Does Sup Forums hate women because they never experienced love?

Does Sup Forums hate women because they never experienced love?

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i dont hate women but ive never experienced love either

No we hate women because they're losers
GTFO roastie!

dated a girl for 3 years, she fucked me over somewhat
now i can't stand any of them, it's been a few years since i dated with any degree of seriousness

I hate women because society is pushing for feminine superiority instead of equality for both sexes. And women defend this.

I've experienced love but it wasn't mutual.


was there an archie movie i never knew about

we hate them because we have

no; because I've experienced it and I realized that they don't experience it in the same way.

Men have erotic and agapic love for a woman at the same time. We desire their flesh and we want to merge with their souls.

Women only experience one or the other. They either want a man's seed and wish to be his play toy OR they love his personhood and view him as a brother or friend who they are forced to regrettably fuck on occasion in order to prolong the friendship.

When I realized that treating women like disposable playtoys makes them suck your cum out harder and truly loving them with your heart makes them want to spit it out, I started to resent their very essence, and now I am a jaded playboy.

thats really sad user, im sorry they hurt you.

This isn't /r9k/ faggot. No most of us don't fap to anime either.

It's not for lack of trying

No, it's precisely because we have experienced love.

women are losers?..are you a faggot then?

I hate them because there is nothing to like about them, aside from their sexual utility, which doesn't require you to like them.

Define love

Nope. Qualifying the statement, modern western white women are losers.

>Sup Forums hate women because they never experienced love?
we're not the faggots and crossdressers loser.
We actually LOVE women, just not fake traps

But they aren't equal

I hate women because the majority are psychotic, irrational cunts who prioritize collectivism above all else.

Many care more about "saving face" than facing reality, too. I'd call myself a tranny if I wasn't comfortable in my own body. It's the mindset I despise. Took me years to realize it was the fuckin kikes making women so repulsive.

Don't hate women, just understand what they are. Lessons hard won through lots and lots of experience. Still going into my 30s, of course. Seeing an early 20s girls now who hasn't had her spirit broken by miles of cock.

>1 post by this ID

I don't hate women. I just accept them for what they are and prepare accordingly

No, I experienced love until she was taken from me by some drunk asshole in a truck.
Who says we hate women? Go to /r9k/ for that shit

is she yandere?


Women are superior in every way in the western world. Better pay, better job opportunistic, schools cater to them, the law caters to them and men are looked down upon on society and the media. Fuck women at the moment.
>Things need to change but 99.9% of men aren't revolutionaries to change society and that .01% hasn't been pissed off yet

I'm not even 20 yet so I'm ok. Got lots of time to practice for now.

pretty much

No we have too much experience

youre going to make it user, i believe in you.

We have been over this.
I love women.
Feminists aren't women (similar to how Marxists aren't people).
I am never taking that girl back, I never want to see or hear from her again.
Women have choices in life; act like a slut and you won't be treated like a lady.
Act like a lady and you will be treated accordingly.
There have always been men pathetic enough to treat a slut like a lady; I am not one of those.

I've seen women worth being with. I've even seen successful relationships, but after your sister in law, who is a methhead with facial tattoos, has sex with truckers for crank cash, steels my brothers children, disappeared, and had to be rooted out by swat, you realize that its not worth rolling the dice with whats left of your life, and probably your soul. My brother is tied to those children in an emotional way. He will never escape her.

It was never 'my heart', it was the 'people', women broke. It broke my brother, it killed my father, and I'm not letting it get me.

The idea that relationships with women is a great idea is a fallacy built on the "success" of your parents. We're almost all all biased to this to some extent. The truth is, though, its a statistical probability that if your life is ruined, it will by by a woman you know. It never helped that me and my mother hated each other.

I give them a lot of room.



Sup Forums are mostly a bunch of ugly neets wanting a 10/10 aryan woman that cooks and sucks mean dick and is faithful and smart but also super submissive and get mad when they don't find one like that, to the point they hate women more than niggers

>but after your sister in law, who is a methhead with facial tattoos

Why would you try to date someone with face tats

Yup.Those shitty Sup Forums threads with "you're now remembering HER" are probably true for almost all of the beta fags but I never, ever, ever want to see or hear from her again. If she was right here, right now, and wanted me back, I'd kick her out after putting on gloves. If you aren't with someone you respect, you've fucked up hard.


These guys get it

I hate women because the image society sold me about them: Moral, pure and weak creatures who were exploited by evil sexual predatory males , was totally fake. Women are the most immoral, most attracted to evil, cunning, plotting, lying and sexually deviant gender there is. Women DESERVE to be hated, because their nature is totally corrupt. They even hate each other, because they know how much venom and fakery runs among their sweet words.

