Late night Argie Saturday thread

Hello boludos. What are you up to?

Thread for discussing life in Argentina; politics, memes, economics, and how to end jews here.

Have a good one, amigos.

Are there any non white argentines? When I was there last winter it seemed whiter than the states. Y'all niggas is ok except for your dumb good air city.

Tfw you drunkenly try to teoll the argies but they don't show up.

What is the political climate overall with the average Argentine? I have the feeling that there's a lot of lefties considering the amount of SJW happenings over there like the feminists shitting on the door step of a church.

When I visit in the next couple of years, what's the best way to hook up with women?
Tango classes?

Learn Italian. Good air niggers all seem to speak it.

You don't know how lucky you are to live in a free country, most of South America is deeply imerced in Aut-left governments, and welfare states are lacking money almost everywhere, politics here ain't talking about these debts, for they represent "the economic not the social" and so people dismiss the idea of gorvenment take your money

all of this maybe cannot be aplied to Chile and Paraguay i think but for the rest of SA is all regulation over taxation over comission etc.

Here I am.

They are a minority: 5% of votes in last poll. But media gives them too much importance.
Now we have issues between the last party in gov (Frente para la Victoria, kind of lefty) and current gov of Cambiemos, which is center-to-right leaning

Italian over Spanish?
I mean, I know a lot of argies have ancestors from Italy but is it commonly used?

Not really. You can hook up in nightclubs, or meet girls un partys...

We speak spanish. In buenos aires, we have an accent that may sound a little bit as italian, but I belive is totally different


it's pretty much a bipartidism between peronists and spinoffs, and non-peronists. Kinda meh.
The lefties here works for TPTB as does our current govt.
"marxism" is strong in non-stem colleges but it isn't that bad yet.

Just go to a bar like "el alamo" in Buenos Aires, lots of stereotypical bros and girls out there.

here's a guide on how argentinian mind works, it's simple:

1. vote for macri
2. get fucked in the ass by macri
3. die

1. fall for the democracy meme
2. get fucked in the ass by the ilusion of choice
3. die


Anyone here know something about freemasons in argentina?

Si. Más allá de los rituales, es un club de amigos

lol, pelotudo, you're way off

Based on our Nostradamus (Parravicini) Argentina will be the world's lighthouse of 'light' because we will be 'unaffected' by a possible nuclear war/HAARP natural disasters.

The problem is a lot of smart millionaries know this and they are buying a lot of land in the south.

Macri is kinda Trump, he is draining the swamp here. Several peronists are getting jailed and new inversions are coming.

Finally after several decades of corrupted leaders we are standing up.

The left is retarded like antifa without funds so we will be ok,

Women are cheap and Easy, just wave a $20 bill and mothers will bring their teen daughters for your pleasure

i am fucking better with macri that i was with the k, fuck of you left cunt

Doubt it, for better or worse, macri was the only decent choice.

Dunno mate, I think they run the show or have a significant influence, yet I don't feel like stalking thier buidling in microcentro, might get put in a watchlist or something.

plan andino, hermano. la cantidad de israelitas jovenes que yo observaba en los dos lados de los andes desde bariloche hasta el calafate me alertaba que ellos intentan a saquear todo.

Macri is a fuckin kike.

Necesitamos escuadrones de la muerte nacionalistas para limpiar el país.

don't listen to this tard. if you do that in argentina they will kick your ass and take everything. it isn't fucking colombia or some other monkey shithole.

I wouldn't mind more Shi'a influence in the region, at least to balance the powers a bit. They chinks do their own thing with their triads but won't step on Israeli's turf yet.

how are argie women?

Yeah but we also say laburo, tutti, mangiare, bellisimo and many other ísimos; the Italian influence cannot be ignored in Argentina.

Yes it can, everybody ignores it.

