm of this

Rumor at the time was Spielberg was on the set the night of the fatal accident. He hid in the back of a station wagon with a blanket over him while panicked crew drove him off set before the cops arrived. Everybody knew if Spielberg were associated with the killings it would cost millions.

Eddie Murphy had a great jab at John Landis (TZ director) after the two had a falling out: "He'll work with Vic Morrow again before he works with me."