They're not even trying to hide it anymore!

They're not even trying to hide it anymore!

Are you retarded?
It's 3:30 am in Poland right now.

Yet another person who doesn't know what the word 'bigotry' or the word 'fascist' means.

what if they wanna be nazis? are they not allowed to be?

Poles won't be waking up for anything 10 hours

Why do these people care about what other countries do

>mixed mongrel
>problem glasses
>self-described "monster"

And nothing of value was lost.

What is their end game?

>keep non-white country white


Fascism is based

Who, OP or the guy posting the tweet?
The flag tells me it could be either.

They're terrified that the Visegrad is ignoring the EU now amid rumours that the new Austrian government led by a coalition of conservative and far right is making internal inquiries and studies into doing their own EU Referendum to leave and would seek to join the Visegrad to strengthen it.

Today Poland started airing adverts showing a white couple at a picnic and lots of bunnies and basically telling them(and those watching) to start breeding like rabbits. Essentially Poland can make its own population.
First the 500+ Program and now these adverts. Poland is becoming increasingly self preservationist and rightly so. It must be seeing the demographic shifts elsewhere in Europe with outright horror.

Why dont they just help immigrant countries? Africa will make 8 million more peope next year. The rest of the world can never take enough. Ever.

Nothing wrong with fascism and ethnic homogeneity.

Reminder that Hillary wanted. To import millions of mudslimes and spend 500 billion $$ of white tax to do it all so they'll keep voting democrat


poland will you come and liberate us!

Why do Muslims need to be in Europe anyway? What's the point? What connection do Muslims have with Poland? None. Why do they HAVE to take in these people?




>next year

Mate, there is one million niggers born in Afrika every week and they are accelerating.

No one is forcing them.

>Mate, there is one million niggers born in Afrika every week
It's actually around 2.5 million per week, 350.000 daily, however many of these die young
>and they are accelerating
False, birthrates are descending in Africa, albeit kinda slow they surely are.
I don't expect them to go below replacement levels anytime soon but their rates surely ain't increasing

Globalists want to make white people a minority everywhere in the world. In their view they want to fill the world with a less intelligent population so that they will be easier to rule over.


You do realize that hating Christians indiscriminately is bitgotry and trying to keep Saudi Arabia arab is fascist? Just let in white christian immigrants.

So you know what happened in Zimbabwe and stuff similar? How nigger countries cannot even exist without foreign aid, etc. Do you notice that they always fall the same pattern, kill the whites, then starve?

Do you remember the global depopulation conspiracy that has existed for nearly 65 years now? Do you notice that niggers in Africa now never had a chance, all they are is an army that was bred/made with money?

Is Poland white to begin with ?

kill every mass immigration supporter in the West

these traitors have done enough damage to my country, not they want Europe and ever last white country on Earth.

Yes, CLEARLY Poland is full of Blacks and Asians. Fuck off, kike.

It's slavshit

agreed, fellow 56%'er

Still true

Lazy pale niggers

White people ARE the minority on Earth.

Asian + African + Indian populations is more than 50% of the total population on Earth.

Either learn to math, or stop pretending to be retarded.

polish girls are cute and better than other humans

Except the EU.

guy in the tweet.


The left use Projection of guilt as their weapon to push their agendas, through racism, sexism etc..
But once the right doesn't care about being called names and start being politically incorrect the left become powerless.

Yes user. Did you know there is a choir behind me?

I really don't understand the thought process of shareblue shitposters.

I didn't say minority on Earth, I said minority everywhere on Earth. As in, having no places left on Earth where white people are the majority in that place. Reading Comprehension is good to have.

When counting hispanics, Whites are the second least populated race, with blacks being the lowest. When not counting Hispanics, Whites are the least populated race, with spics as second and niggers third. Also, no single race makes up more than 50% of the global population. By your definition all races are a minority.


Prison planet full of 80 iq mutts under a one world government

Man imagine what kind of shithole you gotta live in to go through trouble to end up in fucking Poland ha


Are you retarded, memeflag?
That guy you replied to is Russian, dumbass
>memeflag nigger can't tell flags

This. For western countries on the eastern frontier, the Muslim is not some oppressed minority that needs to be saved. Its an existential threat that needs to be exterminated.

he's a mutt with a proxy you faggot nerd I hope your mom gets cancer

>I really don't understand the thought process of shareblue shitposters

I'm not one, but let's be honest here. I go outside: shitskins everywhere. Every TV show and commercial I watch promotes all sorts of vile racemixing. Social media is filled to the brim with braindead mongrel enabling retards, so, in principle, I completely agree with the meme. We deserve all the hate we get and then some.

newfag redditor leave

We are headed in that direction, and the libshits seem to be embracing it. The purpose of this is likely to be able to fully rid the world of whites when they are sufficiently outnumbered. This "white privilege" shit will not stop once whites become a minority, it is there to later serve as justification for killing off whites entirely. Even when whitey is long gone, they'll blame the swift collapse of global infrastructure on the idea that white privilege was so ingrained within the system that it could not function without it.

