This is what looks like BlackPigeonSpeaks on youtube actually looks like

This is what looks like BlackPigeonSpeaks on youtube actually looks like.

Here he is at a Japanese baseball game.

Other urls found in this thread:

Literally who?

Big alt right youtuber.

I didn't know he was a massive weeb.

haha he's fat. and jewish, looks like.

kinda looks like you (OP)


lol he was a crazy weeb before he made his alt right channel

he's not a fan of women.
I'm not a fan of men.
Has he ever looked at the crime stats? Men commit all the crime, especially the murders and the rapes. Maybe he should make a video about that instead of railing against women all the time.


oh wow all these altrighters turn out to be jews.
it's almost like there is a conspiracy to dominate the resist against jews and its actually led by jews. it's almost like jews play both sides..


>Big alt right
he isnt alt right


Wait. What the fuck?

I think BlackPigeonSpeaks might actually be my cousin.

So any person who’s /ourguy/ has to be good looking or something

That is because women are weaker and less intelligent and thus less able to commit crimes. It is like how people say African never had genocides on the same scale as Europeans and Asians, and concluding that Africans are better for it, when in reality the Africans lacked the technological prowess to commit mass genocide that Europeans and Asians had.

no shit

mid-life crisis-having betafag fatass who doesn't have a life, jumps on the bandwagon of controlled opposition alt-right memes

You can't stop men committing crime, but you can stop women from destroying a country by sinplying not letting them vote, or at least go back to those who own actual land (not apartment rooms) being the only ones who can vote

Fuck you Sup Forums

Telltale sign of a gynocentric society is judging MEN based on looks. You all think like fucking women. BPS isn't about looks, that's why he doesn't show himself in his videos. He's about ideas.

>won't name the Jew
controlled opposition, that said I like his voice

>Names Jew
>Loses all chance to propagate message to normies

Hmmmm I wonder why people don't do it?

Yeah, very true. Attacking somebody's appearance is one of the weakest arguments. I like BPS and I can agree with about 90% about what he says. Especially about women not having the right to vote.


>ugly people opinions

he probably is
text him right now

Seems like living in Japan for a while might make you become more nationalistic

Let's seen all politically correct morons to Japan for a while until they stop being retarded

Accurate. No wonder why he had his face covered in other videos. God he is a fatass middle aged fuck.

>Men commit all the crime, especially the murders and the rapes
You mean non-white men

also archive the fucking videos before he takes them down

brown anime is disgusting

>gynocentric society is judging MEN based on looks
MGTOW is fucking cancer. Drop the resentment shit and better yourself

>muh optics

He has touched the subject, but if he names the Jew rip youtube channel

When you think like a chick ugly men's opinions actually do not matter. You obviously think like a woman.

I can't fucking believe nobody noticed this shit before.

Does his voice sound similar?

Isn't he a cuckservative?

Yeah, we've had this thread before. People found out it was him through the voice and because he had videos of him feeding pigeons. A few posters said something in the comments of his videos for a couple days, he confirmed it was him and that he didn't really care, and everything went on as normal.


I know right

I'm married with children. MGTOW is cancer, but so is a society where women have too much power. They end up thinking like you.


He is uglier than I thought he would be. Sad.

I don't know but my Dad has a nephew in Japan and he looks like a fat younger version of my Dad. I'll show him this pic next time I see him.

>Le 56% face.

Who says mgtow isn't about improving yourself. It is about freedom, and Investing. Also it does not discourage fucking women, just that when you do it, do it in a patriarchal country.

I will have MGTOW hybrid essplain this shit to you

>Implying you wouldn't colonize that brown pussy

>MGTOW is fucking cancer
You haven't been thru family court, have you faggot?

Talk big after the judge kicks you out of your own house for defending yourself from a psycho bitch attack, & orders you to keep paying for the house you can't even walk in.