You know what I mean huevón.

que te den por culo cabrón

la influencia española es mucho mayor, tu no tenis ni puta idea coño

More complicated than they should.
The army will always be on our side, watch out for measures that'll reduce their budget, that's dangerous.

el ejercito esta lleno de negros

>they will kick your ass and take everything
this, kek
They'll either rob you or be so ofended they kick your ass anyways

he may be
but with the previous dollar change my work was shit, now i can pay my taxes and work the right way i bring money form the outside and i am able to employ people here, i am doing what i can as a normal working man to make this country a better place
what are you doing? do you talk shit and wish to go somewhere else? where is the loyalty?, we may be in a shitty place but some of us are trying to make it a better place for our future children and the fact that most people just give shit instead of fix it is part of the problem

Eh que mal rollo tío. Of course Spanish influences are more prevalent; hate to state the obvious and say AR used to be a Spanish colony.

Sin duda. Por lo menos, armaríamos a los patriotas que viven en las províncias del sur. Los zionistas se marchan con una arrogancia insufrible porque les saben que la mayoría de los argentinos no se portan armas ni tienen la determinación para luchar.

Yo no miento, hay hosteles en el sur que se afichan carteles en hebrero que dicen "los israelitas no son bienvenidos". En particular, un dueño de hostel me dijó que un grupo de ellos se destruyeron un cuarto privado totalmente.

También, ¿cómo podemos olvidar el incendio forestal en chile de unos años atrás?


fucking niggers get off my board.

Si, esa es la argentina que conozco.
Gracias por agarrar a la gran mayoria de los Colombianos y Bolitas.

that might be, but eventually they end up giving a shit about the soil where they stand on.

We screwed up beyond repair PSH

Macri fue la mejor cosa que le paso a Argentina recientemente. Necesitaban a alguien que parara de mentir sobre la pobreza y pare de maquillar los numeros. La K una idiota de novela.

Well, of course there is some nepotism involved. But not as much as in the Jewish community.

Por dios, sos un pelotudo

Que "no se pueda ignorar" no significa que todo el mundo lo haga a proposito tarado

Significa que es algo que tiene presencia.
Y si no notaste la cantidad de cosas italianas que hacemos sos retrasado mental
>"tsch" para contradecir algo
>La cantidad pelotuda de señas que tenemos

I don't think he can into abstract thinking, and confuses "relevant influence" with "the only thing"

allegedly there is shi'a influence across the border in paraguay. allegedly some of the best black market dealers in ciudad del este are linked up with shi'a groups.

personally i think that adding any more towelheads to the region is a bad idea. nothing good comes from importing towelheads.

>Macri fue la mejor cosa que le paso a Argentina recientemente.
Nos esta hundiendo en deuda
Si te falta el pensamiento abstracto para pensar a futuro, es tema tuyo
Pero el pais se esta sosteniendo con promesas, y eso no es solvente

Tuvimos elecciones hace poco
Espera a que se le caiga el maquillaje al pais


He actually fell for the freemason meme.
Estan en Deuda por que la K no queria pagar la deuda. Es comico hacer ese juego, No pagar la Deuda y despues que aparece alguien responsable lo culpas por la deuda que creaste.


Hermano, estuviron emitiendo bonos a tasas pelotudas desde que asumieron
No te estoy hablando de deuda vieja, te dije "Nos esta hundiendo en deuda". Aprende a leer, y fijate la emision de deuda nueva de la Argentina
Hablas por el orto

Estan tomando deuda porque cortaron impuestos a mineros y agronomos, y les falta guita.
Vas a ver como se cobra eso de vuelta, vamos a volver a defaultear

las deudas se vienen de la idiotez neoliberalista. menem y sus (((expertos económicos))) tienen la culpa única para la situación en que está argentina.

K y macri son de la misma fábrica. Ellos se viven para robrar cualquier centavo no guardado, sin embargo, sus métodos se divergen. Argentina, como todos de los paises, se necesitan adoptar la posición tercera.

Ackshually I didn't, I'm doubtful of them.
That's some nice intel user, considering that I'm from that country, I should ask my family up there if they know something. Where'd you get that though?

I agree on what you said though, towelheads en massé aren't a good thing at all, but I wouldn't mind seeing another actors like D'Elia in Argentina for the purpose that I stated in my previous post.