You must live in the hood then, America is still 75% white. Maybe make more money

We're all dependent on global trade, we can't retreat into ethno-nationalism like North Korea.
What the world needs is a realistic discussion about the relationship between prosperity, peace, and intelligence. The more intelligent humans are, the better their societies become. It's very simple, and the solution, is actually very simple - less intelligent humans need brain boosting genes. And the best way to give them brain boosting genes is by implementing a sperm donation eugenics program.

>they are trying to do Poland what they did to Germany

Yeah we just need to hunt these faggots down and slice their throats. No point in living with these people.

No! Democracy is only good if I like it!

I live in New England, you're fucking delusional, snownigger

>trade between nationalist countries is impossible

I can say with 100% honesty that I have never posted on the cancerous cesspit that is Reddit.

"White guilt", "self hating whites" are worse then the enemy. It makes my blood boil

That bitch doesn't realize that most of the USA hate shitskins just as much as poland, they just don't talk about it publically. Everyone hates them. The fuse is lit.


It's literally 56% white. It would be in the 70s if you counted mutts.

Why did you post a MTF tranny?

must be a real shitty part then if you’re just seeing blacks everywhere

how come you’re white but make the same as a black guy? Thought you were superior genetically what happened?

Poland wants to stay polish so that means they are fascist and we have to invade to protect our freedumbs of the minorities that don't exist there yet.


gotta love it when the poor hate the poor, makes the rich mans life pretty easy

and then what?

Keep poland white

I swear to god if the world order tries to fuck Poland I'll move there and join their army.

why you so hard on yourself Poland is a total dump

Drink zyweic

lol I live in one of the most affluent counties in the country and I still see shitskins everywhere. It's part and parcel of living in the United States unless you live in Nebraska.

Now go smoke some meth like the rest of you """white"" Canadians.


God bless Poland and protect it from all invaders and deceivers.

wait so you live in a rich neighbourhood yet you’re surrounded by blacks .. that doesn’t add up

so you’re either a liar and you don’t see blacks everywhere you look, or you’re a liar and you actually live in the hood as well

So which are you lying bout boy


Typical slavrat phenotype. He's probably 5'7 too.

I guess I'm a fascist now. Heil victory!

>live under communist rule for decades
>holds huge freaking fascist rally on 2k17
Top kek, it's poetry.

I live in the suburb of an urban area you dense fucking retard. We've reached a critical mass of shitskins in this country where they're literally impossible to ignore in any capacity.

But I'm arguing with either a shill or someone who unironically said that this country is 75% so what's the use.

>wanting to remain White is fascist

It doesn't even have anything to do with government. What am I saying, dumb bitch doesn't know fascism from her cunt.

Are all left wingers born this stupid, or do they get that way from the enormous amounts of child pornography they consume?

Why do you think Poland hates Russia so much? The Russian Foreign Ministry calls Poland a country of Nazis at least once a month because they're butthurt over how much Poles hate Commies

>America is still 75% white

Says the Canadian. Fuck off Leaf.

If you see anyone use the word Nazi or Fascist, ignore them entirely because they don't know what those words even mean.

>We're all dependent on global trade

We really dont have to be so dependent on it though, user. Sure, some things are only available in certain parts of the globe and would need to be traded to be aquired, but for general products its more a matter of convienence/higher profits to have them made over seas. Do you really need your plastic trinkets made in China? Couldnt you make them in USA if you really had to?

Hitler envisioned a self sufficient Germany, they just needed more territory so they had enough land to grow enough food. He understood that interdependance leaves the door wide open for manipulation by rich globalist Jews. Manipulation exactly like we are seeing today. 'Do what we say or we will destroy your economy'

Checked, and the best beer

>I live in one of the most affluent counties in New England and I see niggers everywhere
Yeah, I call bullshit, unless you're talking about Boston or Hartford or something.

It's ok to be Polish.

Perhaps it will become the worlds only white ethnostate taking in white immigrants from all over the world. If that becomes the case I would move there too and help defend it.


slav(e)s are not white
so im guessing your a chechen or kazakh posting this
because russia is not white
slaves are all just mongoloid rapebabies

It didn't have to be that way...
Just 70 years ago whites were 2nd just behind mongoloids.
But then the birthrates kept falling...and kept rising in africa and india...

So we weren't "always" the minority. Not up until around 20 years ago when we were surpassed by niggers.
Someone could've stopped it...but if it can be done in 70 years it can be reversed in 70 years

then no one is threatening the status quo and their comfy lives