Women are demons in a beautiful design.

Sup Forums widens one's vocabulary.

This is genuinely what every retard who can't think for themselves believes about pol

That's really sad user, and what is even more sad is that it isn't uncommon.
You're right about people being biased. I was raised in a healthy family, my parents are happily married for more than 30 years. Most of my relatives and friends are also fine.
I never personaly experienced the insecurity of the modern young man regarding marriage because I grew up surrounded by people who were sucessfull in this matter.
I attribute this sucess to christianism and the conservative enviroment we live in.

Things like MGTOW seems totally out of reality for me, while at the same time I understand their reasoning based on what they say.

In the end what matters is that I was blessed with many things, my bride is one of them. I'm worried more for the future of my offspring than for myself. The western world is really going to shit.

I've gone down the black pill path with them, because you eventually understand that the second kind of love is the limit of the physical capacities of most women. They are physiologically incapable of the lines of deep thinking a man is, and even if you don't spend time contemplating the meaning of true love, men throughout history have always had it, it's why rescuing the maiden trope is an archetype.

Now with women's ((((liberated)))) minds, they no longer can be innocents who at least have a world view of a man who can be both rough and their protector at the same time. Everything happening right now in the world is turning them into trash.

You are basically lucky at this point if you can get a qt white wife who never leaves you, let alone get someone who understands actually how each sex thinks correctly.

I don't hate women but I have come to despise them. Especially after living many years under the lies and pretensions that they are superior to men and that they are angels on earth. It was hard at first to abandon such ideas but I've come to admire myself more as a man every day. I have a long way to go but the reason I have come to view and think of women differently is after putting up with severe nutjobs that weren't worth my time.

I've dated a woman with borderline personality disorder that tried to shape me into her perfect cuck slave. After such experience I've been on a heavy path of self improvement and I've seen women in a different light. It's been well over a year but some scars are still fresh. I don't hate women but I hate what they've become.

Love is a chemical reaction we need to inject it into everyone it's better than any meth or heroine or a stupid joint it is a spiritual like transcendence only few like Buddha or Christ truly understand and tried to share with humans it is the God state fucking patent that shit and inject it into everyone. I wouldn't be surprised if the elite keep the 'love' chemical for themselves and away from the masses, can you imagine if EVERYONE experienced that shit?????!?

Women need to be ruled over and kept in line or they will destroy themselves, ironically they love you the most when you treat them like trash because they know they are trash and try to push the envelope because secretly they want you to be aggressive.

I love women because they love me because I really love them, not porno love, not disney fairy tale love, the kind of love that can only be expressed: a love of the soul. You want what is best for women, you treat them like a sister or a mother and they fall for you every time. Don't put up with their nonsense, treat them with the respect they earn and they will eat out of the palm of your hand because you are their measuring stick for love

>We desire their flesh and we want to merge with their souls.
knowing this is half the battle
>love his personhood and view him as a brother or friend
i love my husband for who he is as a person and I love his wiener; it's not impossible or even abnormal for women to nurture the men they love. i'm sorry you were hurt.

If she baked the cake then it's love, else it's a lie.

This. Had sex but none of it has meant anything


Sounds like she hurt you pretty bad user.

Don't worry you'll find a good one some day

Both men and women have a corrupted nature. You don't need to seek for the evil in anyone because it is evident, as mankind is inherently evil.
What you need to do, what is hard to do, is to seek the good in people.

What happens nowadays is that women are more corrupted than men because of degenerated social standards. Women are following their programming as intended by nature: they are submissive to the strongest male: the government and the market of feminist ideas.

The nature of women isn't the problem, if it was marriage would never have worked and woudn't exist nowadays. Other tool would exist for sucessfull child raising.

What isn't working is society, and that is what you have to fix.
The first move is to take our power back as men.

It's a show in the CW called Riverdale, the chick who plays Betty and Veronica get spammed on Sup Forums everyday

>Women have no feelings


Ah yes Women; They'll reduce a man to the very dust of his essence and cast it into the ether.
It's rare when two souls truly meet and women invariably leave you absolutely wrecked on that odd occasion.

Yes men can and are dicks and can be pimps, abusers, maniacs and narcissists. But I guarantee half of these men have been utterly destroyed by a woman.

The longing and pain women leave in the hearts of truly based men, has been the fuel for art, culture and human development.

Top post lad and last part is horrifically true.

pol should have word of the day, Thanks succinct user.

>conditional love

It definitely doesn't help.

I turned 20 yesterday and I've never even kissed a girl

Men are loyal and will love a woman with few attributes, but women will only love the highest status man in what ever social circle she happens to be in. The problem is women will be hundreds of social circles.

