This is why kyoani is called special
This is why kyoani is called special
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>PA works
Specially proficient at fucking up S2s.
PA is better though.
Got to respect the work on all those filters.
>b-but pa is better!
Are you blind? look at webm
made me think
Yes, they certainly purchased AfterEffects, that's pretty obvious. Why can't other studios learn from GodAni and purchase AfterEffects?
>tfw no more band anime will be made anymore because other studios will be scared of being compared to GodAni
That's a great display of photoshop filters.
IRC pls.
It's not hard to be better than Haruchika in any regard.
Obviously Kyoani learned from Ufotable.
I don't get it. What's special about either one of these? The animation isn't bad but it's still nothing special. Maybe a more dynamic scene would be impressive where characters are showing more movement. Or have visuals that are actually interesting. Animating mundane shit isn't really that noteworthy.
What studio can compare to kyoani? Shaft,Shinkai,Ghibli. I think only they can
>anime about music
I honestly do not get the hate kyoani has, it is a meme cause of how well they animate?
is it like saying a work of art museum piece is shit compared to a stickman doodle?
Success breeds jealousy
Shinkai is not a studio.
Only Sup Forums hates them. It's because they don't make battleshonen for 10 year-olds.
It's just studiofag shitposting. They're probably people from Sup Forums trying to find an Sup Forums equivalent of console wars.
>Unpopular original novel can grow into an one of the most popular franchise because kyoani animated it
They are incredible
Animating mundane shit isn't really all that impressive.
Lets see you animate mundane shit then
I kinda dislike them for only making school SOLs. Chu2 was cool because of all the alternate world battle sequences.
Ahahahahahahaha point proven.
does someone at kinoani actually think the depth of field/bloom filtering garbage unironicallylooks good?
Bitch, pls.
it's more about the mindless teenage drama
>I prefer my anime visuals to be completely undynamic
just rotoscope some shit, throw on a few filters, only kids buy this shit anyway
HaruChika was such a piece of shit. i completely forgot it existed.
That's something I really appreciated about Oda Nobuna. It was unapologetically melodramatic and the cinematography helped carry that, so whenever they're just yelling at each other they're dramatically flinging their hands around, and when there's absolutely no choice but to sit still the camera goes shaky and handheld. On rewatch it's neat to see how they hid their budget problems. When there's combat going on they throw a main character in there to warrant nice animation, when they need to make a CG army they put the camera at a distance so it's not so noticeable.
>Yes, they certainly purchased AfterEffects
I was thinking this too. I'm glad we're on the other side of KyoAni's success now though. They had me all the way up until K-ON and then became too tryhard and stopped being fun.
In 10 years time people will still talk about Clannad S2 & Haruhi and Lucky Star will still be /that/ powerlevel separating show, but everything KyoAni did in the 10s will look dated and nobody will be able to remember why anyone liked them.
Happened to the style-over-substance 'LOOK AT THE GRAPHICS!!!' videogames.
This. I only watched it for the twins and kyuuto gaaru.
Oh, they learned from K-on where they point the camera away from the person and player
It looks like filtered but it makes large immersion. I think its great thing
>how trigger does ensemble
>that conducting
Yes, KyoAni is special because they let people with down syndrome have a chance on the podium.
See, even in that shot the stillframe is integrated with the story, as we can see MC staring. The two seconds with Nobuna's cloak rope save us animation bucks and generate tension. The sword breaking isn't lingered on, as we just had a compression of time and it's time to let it expand. No need to keep the audience watching longer than they need to just because you worked hard on it.
They got a long way to go to be like Kyoani
>wanting to be like Kyoanus
It looks more cinematic.
Who are you quoting?
>comparing a feature film to late-night TV
Ladies and gentlemen, Sup Forums.
literally all me
God anime looks bad without holds.
A. Ad hominem.
B. Not an argument.
C. Haven't been Sup Forums since before raildex.
D. Is wanting variety that bad. Can I not have well animated scenes and character interactions? Can I not have a beach episode that shatters my heart?
>slap some filters and blurs
>call it good animation
So you admit you're from Sup Forums. OK.
rei > asuka already exists, and has much deeper divide. It's just the newfags are confusing memes for actual discussion.
fuck off Josuke
Rei is a Realdoll angel of shit.
Good job ignoring the entire post. Actually I was from /u/ originally if you busybody are so inclined to know.
KyoAni's animation is good, such a shame they constantly animate shit shows.
