John McCain: Trump 'taking the word of a KGB colonel' over US intelligence
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Fuck John McCain.
John "Tumor brain" MCcain will burn in hell and honestly, that makes me happy.
.t brain damaged retard in an adult diaper
(((US intelligence))) has been reliable in the past, after all...
wow you fucking traitors
>Sup Forums: KGB are the good guys
You guys are all fucking traitors and should be hanged
He’s not even fucking accurate. The “intelligence community” doesn’t agree on this, McBrain. Two Obama stooges covering their asses and J Edgar Comey don’t count. Trump is correct to call them out as the hacks they are.
If they actually helped defeat Hillary, I'm okay with it. They get a pass for that.
>creates isis
>we are the traitors
fuck off aus, you niggers are always riding our political cock, worry about your shit continent.
LOL. I guess yall haven't heard about McCain's history.
fuck off australia, you washed up has-been. Were the new meme in town.
The dossier said Russian intelligence said Trump would be easily manipulated and could be made to believe anything Russia wanted him to believe. They were totally right.
Mccain is fucking hero. Every single one of you Pro-Russian fags will go down in history as traitors.
I hope you die soon you warmongering, value-less betrayer. How many people died at the VA while he sat on his fucking hands with evidence of their corruption because he didn't want to rock the boat? What a fraud. Die John McCain.
>Weapons of mass hurrdurr
Trumpcucks are fucking total herbs forever.
>McCain shit talks Trump while he's in Vietnam
I think he's scared the Vietnamese will give Trump their pictures of them ass fucking McCain with poop covered punji spikes
Americans have a choice between:
1. Following Trump on Russia, a ZOG controlled puppet who listens to a literal ex-KGB agent
2. Agreeing with the Democracts who actively want to destroy people with Sup Forums's ideology
What a cucked country
>be a fucking cancer cuckservative for decades
>get brain cancer as a fucking warning to GTFO and live whatever months you have
>double down on being a fucking cancer
Tick tock, motherfucker
Because, you know, the US intelligence community has never been wrong or made shit up. /s
stick to drawing swastikas on receipts and stealing spill drinks, aussie
Why is this old fart still not prosecuted for creating isis with obongo and killery?
Why is his Cancer taking so long he's fucking 80 years old.
CIA literally had frankfurt school jews in it during the war.
The whole agency is anti white and anti-american.
US Intelligence that told us Saddam had WOMD?
t. brain tumor induced dementia man
Traitors to what? A shitty nation in steep decline? Oh, the pity.
When will this fuck die already?
Fuck yourselves sideways, you know that if the US and Russia ever go to war due to continual NATO encroachment, you motherfuckers are going to die in a nuclear fire too, right?
I support your right to kill yourselves, just don't go killing the rest of us because you believe in Turd-brain McCain and the Mike Pompeo, the acting head of the CIA of all fucking people!
Go to hell
When is this faggot's brain tumor going to finally rid of us of his traitorous ass?
US intelligence isn't very intelligent. They're a bunch of lying Jew rats. It's funny the left didn't trust them what they said about JFK, MKULTRA, the crack epidemic, etc. but they trust this crap? It's a bunch of boomers who don't understand how the internet works. They think the draftourdaughters meme is Russian psyops. I unironically would trust Russia over the JewIA
Does it look like rain?
Has the wind picked up?
Barometer dropping?
McCain is a fucking homo more like it
Based Killary.
Your shithole is going to be Muslim controlled in 10 years and a nuclear waste site in 30.
Checked. Maybe he's metamorphosing into Moonman.
CIA is totally not SEELE. Keep dying in wars.
He's one of the most vile people I can think of. Makes me want to believe in hell
Wait, were the punji stick coated with poop before or after the insertion?
Mike Pompeo is a cunt who was appointed by Trump. He is doing his best to turn the CIA into Trump's personal military guard/intelligence unit.
Trips says MCcain will die before the end of the year, Sup Forums's christmas gift
Check'd and kek'd
opinion discarded
What happens here?
How many dead babies does it take to keep this faggot alive
How is he not dead
That old faggot thinks we should find a cure for pancakes
How are California, Hawaii, and New York even visible?
so fuckin close
Considering that McCain's butthurt about Vietnam to this day, I'd say they shoved a hollow tube of bamboo up his ass before shitting into it.
