Maybe you don't care about sex/dating articles, the socio-political commentary is one of the very finest on the net.
Maybe you don't care about socio-political commentary, the sex/dating articles are some of the very finest on the net.
I thought I'd hate it if some young normie out there was choking down the red pill and didn't know about it.
Ryder Robinson
Jose Carter
My brain is too small.
Gabriel Russell
Bump. I read it, and he reads Sup Forums.
Ryan Ward
Great advice for picking up chicks
Logan Gutierrez
it's very 2012 to try to attack it for being a "pick up chicks" website. just saying.
Benjamin Price
I literally never hear anyone mention it around here and to me its basically one of the top 5 dissident right websites out there period.
Dominic Parker
Bump Literally the best PUA/TheRedPill website. Also explains how to deal with a woman who cheats on you, mocks tinder thots and liberals, debunks feminism, explains female psyche, etc... Best website I have ever found apart from r/TheRedPill
Dylan Diaz
(((James C. Weidmann)))
Josiah Robinson
You should post this thread on r9k, they could really profit from the advice on this website
Lucas Allen
I read him, I prefer Dalrock though.
Cameron Thompson
>James C. Weidmann who is that faggot, just going to keep us in suspense? kys
Jaxon Scott
Dalrock is the best for the Christian-Married angle
pic not related
Ryan Scott
I remember one Chateau Heartiste article where he refered to a Dalrock one, they are not that far apart
Jace Phillips
Kek I remeber that article CH is really great at realtalk
Angel Rivera
I agree there, Chateau makes fun of tradcucks often
Anthony Gray
Well look at my flag then, but I'm not married
Of course not, but one is maul-right and the other is more to my liking.
Brayden Kelly
I literally regret every single second I ever spent reading a MSM German newspaper. Had I come across Red Pill blogs earlier, who knows what I could have achieved... Feels bad, man.
Ian Brown
Has James C. Weinmann been arrested he wouldn’t be shit posting right now. Lady Rayne should have sent his info to cnn
Xavier Cox
I do user
Daniel Johnson
reading CH literally started me down the path that led me to where I am now pic related
Carson Ross
He always bans me when I post on his site
Christopher Murphy
>Memeflag Gee I wonder why
Ethan Anderson
His(at least the old CH) ideology develops into a tad bit too acclerationist and nihilist for my tastes, but the hate facts espoused are delicious nonetheless to read in plain text on the open Web. Besides big picture political discussion, the analysis of tiny minutiae of male/female interactions is not to be missed.
Jacob Hall
When he was on Twitter I always call him James and for some reason he stops talking
Ryan Jenkins
I never bother to post, I just read it from time to time
Austin Garcia
Did you know that his name is James C. Weinmann?
Parker Foster
Grayson Reyes
Yeah, he definitely has the Enjoy The Decline Attitude. But nonetheless, he also has articles on which girls to consider for long term relationships. Obviously, readers from Amaerica might as well ignore those, but for a German they're useful.
Tyler Smith
>r/TheRedPill A bunch of turbofaggots who are so dense that they needed to be taught how to talk to girls. /r9k/ with a shred of willpower. You have to go back, nigger.
Jose Sullivan
If James was German the police would have arrested him. If only
Grayson Phillips
Could you please stop making 5 posts about his name? He's /ourwriter/.
Isaac Rivera
>pushes degenerate PUA lifestyle for shekels >realizes the wind is changing so flip flops to traditionalism >still manages to be absolute drivel that filters specifically for getting r-selected scum clogging up your life
I think the best example of this kind of mindset I've read on there is he showed his audience a le ebin manipulation tactic of what to do if a woman tries to manipulate you by saying she's going to kill herself to get her own way. And that is to call her bluff and open a window and tell her to jump out. And the story concludes with boasting how she marched out and came crawling back a week later and they kept dating for months. He honestly thinks he's the "winner" and the "real man" because he continued to date this completely pathetic, unstable, dishonest, immoral and disgusting disaster case of a person all while whining about women cheating on him.
Aaron Bailey
>"Hur dur only cause I got lucky it means that everyone who didn't should khs" Really?
Blake Wright
Fine. I was going to shit post all day about his real name and try to piss people off but I’ll be kind. Have a good night