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Will DNA testing be compulsory for the ethnostate?
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yeah, send us your blood like a good goy
Eventually people with non-white admixture will be able to get their nigger genes edited out of their DNA.
I mean it is case by case and the answer really should be asked to geneticists whether or not that is optimal.
And not one of the modern day Jewneticists.
Yes one drop rule. No racemixing of any kind whatsoever, especially with pic related.
The vast majority of white Europeans somewhere down the line had some sort of nonwhite family. Almost every European from Poland or the Rhine valley has some Ashkenazi in them. Having everyone take a DNA test would also bring rise to the question of which people and from where are included in the white race, which believe it or not can get tricky. For example someone who is 1/4 Ashkenazi can be, look and have the genes of the best "Aryan" but someone who is 1/4 african well obviously isnt going to fit in as well Also take note I'm becoming a geneticist.
Then 90% of Europe is absolutely fucked.
I will also add that some of you "muh pure blood" fags are fat acne covered autists while lets say again someone who is 1/8 Turkish can be a fit, intelligent attractive fellow
that thing doesnt look black to me
>le 1 drop rule meme
Not only was this never accurate, but it was hardly ever enforced, even in the Jim Crow era. All of Jefferson's half-slave descendants chose to live as whites and completely assimilated within 1 generation. 1 GENERATION.
Quad to Octaroon's would be OK, and there is the fact of generation skipping.
Yes, we need to expunge every fragment of kike and shitskin DNA.
>mfw I found out I'm 1% Native American
Okay question then if your 1% non European your out of the game even tough you could be far more intelligent, fit, have better genes all around compared to a 100% european who is a fat lazy ugly shill with cystic fibrosis. This is the problem with the one drop meme
>far more intelligent
>t. 56%
>the ethnostate
Don't hold your breath.
We're waiting on a collapse.
Then we have to fight the elite for the right [for the masses] to exist, then we try to secure some land. By then, those that look huWhite enough are huWhite enough. So probably no DNA tests.
> be 1/64 red injun
>not red enough to get goverment money
>i will never be white
According this one drop im European because i have one drop of euro blood.
Im fucking white :^)
Not everyone with the right dna can stay, some liberals will have to go to hell
There will be NO ethnostate without DNA testing. The last thing we need is anyone with under 95% European DNA. Europe has enough diversity, all that it will ever need.
Look if were bring completely realistic and you want to implement a white ethnostate and your not memeing around the one drop thing is a meme. As stated are you going to accept a 99% European who is fit smart and intelligent to run things for you ....or the possibility of a 100% European who could literally be a fat lazy pathetic internet autist. And your going to kick the one drop people like that out? Thats dumb and irrational and could never work.
>amerikike trying to be exempted
Sure I could be 90% European and you could be a 100% but could you, with you pudgy fat fingertips pass the same fitness test? prove to be better on an IQ test? probably not you're probably more suited to look tough on the internet and flip burgers at your day job at McDonal s
Well it looks like i'm not going to be able to get citizenship. I'm 1/16th Australian aboriginal, but I look fully European... with jet black hair.
Enjoy being king of the jungle, but no, youre not welcome in european ethno-state.
>Not only was this never accurate, but it was hardly ever enforced, even in the Jim Crow era. All of Jefferson's half-slave descendants chose to live as whites and completely assimilated within 1 generation. 1 GENERATION.
>one drop rule
Do you have any idea how many people were displaced and moved during and after both world wars?
The one drop rule is going to kill 90% of modern europe, not even the old nazi race laws were this strict.
making such a large group of "people of color" gives them power. Call them mixed. They don't have a race.
There are millions of people who fulfil the 100% European criteria, more than enough to draw talent from. Your 'argument' is an absurdity. On what scenario would there only be two candidates? You're inventing an impossible scenario to prove a nonsense point.
If we are taking in talented non-Europeans, are we also turning away talentless Europeans? At that point you're no longer talking about an ethnostate.
Furthermore if we're assuming the inherent desirability of European genes, why should we not expect that on the macro scale 100% whites are in average better than 99% whites.
Make your own semi-ethnostate if needs be, but where will you draw the line if not at 100%? It's totally arbitrary and you will always find an excuse until you are recruiting literal 56% mongrels.
>0 you's
c'mon pol
So you're saying you wouldn't utilize the 99% Europeans? you wouldn't even make them 2nd tier individuals? Nature wont favor you my friend, you're not utilizing a precious resource to the gain of yourself and your people. We've done this for years as Europeans. Use other to do our work. You idiotic cunt
Butthurt kike
Upset because you know you're a dumb ass. As Hitlers perfect child shouldn't you get off the internet and do something productive?
I have a drop of Asian blood so I guess I'm Asian then lol.
>tfw no hapa ethnostate
A lil more than 1/32 here. Obama care doesn't penalize me. Feels good man.
My GF is white, I wonder how mad we will make Sup Forums iRL when we go out together more often.
then i remembered hacker named Sup Forums never goes out.
>The one drop rule is going to kill 90% of modern europe,
I understand you, the one drop rule its stupid. Somebody who is 1/64 Japanese and the rest german would be rejected just because of that small non white blood
>inb4 if I have a glass of water that was 1/64 shit would you drink it?
False equivalency humans genes aint equal to food or drinks, they don't have the same properties to make a comparation
>1/6 slovenian
Italians suck an I right fellow slovenes
yes. But what will be the acceptable threshold of purity to be granted citizenship? 85%? 90?
What's wrong with that? You were once proud warriors.
Criminals or others who exhibit antisocial behavior will have it checked to help aid in the determination of their punishments.
It won't be a question of percent, but rather specific sequences of genes that cause nigger-like behavior, low IQ, severe body odor, unpredictable violent tendencies, inability to conceive of time or planning, etc.
We will engineer a race of perfect beings.
No, obviously it will be a white ethnostate, but the purging will occur based on views instead of DNA tests. Express Marxist views and you die. Express pro-gun control views and you die. So on and so forth.
nice try roach
IMO the one drop rule should only apply to true untermensch blood, like subsaharan African or Aussie Abbo blood. I couldn't give a damn if someone were 5% Asian, or 5% Jew.
Dad is northern eu and mom is southern eu and it looks like her great great great ancestor was from morocco or something which explains my coon blood. It's fine for me to say coon b/c I'm 3% black btw.
My skin is pretty white but I don't get sunburns and have brown eyes so I say fuck this 1 drop shit. We should just have an IQ test in addition to the DNA test. I don't care if you're 100% white if you're sub 100 IQ you're basically coon-tier anyway and shouldn't get in.