That's a whole lot of bullshit there kike, think you can point out anything he's said that's wrong?

he's not alt right
he's a classical liberal whose against immigration and the whole 'sjw' movement
makes some great vids

>only know learning how felix looks like

how new meme flag?


no, he's pretty based and pro white

he reminds me of the goofy scientist apprentice type of guy from Breaking Bad

the one with all the ethnic crap in his apartment that ends up getting shot

>>Implying you wouldn't colonize that brown pussy

came here to post this.


>california gold
>it's a girl that gets dicked by a futanari


I'll take an Amazon chocolate with a side of scent of cinnamon

No, not at all.

I think he has a Jap girlfriend though which is a big letdown.

You obviously don't know how genealogy works. You are decedent of two people, which also have parents, their patents have parents and so on. We all have a percentage of Jew in us.

>doesn't have a life
>traveled extensively in his youth
>lives in a foreign country/culture where he contributes to their society
>makes money irl shitposting on jewtube and mining liberal salt

wtf i hate having a life now!

I don't think he even is white

Ok... That's definitely him!

He stated that he's Canadian-American.

If I were such a loser I would make videos just like his.

muh dick

yup, another Amerimutt.
Imagine my shock

He looks like Slav.

Looks huwhite to me.

Who there is actually in the Alt-Right?

Now I know why he released that Japanese Halloween video.

Bro. Most have us have seen Felix's Asian sex tourism YouTube channel years ago

Woah beee-teeeee effff O.

Why isn't that faith goldstein girl on the list? She's Jewish af

None of them. Being alt-right as a public automatically gets you associated to (((Richard Spencer))) and the like. I know PJW and Milo openly reject the alt-right now. Most of these would probably be alt-lite. Though whether the punished Trump theory is true is still up to debate.

as a public figure*
Sorry, forgot a word.

Tara, Enoch, Weev and Anglin

Shut up Paco and go build the wall. You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

>tfw no gyaru cosplay gf
why even live?

Looks like whats his face some generic TV character

Well, the gaijin I met there were cool but all the youtubers there seem to be sjws besides nigger pidgin who is an ugly cunt.

Damn this nigger looks like a salt and pepper catastrophe. BTW how do I get an asian gf. I fucked my white gf drunk tonight and couldn't cum. I think having a submissive asian would really send me over the edge DESU

If he names the jew, all the Luke-warm/purple pilled normies will get scared away. He is an entrance level redpiller. He acclimates the brainwashed to the truth via comfortable and safe narratives that stay away from from the hate-charged rhetoric we use here.

His videos are very good for instilling doubts in turbo-liberals. And unlike the Merchant of Akkad, he doesn't attack white nationalists or list himself as a smug ((("radical centrist"))).

No, no we don't all have a percentage of jew in us, you fucking Kike.

What kind of faggot judges a mans work based on his fucking looks? So he's not a fucking Chad, does that make what he says wrong? You faggots should actually be a bit relieved because that's what you're going to look like in 20 years.

He looks like a perfectly okay mid-30's european dude. Who cares.

Where's the Chad version?

>claiming Mike Enoch is Jewish
>his DNA report is public
>no Jew DNA

Your nose is showing Abraham

You'd call him a nu male if he had a beard...

drink bleach
asians love bleach breath

Wow what do you know, he's a kike.

Probably (((french canadian)))

Do people refer to themselves as radical centrists? Jesus christ that's fucking lame


No, there was a Trump protest at Osaka recently that was all gaijin. There are also weebs that support open borders, because they are too much of a failure to get into japan.

BPS is one of the few alt-right youtubers/personalities who doesn't appear to be controlled opposition.

The jews don't like this so they shit all over him.

His videos are actually quite good for red-pilling normies.

Video plz


even worse. he does have that dopey canadian expression.

Nice thread Schlomo.

I've never watched his videos, well maybe a snippet here or there if they're linked to here. I figured the way these faggots were bashing him there must be something more to it. Pic related. I may watch a few of his vids now. Thanks.