Was Trudeau just pretending the entire time?
Was Trudeau just pretending the entire time?
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That's my secret captain. I'm always pretending.
The Sikh it's destroying him.
He needs to do something sexy.
Nice to see Justin do something intelligent.
Trump threatened to release a maple tree virus that would devastate Canada's exonomy
>pretending to be retarded
Just like his father, Castro
Story is BS, since they signed the TPP deal today.
>trying to save a shitty deal
It's almost like Australia really wanted to sign this document that would put China in a great position... I wonder why... I think it's making me really... think.
from what the media is saying in canada, he couldnt decide on what socks to wear with so many different cultures present and conflicting ideologies to appease and was found talking to himself with 2 sock puppets in his room when his motorcade came to get him.
I actually have no idea what Trudeau is doing half the time. He seems bat shit crazy but most of the shit he does is just virtue signaling.
My guess is he's weak minded and easy to influence. Trump was probably more convincing on this issue than the chinks.
>act like a cuck to piss everyone off
>instead piss off the entire world
Our shitposting is unique, but effective.
pretending? no, he's always been a giant fag.
He was wearing some stupid tan dress shoes at this event. Stuck out as a jackass in one of the photo ops.
He was gonna sign the TPP but then he got high
He's a fucking retard. If he didn't want to sign it, great, good for him and Canada. But he led everyone on like a fucking faggot while he was probably blazing it up in his hotel room. Who would want to make a deal with him when he treats you like that?
Trump got to him.
He just knows that his country's economic well being could be fucked by the US if they wanted to, the guy already fucked his economy bad enough and probably got a call from Trump telling him what to do.
It is easy to virtue signal his disagreement with Trump but when it comes down to actually doing something about it he is a pussy.
>It is easy to virtue signal his disagreement with Trump
He's literally never done that. He's not that retarded
The same applies to you, Paco. You may talk tough. But we both know that daddy Trump will make you sit down to pee.
he was probably arguing his stylist over which colour jihab to wear
the story you wouldn't hear MSM and to the ones who know the care bear - 100% plausible. It was funny to read due to the (22mins) mental injection
Probably something to do with Trump making him drop it, Trudeau was probably like
"Well if i don't turn up, they can't blame me, surely?"
He started browsing Sup Forums and got redpilled. He will continue to make increasingly anti-leftist decisions from now on.
Was China brought into the second round of TPP? I thought the whole point of it was to isolate China by encouraging trade between the other Pacific countries.
It would of course do this by fucking ruining IP policy and further erode developed countries' labour market, but not in favour of China.
I was listening to Global News at dinner yesterday and they said it a trump-style move.
He was probably enjoying some fine local punani
Um, guys? Just how far right is Justin Trudeau becoming?
Based JT!
The walnut sauce pizza is known to be top notch
The ABSOLUTE state of our media
Are you Americans surprised by this? Our government tows your governments rope at all times, with no resistance. Justin is simply falling into line.
Beginning of the end of him
Macleans has turned on him to
forgot pic
A lot of canadian maple syrup is actually imported from the US, from independent maple farmers. The canadians "blend" it with their maple syrup, I guess like how whiskey manufacturers blend different whiskeys, and sell it.
Jokes on them, he was only pretending to be retarded.
I've never talked shit about Trump though, move on shill.
If Macleans and Global have turned on him, he must have been turned by Trump into /ourguy/
It makes perfect sense. Trump is an Alpha father role model for JT the spinless childish cuck
Now Trudeau is Trumps to mold!
is trudeau actually retarded
remember when Putin dissappeared for 10+ days? Maybe Trudeau will come back as a clone, but twice as much of a cuckish faggot.
please papa trump, whip his bitch ass into shape!
>Trump is an Alpha father role model
They don't pay you enough.
If you don't show up, you win.
>He was ironically prime ministering all along
the TPP was a trickle down economic piece of shit, and primeminster cuckold knows how much power he'll lose if nobody else is willing to bleed.
>mfw Trudeau pulls a Macron and becomes /ourguy/
Finally, I'm not ashamed to be a Leaf today.
Dick punching the TPP is a good thing.
I wonder if he found out he was a communist plant CIA baby and now sensing his manipulation is going off into the other direction.
He basically says whatever it he can to make himself look good or what he thinks will make him look good.
He's not so much as /ourguy/ as it's more likely that Trump just told him not to and he backed down immediately because he has no real conviction in anything he says. The sooner the media turns on him the better.
Nigger you have WHAT?! SHUT. IT. DOWN.
t. Eternal snow mexican
Turnbull is a faggot who is selling us down the river. The whole parliament is full of traitors bar for one or two. We are doomed.
yeah no shit faggot, mexico canada and USA need to get on the same Make North America Great Again page. We can not afford any dominoes to fall in our own backyard.
>turning on the libs
If you kill enemy kills your stock, you win.
>trudeau deporting shit skins
does this mean his dude weed lmao politics were a meme?
is our leaf in chief based? does this mean us leafs are going from
You really think this guy is some kind of strategic genius? He's just doing what he's told. In this case, polling numbers show that an increasing number of Canadians are realizing that "deals" like TPP are giving us the shaft, so this was just a head fake to make the public think they are looking out for us. Later that day, the deal was done.
Das Rite! We're keeping an eye on this cuck.
The canada I love died before I was even born
>Telling brownies he loves them
>Deports more than Trump while being praised by Leftists everywhere
>import hundreds of thousands
>deport hundreds
That would be hilarious if Trump dropped that bomb on him. I'm sure he knows. It's so fucking obvious
I'll never get over my first trip to the muskokas... Fucking country music and confederate flags everywhere. I don't understand it at all but I fucking love it. Best part is it's not just rednecks. Every famous Canadian to ever exist has a cottage there
deported the actual doctors and engineers
yeaahhh hes totally our guy because he didnt bother going to a meeting which is an attempt to save a dead bill
Oh I just remembered.
It's winter again. Are you guys ready for all the frozen illegal-sicles trying to cross the border?
Trudeau and Macron lol even when the Left wins they lose
Leafs, what would you do if Trudeau went full reich and exposed his power level tomorrow?
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for maple syrup.
March down to Toronto and start lynching leftists and fags.
WHOA that ID
That's the great part about electing a total fucking puppet moron. Once in a while his handlers will slip and he'll accidentally BTFO the media
>signing a shitty deal that literally interferes with your own governance of your country
He was too high to negotiate.
Footage of Canadian Border Patrol
Fucks sake.
well he's a DRAMA TEACHER
I guess he was a cuck all along
>the australian
Top cuck
There's no recovering from this.