Daily reminder

Daily reminder

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post more civic nationalism

actually nice seeing richard spencer looking respectable


He's channeling his inner moonman in that photo

Also everyone needs to dress like a real huwite man

whites need to wear more suits

>Unironic Spencerposting


Here come the goblins...

>the american enters the thread
>the mood emmediatly is ruined

>white nationalist


don't worry Zheng, some day you will be able to afford a cuckshed in Vancouver to make your ancestors proud.

>Sucking off an American
>The minute another American criticizes said American, criticize him
>Don't understand the double standard

we werent even sucking him off
I just posted a picture of him

doesent american education teach you the difference between sucking off and just talking about someone?

Excuse me for jumping to a conclusion, but surely you can understand that you being a Swede would only encourage me to jump to the conclusion that you're sucking a man off

good one burger I havent heard that one before

We've got a live one!

Your goblin pics are as original as your homosexuality

I already solved this problem months ago

ooooo what else?

>Haha stupid American goblins
Pissing. My. Pants.

Ouch, good one Tyrese

Hey, look on the bright side - you still got your guns!

that is one fukn shit pic
no cadence no framing its fukn shit
go away nigger nobody likes you here

>the absolute state of Ameriland


actually agreed

Oh hey, Obamaleaf found a new schtick. Pretending to be white is his new posting charts about oil industry job creation!

I see no difference. Everyone in that image has autism.

Immediately you fucking dunce

Tara and Spencer are not White idiot

>2 images of Richard spencer on the left
>kekistan cringe images on the right
Put (((Mike enoch))), weev, the zombie looking dude carrying a nazi flag, and reptilian David duke on the left and it will be fair.

How is Spencer not White?

>das it mane

looks like a Miami drug lord

Also pewdiepie is literally a kekistan tier dude so move him to the right

Better watch not to insult me too much Larry, I'm a muslim and you don't want Trudeau banging down your door

Nazis used the SA to gain power. Guys on the right might be idiots, but they're useful idiots.

better than some neckbeard or a thug in a hoodie

Richard Spencer is a quadracial mongrel married to a Georgian on a Kremlin check


>North African 0,2%
>Mongolian 0,1%
>Sub-saharan 0,1%

US mongrel shilling for mongrelisation. Nothing to see

>The american is the mixed race mutt
Kek they knew even back then.

>0.4% non white
Come on Ivan, we all know you have more mongol in you than that

>canada proxy
nice try shitblue

If you don't believe PewDiePie is a pol posting, white nationalist at this point, nothing will convince you.


Too much evidence to support that he is white nationalist, and his humor is waaaay too right-oriented to not be such.
If every other joke of yours is 'glad I'm not black' or 'Hitler was a sensitive man,' you're certainly not left leaning.

Im personally for a mix of the two.
A form of limited Civic Nationalism, where the people native to the Country remain unquestioned and the supermajority, and where their respective Cultures form the dominant one that new elements would have to bow too.

He is far more redpilled that you think dude

>I-I at least have the Constitution

>0.4% non white

This memeposting is funny when trolling insecure Sup Forumsacks who are paranoid about an identity crisis but we all know that Richard Spencer is white. Ivan probably has more nonwhite.

Dude he's been with his qt Italian(not white) gf for years and hasn't pumped a baby in her nor put a ring on her. If you think he's "redpilled" you're deluded.

>hurr how do statistics work

Anyone saying Pewdiepie isn't red pilled just needs to watch his deleted video on this Indian cartoon. At around 5 minutes he directly references the new info about Hitler escaping to Colombia, then goes on to make a joke about burning Jews in ovens


>calling him "Ivan"
>imblying Ivan would ever call him on "Kremlin"

It's probably that Moarpheus faggot on a proxy (and most likely Cernovich payroll).

>That pic


It's simple. These hyper liberal countries have an innate need to feel morally superior to other people. That's why they were Christian--to be holier than thou. That's why when Christianity wasn't progressive enough, they stigmatized it so much. That's why they destroy their countries and their children's future (if they even have any children, because having children is apparently irresponsible), because they get to show what open-minded progressive people they are and how they're nothing like those big meany pants White Nationalists. Even the edgy, supposedly anti-left on this site have a chip on their shoulder because of the USA's success.

fuck off

>Implying he doesn't make jokes like this every video

Can the amerimutt meme just fucking die already? The vast majority of the "52%" of American whites are just as white as their European counterparts. If we're mutts, we're mutts of European peoples. Half the Eurofags shilling the amerimutt meme out live in countries that are set to be less white than us by 2020 anyways. Fuck off.

>white nationalist

Fucking based!

Assblasted as fuck about the meme. Just like the cuck swedes.

>just as white as europeans
someone post the picture of "white" criminals

He's not redpilled but he's not entirely blue pilled, he's purple pilled. He's on his way towards the redpill in the sense of edge but he's still a product of modern society, he's pro-lgbt, pro-abortion, etc.


Why are you so upset about it? The meme was fucking hilarious when it started. It's getting a bit stale though.

Not assblasted because it's a meme, assblasted because it's blatant cuckold-tier shilling

It's not just your skin colour, Americans are also disgustingly fat with weak jawlines because of their frozen pizza diet. You no longer deserve to be called European peoples.

It was hilarious when it started but just like you said, it's stale. It's been adopted by reddit-tier meme makers and has become more cringy than funny. It needs to be retired



Ok 62.8%


He's likely already starting to hate Jews since they've done nothing but try to leech off of or destroy his career (e.g. YouTube, Ethan Klein, the media).





OP is pretty based - for A Fucking Leaf


This is one of my favorite images on the internet, you could take so many examples to the image and keep the text as it is. Absolutely disgusting.



So where does it put me when I hate the far left, the far right and everyone in between???

Start here

Why cross out the Red Ice chic? She's actually pretty good

Your mother's basement.

Radical centrist.

Nah fuck them too, indecisive cunts...

I hope you're just joking around, dude.


the ones on the left are holding the lights but you called them the right and the ones on the right are the ones that are right and chubbier but you called them the lite and the left can't fucking goddamn meme

Why do they have no jaws? There is only one man there who has a remotely defined jaw.

It amazes me how people say eugenics doesn't work when it is the very reason we bred so many beautiful dog breeds and so many types of good cattle.

>tfw i had a frozen soy pizza for dinner last night here in california and im seeing less of a jawline every day.

That place is filled with the most insufferable fucks imaginable. What a surprise, right? LGBT people have the worst communities on the planet (Steven Universe, Tumblr, Antifa).

Had a look, too many hairy knuckled butt bandits for my taste, but if that's your thing user, more power to you.

If Richard Spencer isnt completely controlled opposition but instead just a misguided idiot then we could build him into a powerful weapon for WN

>implying any of those have any ability to actually speak and make valid points in a debate.

>ok hand sign
>glass of milk
that's a huwhite nationalist.

I am quite serious user.