If hitler was such a good boi that dindu nuffin then why did he attack france?

If hitler was such a good boi that dindu nuffin then why did he attack france?
What did they do to deserve this?

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they're french...any other questions?

>What did they do to deserve this?
Be French.

Why did he burn their art?

they saw a cheeky way to ignore the maginot line and couldnt resist

They bring lots of mudslimes and niggers into Europe

Attack? He just kinda rolled right in and they cried.

oh cmon we both know he was saving the French.

They deserve everything that happens to them.

He stole it and sent it to the vatican, along with your gold jewboy.

Adolf Hitler Rothschild was indecisive.

you should be Seig Heiling about how Adolf Hitler Rothschild setup your State.

Guys pls

they tried to mega-jew Germany after WW1. Learn some history, mudblood.

The French are liberals and they need to be kept in check

Adolf Hitler Rothschild patron Saint of Israel.

he was a drugged out manlet dont question his decisions

Umm didt France and england declare war against Germany?

One does not need a reason to kill the French.



Now this man gets it.

Everyone baited him into it. Reading the history of ww2 is why so many people see the guy and the course of the war differently than plebs do.

Required viewing : youtube.com/watch?v=IJxdIXgMGAI



the french declared war on germany, retard

If David Ben Guron was such a good jew that dindu nuffin then why did he attack palestine?
What did they do to deserve this?

Yes. The UK and France initiated war against Germany. What was Hitler supposed to do other than fight back?

They told Hitler they would declare war if he attacked Poland, then he attacked Poland.

I cry for this board sometimes too.

Keep this up and I'll pop you one.

Oh is that why they attacked the Soviets?

read history books, (((you))) PEDO

Basically every country surrounding Germany was bleeding it dry and taking advantage of it after WW1. Only a handful of nations showed mercy to the German people which is why the axis was so small.

No, I imagine Hitler knew the Soviets would eventually become a big problem so he was trying to be preemptive. Problem is he diverted forces from taking Moscow, and then made huge tactical mistakes, dooming his campaign.

Fpbp, at-least they're not Italians though
Those spaghetti niggers are so bad at war they aim their guns backwards and shoot themselves

Fuck you, you rat faced kike.

Juden, please.

I'm talking about the Allies, retard

trump is a time traveler

Why is op obsessed with uncle Adolf

Fuck you nigger. Italians are better than other humans. Get cancer and come back to me when your empire lasts more than 1000 years.

The allies attacked the Soviets? The fuck are you talking about?

I'm with this guy, there's nothing wrong with italians

>they attack him
>hitler just literally walks right into the capital and conquers it

what an embarrasment. No wonder kike leaders hate him

you can't be this stupid

Break it down for me.

Though two words, Ruhr occupation.

The claim is that the Allies attacked Germany because they invaded Poland.
However, the Soviets attacked Poland alongside Germany, and not only did they not get attacked by the Allies, the Allies ALLIED them, declaring the war victorious when the Soviets completely occupied Poland.

My questions was meant to highlight that Poland wasn't the real reason for the war, because if it was, the Soviets would have been attacked as well.

France is a whore, she deserved it

>tfw dutch research surpasses burgers, even though it's illegal in their country

>be Hitler
>completely surround entire Angelo army
>let them go

why WHY WHY?

Oh yea, the Soviets attacked Poland when Germany and Russia had a. On aggression pact. They colluded to split Poland up. However, once Germany turned on Soviet Russia, England immidietly send envoys to ally the Russians. Russia was too powerful at the end of the war to negotiate some things away. Anyways, the ultimatum was not given to Russia it was for Germany. I imagine the allies weren't fuckin thrilled about Russia taking Poland clay, but enemy of my enemy is my friend in this case.

we're actually one of the few countries where it's legal
not that it's socially acceptable, but no jailtime for saying this in public

so you admit that the goal was to target Germany, it was never about protecting Poland

jews are a global problem.
global solution is required.

you're just not grounded in material reality. stoicism eventually reasserts itself. your relentlessness has caused even moderates to laud the crimes pinned on Hitler in WW2 even though they didn't happen. that's impressive.

you have also exposed your insurmountable stupidity for the world to see, that doesn't exactly inspire confidence. it inspires terror.

He was an Angloboo. That's like trusting a Jew.

>What did they do to deserve this?

One of my buddies there said it's a crime for obtaining the greatest story never told?

ahahaha this.

Targeting Germany because of their previous aggressions that the pussy English and French let slide.

Burger, please....

their aggressions where they, without firing a single shot, united ethnic germans into the german nation?
while the United Kingdom and France held possessions all over the world which they conquered with plenty of blood shed?

not that i'm aware of.

I'm not going to debate the peaceful/aggressive takeovers to unite a German people. Aggression single the brits and French saw it.

France declared war on germany

Except for Britain reading or watching is perfectly legal, only spreading isn't.

What do you mean? I think reading and spreading it is legal in this country.

Pretty sure the dude to Hitler's left or right got fucking merc'd by one of those Gewehr wielding guards. Imagine how the course of history would have changed if he had aimed just a centimeter in the other direction.

say dat to mah face

I was never a big fan of this Hitler person until he attacked France.

Viewing 'extremist material' online is now a crime in Britain. It's made out to be against Islamists but conveniently written very broadly.
As far as spreading is concerned, remember the guy charged with hate speech for quoting Winston Churchill?

underage shuttlecock

how about this

Things have changed since Pre-Brexit Britain. Generally the law could be used against Antifa and likely they are underground here for that reason.

well first of all you should know this :
"Napoleon Bonaparte of the First French Empire enacted laws that first emancipated Jews in France, establishing them as equal citizens to other Frenchmen. In addition, in countries that he conquered during the Napoleonic Wars, he emancipated the Jews and introduced other ideas of freedom from the French Revolution. For instance, he overrode old laws restricting Jews to reside in ghettos, as well as lifting laws that limited Jews' rights to property, worship, and certain occupations."

Since Napoleon came to power masonic lodges have flourished in France and freemasonry was one of the reason for WWII. Judeo masonry was a real trouble back then.

My point is Hitler had to fight the world and France was on his path. He didn't destroyed France btw, there was many "pétainists" (Maréchal Pétain)

For the lulz

france declared war on germoney
best answer though


the jews did this

hitler father of israel

can i have my foreskin back???????

tens of thousands of germans had been killed in the sudetes
but all that is moot
hitler was armed by jewry
the jews wanted another slaughter of the goyim
oh what a party when goyim blood flows

thx senpai

Versailles treaty.
Are you that dumb Benjamin?
He tolerated the French and alledgedly liked the landscapes.

Being fucking frogs. That's what.

2 fucking hours for the first frog to show up ITT
my people is really shit
must be our special vaccine that turns us into bovines, seriously