[Kawaii] Stella no Mahou - 01 [914E3FF8].mkv

>[Kawaii] Stella no Mahou - 01 [914E3FF8].mkv
>[Kawaii] Stella no Mahou - 02 [A9CF51B0].mkv
>[Kawaii] Stella no Mahou - 03 [A653A87C].mkv

Passable subs finally?

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't know, you tell me. I'm interested in episode 3 in particular.

I only looked at 3 but it was the Daisuki translation, with their obvious fuck ups.

So, uh, anyone interested in cleaning/redrawing the manga raws? I really can't be arsed to redraw, photoshopping is not my forte at all so it takes too long and I just half-ass it.

How can official subs fuck it up so much, and this was all over the episodes. A shame CR isn't doing this, they usually do an alright job at least.

I can't remember the last show I saw where the "official subs" were this bad.

I still distinctly remember it. Motherfucking Nourin and funi's garbage.



And I'm too tired from work to do more today, sorry.

Don't be sorry, it looks really good.

Many thanks user.

Why is Kayo such a semen demon?


>not [HellaCute]

Just one more, see you tomorrow

Meanwhile, if anyone could help with properly cleaning and redrawing the color pages (003-009), it would help a whole goddamn lot because I suck at it. Can manage B&W somehow, but some of these bubbles are impossible.


So much frames.

Haha, time for /ss/

I don't think anything will ever reach the level of Funimation's Nourin, it was a masterpiece made by someone who was really dedicated to their job (of being shit in any way possible). Not even these SnM subs can get to that level despite how hard that Daisuki translator is trying.


Care to post examples? I haven't laughed in a while.

The two most famous examples. From the archive because who fucking knows where my screencaps have ended up now.


So is there really no hope to watch this show with decent subs?

Jesus. I've seen these screencaps before but didn't know where it was from.

Classic. I remember crymore just utterly destroying all those subs week after week. Just barely better than Hadena.

Fucking good times.

It has karaoke but that's about it.
Shit still uses Daisuki.

that one shot was the bulk of the work that entire episode

>Communication Lv. 0 [cannot use]
Why have it then?

i'm more confused by how she can have leadership skill if her communication is 0

what about funimation's mikagura? thought it was only one episode but all these huge letters with a gray background really was something

Has anyone made the connection yet that Shiina looks like Hitoha?

To level it up at some point.

She demonstrated it this episode, lead using violence.

I saw it somewhere, not sure whether it was in a Mitsudomoe thread or one of the early threads for this.

>She sees your VST folder

I could give it a go. Not experienced though.

I can't decide if I like Shii or Kayo more.

I only realized it now but they've had Tama-chan in different clothes for five episode straight now. HTe other girls too, I guess.

Fucking fantastic.

Four, I mean.
God damn it whatever.

Are this subs hella cute?


Yes, very.

They're the Real McCoy, darling.

Subs for ep 4 are up on Daisuki.

>[BudLightSubs] Stella no Mahou - 04 [720p].mkv

I didn't spot the thread earlier, sorry.
You'll have to be specific about what you expect redraw. I looked at the images briefly and I really don't see anything major, unless you intend to remove every last bit of Japanese text like sound effects.
I noticed a couple speech bubbles that were slightly transparent. Just fill them in white.

If you're the one that was going to translate, I can do the cleaning and typesetting, and minor redrawing. I'm only doing one other project at the moment and it's just a chapter a month so I have time.

>[VodkaSubs] Stella no Mahou - 04 [720p].mkv
What's this?

It's a group that speed translates HS releases into Russian.

Not even that, they just Russian Daisuki subs.

I see, so it's literally Russian horriblesubs. If it's not a double translation, maybe I should check them out.

I love Kayo so much but Jesus Christ they're ruining her dialogue. I may be an EOP but I don't need this terrible localization.

>delay subs for 3 days
>then release them this late into the day
What the fuck is going on with Daisuki this season? I don't recall them being this strange before, or having subs this terrible for that matter.

>Power levels.
Fucking dropped.

Can anybody get the actual translation of this? Subs made no fucking sense as per usual.

Also this. The line on its own makes sense, but there's no fucking way that even the most primitive doujin games could be created in just one hour.

>black headphones

For this one I think the subs are right, it's just that the anime didn't adapt the joke all the way.

In this one I think what was happening was that Tama was playing the game and drawing from it and the other girl said that that was no good because when you play a game you have to finish it in an hour. I'm not sure though.

She's saying not to draw while in history class because you'll confuse the faces of what you're drawing with the faces of historic figures.
She's saying you should only play games for up to one hour. It's a common recommendation in Japan to only game for one hour per day or your sleep will be effected. Basically like those "sit X distance away from the television" things you see in anime/games.

She means the faces of historical figures get mixed up in your memory.

That's the old "1 hour of video games per day" meme that was taught Japanese kids in the 80's.

>It's a common recommendation in Japan to only game for one hour per day or your sleep will be effected.
Oh, that makes more sense. I was confused because it seemed unlikely that you could beat a game in just an hour. Maybe if it were a simple doujin game though.

I wonder if a group will pick this up because of the anime.

>that last panel
What the fuck is she talking about?
Is this a secret fujo language?

The classmate blonde girl is pretty shit desu.


What an annoying cunt. Already reminded me of Karen.

Karen is best girl, you swine. This one is just a pale imitation to her.

She ruined the whole episode

The classmates really do feel like just bargain bin versions of Karen and Yoko.

>has a sex goddess and a miracle of the universe in the form of Kayo and Shiina
>falls in love with the biggest slut Tama instead

This motherfucking shota.

>Hate the shitty commie tier HS subs
>Remember I can just watch it raw and look up words I don't know about game dev shit
>The shitty HS memesubs stick in your brain even while watching raws
I now know what hell looks like.

He has good taste.

This is a japanese college student.

>has all these bossy high schoolers around
>falls for the girl that looks and acts his age
He had the right idea.

I'm a Japanese grad student. I just found out my coworker who I assumed was my age is 10 years older than I am.

These girls don't age.

My wife Tama-chan isn't a slut.

Well it's a double translation from English it seems (the lines from the flashback part are different from episode 3 just like in the English subs) that keep most of the mistakes, so not much reason to go for it. It is more pleasant to read though (no memesubs, better use of language). Been a while since I read a lot of Russian.

I don't know why I even bother with subs at this point.

A made up anime name and Japanese for a godtier episode were too much for the translator

She's actually pissed that someone would start reading from vol 3


Surely we can only go from here on out with these subs?

I fucking love this girl already. I want to marry her and live out the rest of our days lazily in a rural paradise.

100% future cake right there. Who'd marry her? Nobody.

The non-SNS parts of this episode (Tamaki's classmates, Teru) were incredibly dull.

I would in a heartbeat.


You're asking for it m8


This is Teru.

She's an autist. Even more so than Shiina.

my only consolation when downloading from daisuki is that they have higher bitrate

Was it supposed to be a good episode or a bad one? The Spanish subs seem a bit better but they still have some mistakes.

I love how subtly sexual Tama-chan is.

It was so good she had to spend 5 hours shitposting the boards.

kami-kai = god-tier episode

As she should be.

This whole show is dull, it's only worth watching for the awful subs.

You shut your mouth.


Manga Tamaki is pure sex.