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Not with that eyesore of a skyline.
Beautiful, the very poland flag.
Can someone give me a gestalt on Poland and Germany? Whats their relationship today?
Good map.
Blame commies you fuck
Looks just like lava.
>the most ethnically homogeneous euro states are the most poor and depressing
>the supposedly cucked euro states have the highest standards of living and are generally happy
Sad, I will never see anything like this in the US. We just get larpers with tiki torches.
polan stronk
No Jewish support. Nothing to mine.
Have your mossad boys fly planes into it.
Germoney still want their "rightfull clay" aka whole poland back, and we cant doanything but to slowly arm ourselves.
Its ww2 prologue again, but I really hope after this war kraut will be no more
>ethnically homogeneous
Do you hear the people sing...
>Says a bunch of rigged polls and studies that were done by the same people who said Hilary was going to win
Repeat the lie long enough and even you start to believe in it
whats going on in poland? fucking impossible to keep up with all these third world shitholes these days. new dictator?
Just an independence day march.
american skylines master race
Europeans really like flares
You are a really blinded child.
That is imagery.
None of those people in that march have arms to do anything with. They have NO...NOOOOOO political power or power of violence.. Kebabs could come in ANY DAY and shatter their whole outlook.
As an American...1 single american. You hold so much power. IN YOUR HANDS. Real power.
your a paid jew or bot
>all that modern shit
>ethnically homogeneous euro states
Interesting choice of words.
> are generally happy
Singing while you march over the cliff is still marching over the cliff.
>implying chicago doesnt have traditional buildings behind the taller ones
annnd you say that they havent gotten theese standards before an imigrant crisis?
havent aquired*
im sleepy as fuck
What's going on here
>what is 50 years of communism
>le polls
>le all research and studies about anything ever is rigged
you have to go back to plebbit nigger.
Accent and decorative lighting technology has seriously advanced.
Nothing just the yearly independence day march.
Has been an english word for centuries. The english themselves have stopped using it though.
sadly most most buildings aren't made like that any more
It's actually the most ethnically diverse in a European racial context.
Chicago yes, but not all US
SF has just totally fucked their skyline big time
The living standards in warsaw and other polish cities are by now higher than in Germany.
how hard is it to get a polish citizenship?
>large phallic object in the middle of the city
Yup, I expected nothing less
If you aren't a Pole, don't even think about it.
when are you demolishing that thing? The longer you delay the less likely you ever will, hurry.
Excellent taste.
Der Riese is perfect
Skyline thread?
> Poland is the savior of the white race
> Germany begs for more refugees and punishes any that don't want them
How far the kraut has fallen
>the virgin tiki torches
>the chad lava pit
And blame the nazis who destroyed the historical city.
>highest standards of living and are generally happy
you are what you're told i guess!
That's alot of Chaos Magic.
I want to move to Poland and gear up for the race war.
>Europe isn't completely the nationalist, ultra right wing, white ethnostate foil to America's failed multi-culti gay shit
Needs to be more widespread desu
Literally same here friend. Save up 150k and you can live like a comfy life there in the city for like 10 years.
This angle does justice, beautiful.
how do you make flashwave
this is pure envy
Your government was actually creating propaganda for multiculturalism in Estonia.
God bless Poland and keep it strong against all invaders and deceivers.
Fuck everything else
America almost has more kikes then kikeland, what the fuck are you talking about
Fucking perfect. No text needed.
You are most probably a shill but we
This guy summed it up pretty well
this is what being 50 years behind in economic growth looks like
>get fucked over by communsm for half a century because the west cucked out on protection treaties they fucking suggested in first place
>gee how come you're poor?
really sharts my mart
The left is in complete meltdown mode over this.
No one gives a shit about that hellhole, California and especially SF and SD are the laughing stocks of the country.
Dear retarded ignorant murican, quick redpill:
>the supposedly cucked euro states have the highest standards of living and are generally happy
No. You call fear, violecnce and rape """ happy""" ?
Hey used to be happy in like 70s.
Not so much now.
They do have money indeed. But this wealth was created for the most part back in the days. When they were still ethnostates.
Dumb fuck.
Anyone know the sauce on the image? Been trying to find it.
Can someone translate this niggerbabble
Holy shit you know how to make a post that triggers these faggots instantly. 10/10 dude.
for now, until their mudslime diversity toys start to bite back and consume them.
"This is how I usually treat white women."
As a victim of diversity, I believe the nigger is implying that it doesn't have time to waste on morally and intellectually bankrupt women, so he uses them physically from a position of authority.
NYC's skyline is pretty fucked nowadays since 492 Park ave sticks out like a sore thumb above everything else.
st petersburg yes?
The composition of the skyline makes up for the colours
Yeah man, UK, France and Germany are more happy because of rapefugees and only because of rapefugees. I mean, c'mon!
cool warsaw skyline video:
where is this and whats happening?
I heard something about nazis and this image earlier but I have no idea whats popping
Got nothing to do with any "nazis".
Its Polish independence day.
March of independence by Polish patriots.
By western standards they are nationalists.
But actual 1488 v. far wingers arent that many in a crowd.
Although, as I said, in retarded leftists minds its natsees.
ty bb