When a Russian nuke falls on your house, maybe you'll admit that NATO was pushing too hard for the breakup of the Russian Federation, and that just maybe, we should have taken some advice from Putin, rather than get blown to fuck over the stock price of Gazprom.
You brain dead retard
NATO isn't doing shit. Russia is the one that invaded Crimea and is currently illegally occupying Ukraine.
The fact that Trump is enabling Putin and his band of thug oligarch is absolutely disgusting and un-American
So when is it coming out that he's a child fucker
You are obviously ignorant of NATO actions since It's inception.
Also, Crimea voted legally to allow Russia to protect their interests.
Ukraine was a coup staged by (((them)))
Wow, how could I have been so blind? I totally fucking agree with you.
It's big bad Russia that dares to put their country so close to our military bases.
Now go vomit up those bluepills before you OD
>i believe the US intelligence community has MY interests at heart
Oh nigger, you need to lurk like 15 years more.
Wtf is Mccains brain tumour doing, hurry up and finish the job
too many mormons and diversity hires
it's like the fucking third world intellectually speaking at these agencies
I'm sure Obama did everything in his power to get Russia out of ukr-
oh wait he didn't do anything
McCain is a useful idiot nothing more you cum drinking commie
Fuck off Kremlin shills. You think we can't spot you from a mile away?
We can spot your weak bait from here.
If you're gonna come to Sup Forums and bait at least make your posts seem real
Read Washington's farewell address. Internal Slavic disputes are not America's business. Neoliberal interventionism is un-American.
>KGB coloel
That doesn't exist since late 1991 why isn't that Globalist Rothschild bot dead by now? Those filthy Neocons are all socially Liberal, except that unlike Liberals they are even worst in obsession to force their bullshit on other countires and send White soldiers to die in their wars
And you're not a CIA shill?
>US intelligence
McCain needs to stop peddling oxymorons
>be McCain's doctor
>McCain comes in for a visit
>"Hi John, the cancer has grown so much I will now consider it as your new brain"
>"I will now surgically remove your old KGB brain and allow your fresh new US intel tumourbrain to have full control of you"
Fuck Putin
>Fuck John McCain.
Probably a couple hundred Vietnamese already did
5Gold bitch niggers
KGB doesn't exist anymore it's cal FSB now
He did. He's now peddling children
KGB doesn't exist anymore.
Meaning, McCain has lost it.
>Fuck off Kremlin shills. You think we can't spot you from a mile away?
You think we're a mile away? That's cute
>what is the NATO expansion into Eastern Europe
It's hard to believe that at one point Putin wanted Russia to join NATO. We instead pushed them closer to China.
Please die from brain aids now
>Russia is the one that invaded Crimea and is currently illegally occupying Ukraine.
Just like that time Iraq and Afghanistan illegally occupied the US military industrial complex
What US intelligence? An NYT article about them purchasing Facebook ads that opposed and supported Trump?
It's also funny that you commies praise them for defeating Hitler, but hate them because of unconfirmed bs that you heard on TV.
Wet Start McShart is an agent of Soros and Rothschild.
Will no one rid us of this lying traitor who has aligned himself with every enemy of the United States he could find and who publicly called for conventional war with a nuclear power?
When John McCain dies they'll need cameras watching his grave because of all the patriots lining up to piss on him.
Putin must have some really good dirt on Trump.
He's faking cancer to stay out of prison
John McCain killed more Americans than he did Vietcong
fpbp. Why won't he die already?
Why is McCain so salty? This manlet faggot acts as if he were the one who lost the election to Trump when he's just a fucking random nobody hasbeen who should just sit down and shut the fuck up. Nobody gives a fuck what he has to say. He's a loser who lost to King Nigger, and he got his beat up by a bunch of tiny gooks.
>Trump is lying!
t. traitor
I think at this point, Bezmenov has given the public much more useful information than the CIA has. Maybe, if they want to hold a trustworthy opinion, the CIA should stop doing things that they can't publish for half a century, if ever, for fear of a national uprising.
Who would not trust the people that lie to us?