Woman hate is empirical and usually borne from prolonged intimate contact with them in the first place. You're getting the chain of causation incorrect.

>you will never have a gf like that that will always love you and is always willing to hug,cuddle,kiss, and have sex with you no matter what
kill me

got em after

every time you learn a new word or think of a word that someone isn't likely to know you tell 'em, user. be the change you want to see in the world.


A man leads. You're supposed to lead your girl into the truth. Obviously you're a goddamn failure on the physical and mental level. Consider fixing this or killing yourself if you can't.

I want to get back with my ex, but i feel guilty cause I cheated. We split when I had to come back to the states after study abroad in Japan. Wat do /pol?

Fucking this.

It's a tough pill to swallow, gents, but that's how it is. There are no unicorns to hold out hope for. Don't hate women for what they are: realize that they are this way because of evolution.

Learn how to work within the dynamic, or rail against it aimlessly.

You come to hate them by trying to love them, only to observe how stupid and ungrateful they are in a predicable way every time. Also, you notice that all the liberal soyboys are just pathetically trying to sneak a wiff of pussy, when it comes down to it.

Women are property.

My wife loves me.


Someone's never had a proper relationship.

take a guess what the other guy looked like :^)

no no no!
Don't you see? Its not all that uncommon! Marriage works, yep yep yep! Its NOT a fifty "fifty" crapshoot to heaven or hell!

ive never experienced love and i dont hate women
id say that people who have experienced love are the ones that hate women the most here and the ones that have never been loved like me are the one who dont ahte women and want their acceptance

Here comes the whiteknight faggot.
Women love decadent males, drug dealers murderers, straight psychopaths who look menacing and evil.

Man are literally repulsed by the sight and signs of evil in women.

Both genders are not the same, and should not be weighted by the same measures.

You are just a blue pilled retard who can't see a palm in front of you. There is a reason for why every ancient tradition points women as corrupted and devilish by essence. There is a reason for why the ancients called women as inferior and that should be put into submission by males. It's the right thing to do for the good of humanity.

>There are no unicorns to hold out hope for.
Might as well just fucking kill myself them.

meant to linkAlso tits or gtfo



Sean Hannity btfo

I tell my mother I hate her every time I see her stupid face. I also beat my girlfriend when she tries to smile at anyone but me.


I hope it's not some re-boot re-interpreted bullshit

But I get the sense from that clip that that's exactly what it was

Man come on I cant blackpill myself like that.

Do you tell them that?

They're so goddamn inherently solipsistic that anything less feels like oppression to them. And feelings=reality to them.

It is, they tried to give it a Twin Peaks vibe and I think it's a murder mystery type series


Are you that fat chick who posted pics of her sonogram and asked people for a good "aryan name"?

Thanks for making me realize how totally sound and normal people who frequent these places are. Really makes me see the true caliber of "ubermensch" that dwells in the interwebz

Utter bullshit. Every girl who's been in love with me has always wanted to fuck my brains out constantly.

You're just a retard who's read too many PUA books

It's a shame everyone will ignore this post because it contradicts their view..

Half of us "hate women" because we've been in love and gotten ducked over, the others are just frustrated basement dwelling master wizards who the only female contact they've experienced is mommy's kisses.

Can't just leave it as a good, happy, wholesome story about normal white kids in a white town, now can you!

I think I know who is behind this

I can see why l some men would beat their wives. I could never bring myself to, but now I kind of understand.

>I love him for who he is
doubt it, you love him for what he has. Who he is can not be determined unless you account for what he has, this is the very nature of everything. Confidence can move mountains though I know this much, even if I had nothing I could bend a womans will to mine, because her will is weaker, but my confidence is still something, to say you love a person for who he is means nothing and it is a statement said by idiots

>it happened in the past therefore it's good!
kys you're self

And out of all the hottest girls I know, they're all dating successful guys who are genuinely nice guys. Drug dealers have drug dealer girlfriends.

They've experienced it but never had it reciprocated.

>First girlfriend married got pregnant by another guy and got married at 16
>Next girlfriend dated me so friends could see her with me, lied to me she was grounded so she doesn't have to meet me, and spend time with friends.
>Third girlfriend vented everything at me
>Fourth girlfriend was manipulative as fuck
>Faith girlfriend dumped me on my first business trip, she didn't want to wait.
These five were my teachers in life.
They taught me that women would take the road where there is something useful for them. They will lie, cheat and manipulate just to have it their way, even if they're wrong.
Since then, I haven't been heartbroken, but I haven't even been in love, despite living with women for certain periods of time.
The more time I spend with them, the more I learn them and realize that they're emotional creatures, and they are weak.
They need you for comfort, but once they're back in their comfort zone, they take you for granted and you're a nobody.

It's the CW, of course you know