Hey Sup Forums I have to write a 2-3 page argumentive paper for my English class...

Hey Sup Forums I have to write a 2-3 page argumentive paper for my English class. The paper can be about anything and I want to abuse this. Can you guys give me any triggering topics?

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easy... "why does 13% of the population make half of the murder rate why does most rape in Europe caused by Muslims or Africans

>2-3 page paper

Underage b& detected

Holocaust denial

IQ and race.

very good point why did int i think of that

no joke we talked about this in class and had to write about it

Why sub Sahara Africa needs multiracial diversity

you could talk about the many verses in the quran that call for death of infidells

Just write a pro trump essay. It would be absurd for anyone to call you out for supporting the leader of your country.

there are a lot of feminists in my class and they get offended by almost anything

Easy. Women's suffrage.

Or something along these lines takimag.com/article/feminism_and_the_decline_of_america_christopher_degroot/print#axzz4yBVxjyh2

Why not talk about the massive debt you are incurring just to sit around writing two to three page papers about bullshit topics for an (((English))) class instead of getting actual, hardcore instruction in things that will provide you with a future?
What about writing about the conjunction of economic disincentives—student debt, the higher-degree treadmill by which one needs more degrees for a decent job because everyone has a BA, the housing bubble that puts home ownership out of the hands of millennials so the boomers can retire comfy in their equity, the low wages and difficult job market that makes it hard for millennials to feel secure enough to start a family—that make it less likely that today's best educated will produce any children for the next generation while Jamal sires fifty crack babies on single mothers in the hood? You could add in for extra flavor the feminist brainwashing that tells women that children are a hindrance to future happiness rather than one of life's goals, but you'd have more than enough with the disastrous conjunction of economic disincentives.



Black people have lower IQ
Hitler did nothing wrong
The Jewish influences (Harvey Weinstein)
Black people don’t think black lives matter

The history of syphilis.

Zionist occupied government

"Why it is ok to be white"

enjoy prison

Kek I remember when I drove past a community college
I'm so glad I remained a NEET.

Argue that allowing gay marriage violates fundamental human rights for a family to have children as specified by the UN: un.org/en/development/desa/population/theme/rights/

I'm more than aware of the responsibility of the Fed. Nevertheless, students need it pointed out to them that society has managed to align various and diverse economic factors in such a way that Millennials end up strongly disincentivized against reproduction. The Fed's monstrous balance sheet does not wholly explain that. More important is that Millennials realize that they are being set up for a dark future.

Why affirmative action should be abolished. Also mention about how if anyone has privilege then it's the people that make up 4% of the US population and yet they are almost half of the "1%ers" in America.

make it about something innocuous yet "too close for feefees", similar to the "okay to be white" thing.

It depends on whether anyone in the class will see it. There's no reason to get on your teacher's shit list, so pick something like FDR and focus on the more pc stuff, like how he violated the rights of citizens based on their ethnicity.

Man I love charts for ants

>inb4 "Zoom in you dumbass burger"

I tried


Write about the JQ.

This. They'll demonize you for the truth

Push the envelop the other way.

Cite modern university papers to help argue a case for the extermination of the white race. Identify the primary beneficiaries from a position of them being deserving. Come back with her reaction.

Black on black violent crime in America's ghettos !!

Should trigger most school faggots .

Find a copy of The Bell Curve By Charles Murray, which discusses IQ dispersion throughout the human populace.

It's a chart showing the growth of the Fed's balance sheet from 1915 to 1936. What he should have shown was the Bernanke years, where the graph grows so out-sized that the assets can't fit at scale anymore (pic related). Nevertheless, I think blaming the Fed in a three-page English paper is wasting the opportunity to redpill classmates on how distinct economic phenomena can, in conjunction, have a profound effect on the ability of the middle and upper classes to realize the American Dream. Student debt + housing prices + low salaries/difficult job market = no 2.5 kids or white picket fence

the USA is sheltering an Israeli shadow gov.

aka the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about

Agriculture was the worst mistake in human history

He could be a retard that failed

Race realism and evolutionary psychology, use crime rate statistics among other factors with iq and shit, Kanazawa has some good research on this shit

Write a paper on why women shouldn't be allowed to vote

As for a thesis, how about this: instead of intervening to prop up boomers' equity or to increase diversity in education by guaranteeing student loans, government should withdraw the punchbowl (the Fed) and coordinate its interventionist impulses to incentivize the most educated to settle down, buy homes, and start families. Also, argue that all welfare for the poor, including housing and food assistance, should end.

The Jews are committing ethnic genocide on whites

Or just do Hitler was right about the Jews

Can’t get kicked out for this one.
Focus on immigration and demographic replacement