Is jenkem a real drug going around or is it a hoax?
Is jenkem a real drug going around or is it a hoax?
its real
its always been fake Africans are just so impoverished theyll do anything to get high even huff fermented shit
A better question is are you pro-skub or anti-skub?
Jenkem, the good shit
It's real op you should try it. I read on erowid that a good catalyst for the reaction is 250ml of both Windex and clorinated bleach. With this mixture you don't need to wait for it to ferment just huff it right there.
What the fuck? Are nogs actually getting high off their own shit now?
Pretty sure it's an urban legend that's been around since the 90s.
Black tar heroin is cheap as fuck and plenty of hood rats can afford that and crack.
mmm, yummy mustard gas.
Can it still be called mustard if it's mixed with shit? I propose to rebrand it; curry gas.
No it originated in Asian shit holes were you can't get drugs
just give it a try, your breath is already bad you have nothing to be afraid of
I thought Asia produced a lot of drugs, it's just they execute you if you get caught selling them.
Yeah but poor Asian kids can't get cheap heroin so they huff shit. Look it up pretty sure there is a documentary about it
Well that really activated my almonds.
It's like how abos here sniff petrol or spray paint, even saw on using glen 20 once
Honestly, I thought for the longest time the whole Abbos sniff Petrol thing was a giant inside joke, just like them sleeping in the middle of roads.
It literally is impossible to exaggerate their behavior, that's the real red pill.
allah damn these chocolates!
it's fake
do you really think niggers are patient enough to ferment poop for over 24 hours?
I was a mod @ &totse, bltc, specifically. I can confirm, is real.
So is raid.
´Thanks chang.
try it, its amazing. i get high as shit off jenkem all the time
It's real, but DON'T do it, the high is way too intense and since it's so cheap to produce you'll get hooked like a couple of my former friends.
I have the ultimate in prarie nigger stories for you lads. A guy I worked with told me about how when his mum worked at one of the local big chain grocery stores her boss told her not to sell shoe polish and baguettes to natives at the same time, because they would smear the shoe polish all over one end of the bread and huff it through the other end like a huge cigar.
Oh and another one for you, I heard about some native kids up north who broke in to their school, broke open the printer, drank the printer fluid and died.
Truely a proud noble people, if it weren't for us evil Hitler whites they'd have colonized the stars in their space cannoes and shieeeeeet
I thought jenkem was a hoax until a year or so ago. I’m a carpet cleaner and I was cleaning the carpets in a house in what we would consider the ghetto in my part of the world. Of course the homeowners were black. I was cleaning a small bedroom in the basement and there was a god-awful smell coming from the closet. I couldn’t help but be snoopy and I opened the closet and there four mayo jars with giant turds in them in the back of the closet with latex surgical gloves over the top of the jar. Two of the gloves were mostly inflat d and the other two looked pretty fresh. I shut the closet door and did a 360 and got the hell outta the house. Packed up my equipment and left. Told my boss what I had encountered and he was glad I left.
Reminds me off the time abos broke into the local primary school and stole a bunch of apple two e computers to sell but no one wanted them because they were old as fuck
>I shut the closet door and did a 360
So you tried it?
He was a smooth criminal
>being this new
>being pro-skub
Um...sweetie, no.
>did a 360
So you did a complete circle and huffed the niganaise?
>newfag nigger
Just do jimsonweed seeds if you're that impoverished that you can't get real drugs.
Make sure the windows are closed, you don't want your neighbors to smell drugs.
chloramine gas my nigga
It's painful to watch
>not realising this is a fucking 2011 meme
Lemme get sum dat gud jenk cuz.
Hahaha woah dude I'm so high nice recipe also my lungs are melting but I'm sure it's fine
>Are nogs actually doing
Of course they are they aren't human remember?
Who totse here?
Who says Sup Forums isn’t tolerant?
Buddy you ain't seen nothing yet.
>On the BC ferry going to thetis island
>Pass island with Indian resort
>See apocalyptic looking scene on the shore
>Burned cars a half destroyed building charred body's
>Coast gaurd already putting the fire out with water cannons
>Find out that natives were siphoning gas in the parking lot when one decided to take a Huff with a lit ciggarete in his mouth
>Vapour instantly catches on fire making him drop flaming cig into full gasoline can
>Blows himself and 6 other chugs to bits and sets off the 5 other full Jerry cans of gasoline.
>This was in 2008 I was 11 years old and it traumatized the fuck out of me.
Nice ID, for you.
God damn son, digging deep for that (you). Completely forgot totse.
Thats that /b tier shit
Why don't you try it and find out?
>nearly 2018
>not a minimum of trips
Nigger we need to step up this meme game.