How Fascist Are You?


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The F scale is a shitty test, why would believing in astrology signs make someone fascist? Most of the questions aren't that good.

>Disciplined but tolerant; a true American.
Thanks, i guess.

3.43. I want my five minutes back.

I already did some test that confirmed my fashyness.

Is it good doctor?

Just below "Within Normal Limits"

[4] The business man and the manufacturer are much more important to society than the artist and the professor.

Questions leads to wrong results.
Mussolini love the art deco style.


70% tradition and 62% markets?
Dude you should better go watch a doctor.

Your F Score is: 3.97
You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

I'm a Finnish nationalist. And an ethnopluralist.

nay, fascist government is too powerful in so many affairs.

5.03 :---DD

I'm so Fascist I had a bowl of Swastikas for breakfast this morning.

The Authoritarian Personality test is literally the brainchild of the Frankfurt School. Still, I only scored 4.83 on this Jew test.

Your F Score is: 4.67

5.4 And I am an ex Liberal.

Be redpilled, don't larp.

Bow before your god.

Exactly. This is Adorno nonsense. The test presupposes fascism is bad, is purely psychologically motivated, and does not account for other authoritarian political systems. The astrology question is to suggest fascism is correlated with irrationality and superstition (a simplification of the occult aspects of nat soc).

4.23. Shit test.

Fascism is no fun at all. If you say the wrong thing, you could be murdered by the state. And it would be perfectly legal! Do you get that? No human rights! Fascism is not a joke.



2.9, liberal airhead

4.07 a true American

Lurk before you post you stupid retard

I think you have an Authoritarian personality.

I'm not full fash I guess

Your F Score is: 4.13
You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

Mussolini was an autistic loser

>Your F Score is: 3.77
>You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.
gib green card pls

Did you have a cup of Jews to wash it down?


>Your F Score is: 3.57
>You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

Bad test. Loaded questions.

Your F Score is: 4.47
You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

Heil Hitler

tons of meme questions though


>[28] Nowadays when so many different kinds of people move around and mix together so much, a person has to protect himself especially carefully against catching an infection or disease from them.

meme tier. i dont like immigrants just like anybody here but its retarded to think youre gonna catch diseases because of them if you go outside

> You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.
Do I get a free gun and cowboy hat?

>[29] The wild sex life of the old Greeks and Romans was tame compared to some of the goings-on in this country, even in places where people might least expect it.
any history buff can answer that one ?

gotta buy some more black shirts

>Your F Score is: 4.60
>You should practice doing things with your left hand.

Both Romans and the greeks had sexual taboos different from us of course but today people wants to Brake every taboo

Here ya go rabbi


>"Your F Score is: 3.67 You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American."

Your F Score is: 3.97
You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

>>press F

Looks like I am faggot


I think that it was referring to sexual promiscuity my man.

>Your F Score is: 5.23
You should practice doing things with your left hand.
not bad i guss

heil hitler



3.90 on f scale
>inb4 mobilefag


3.3. Seems about right.



I'm farther right than Starship Troopers

God bless America

Prove that you can distinguish between Nazism, Fascism and Socialism.

What does this shit mean