This is how Kyoani gives characters abilities
They haven't bothered producing any consistently good animation since 2011, when they made the Dream Theater of anime and it was so bad not even Japs would pay for it
Purely in terms of animation Phantom World was good though. I remember someone posting a WebM comparing its middle-of-the-season episode to that of Grimgar (a series which prided itself on its visuals). Phantom World, unlike Grimgar, didn't go full QUALITY.
>Can I not have well animated scenes and character interactions? Can I not have a beach episode that shatters my heart?
I wish we had a studio that did that.
If only they wouldn't waste all that nice animation on low quality shows/source material. They are wasting their talent by polishing turds like that.
>all that budget wasted on yurishit
It's more
>I prefer my anime to not look like a PS4 exclusive
What comparison do you have, bloom and depth of field isn't exactly well recognized in anime outside of kyoani.
It's safe shit for them. It's their niche. And their light novels aren't usually battle-type, they're high school wish fulfillment material.
I respect Kyoani's talent and dedication to their craft. However I can't truly say that they've reached their potential because the material they cover is too limited and safe.
> bloom and depth of field isn't exactly well recognized in anime outside of kyoani.
Why do you talk about shit you have no idea about?
Bloom and Depth of Field are real life things.
Real cameras have this.
Using this as a stylistic choice is a thing that has been done for fucking ever.
If you have issues with mindless teenage drama, you're on the wrong board.
This is how Gainax does ensemble
I don't get how you seem to think covering battle anime is less safe.
Also, if someone has that webm of Anno saying how a lot of new animators only know how to make exaggerated movements and can't animate mundane actions.
I also love how all the autists in the thread can't recognize KyoAni's character acting.
Is this the thread where all the band nerds come out and pretend that they were the cool kids?
we were awesome
If only Hibike were about ensembles instead of lesbian tension pandering.
>It's safe shit for them. It's their niche.
Do you think they have much choice? Kadokawa owns the LN market. Any author who wants to (and who is good enough to) make some decent money will go to them and the rest goes to KA.
You are too young for this board.
>I don't get how you seem to think covering battle anime is less safe.
Because we'll never see what Kyoani can do when the material they're doing is fight scenes half the time. You've seen their action scenes in each of their slice of life anime. They absolutely have the skill to pull it off. Their action scenes aren't generic rushed tripe, so what's the holdup?
That's what I'm faulting them for. I want to see them tackling action/adventure material. One with plenty of quirk and imagination and not limited to high school. I want to see what Kyoani is really made of. I want to see them do an anime without seifuku on everyone, but different types of garb.
They can be the best studio if they want to.
>Do you think they have much choice?
They absolutely have the talent to get out of Kadokawa's shadow. They could be bigger than Shinkai if they wanted, if they just branched out.
>Kadokawa owns the LN market.
Don't they get their material from their own publishing company?
They are a great studio animation wise, but they stick almost exclusively to SoL stories of cute girls doing cute things. Which alienates a big chunk of people.
That said I just want Amagi S2
Classic Looney Tunes is just a league of it's own desu
This looks worse than I remembered
>not liking the same things over and over automatically makes you Sup Forums.
Neck yourself
Kyoanus is what I call it.
>They can be the best studio if they want to.
They are the best studio, and it's not even close.
i actually hate all of you.
You do realize that the classic Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies shorts were all originally theatrical releases, right? Movie budget > TV budget.
all me btw
No, not yet. While studios like Bones and Madhouse have their niches where they hit it out of the park, they've stepped out of their comfort zones and tried new things. Kyoani still hasn't, and I can't say something is the best if it hasn't been challenged yet.
Hibike looks fantastic, but I wish they didn't focus so much in the shitty coming-of-age drama, but since this is Kyoani, I guess this is asking too much.
>tfw we'll never have a show like Nodame Cantabile by Kyoani
>slice of life, sports, psychological, romance, action, comedy, mecha, fantasy, sci-fi, drama, mystery, music, parody
>not trying new things
Thats just not fucking fair user.
>shitty coming-of-age drama
That's what almost all of Kyoani's work is.
You're being facetious. We both know what I mean. It's like me saying Naruto is a romance anime.
KyoAni just needs to go back to its roots.
Kyoani's roots is Munto, which was SOL with some fantastical elements.
Honest question: why do they go to all the trouble of animating like that then blow out the colors with post-processing and lens flare? Can't they just let it look good?
Because it looks better/more dynamic.