>Deep intriguing dialogue
>Fascinating and complex characters
> Well-written plot with no pandering
Why Sup Forums hate yahari so much?
>Deep intriguing dialogue
>Fascinating and complex characters
> Well-written plot with no pandering
Why Sup Forums hate yahari so much?
overdramatic garbage anime for faggots
>Nonsensical blabbering
>Sound of silence, literally talking about nothing
>Panders to trapfags
>Art style and writing drop off a cliff in Season 2
Oh, forgot,
>"Love triangle"
>One of the two girls isn't even remotely romantically interested with the guy and neither is he with her
>no pandering
You mean a deep and sophisticated rom com harem.
Sup Forums has shit taste, more news at 11.
>No pandering
>Fascinating and complex characters
>overwritten, purple dialogue
>retarded and simplistic characters defined by singular traits and events
>essentially plotless harem
>Cancerous fanbase
>3 threads up right now
>End of S2 was shit
>Cancerous fanbase
>literally another harem in disguise
>Fascinating and complex characters
> Well-written plot with no pandering
it's just another bog standard harem anime
it was a lot better when it focused on hikki himself and how he dealt with things instead of on girl of the week #4
As usual, Sup Forums hates it now because it became too popular.
>guy is a loser
>popular and nice girls come to him
>his hot teacher wants to bang him
not accurate to what happens when you're a loser but the 8man keeps making his dialogue of muh loser when he isnt
>supposedly ugly
>most handsome character in the series
The self insert is too strong here
Season 1 was enjoyable because the show didn't take itself too seriously and the comedy was decent.
Season 2 was absolute trash though and only enjoyed by teenagers who think that highschool is "srs bzns".
And here we have a man with absolutely dumpster fire tier shit taste.
Colour me surprised.
The fanbase is probably the worst fanbase on Sup Forums
Please, the adults are talking.
The plot committed suicide in the second half of the second season.
Because there are two threads up already, stop shitting up the catalog
1st season was like that.
2nd is just a moeblob haremtrash angsty drama.
>waaaaaa waaaaaa he doesn't think like me waaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaa
I thought this was fucking Kyoukai no Kanata from the thumbnail.
Huh, me too.
So you prefer your Re:zero's and Yuri's lad? True taste of a gentleman here.
harem garbage with a shitty self insert. basically the call of duty of anime
Harem garbage with a shitty self insert set in a fantasy world involving sword fights would be the cod of anime.
>Hi my name is OP and I use big words and I'm really sophisticated
You make me want to vomit you fucking sperglord
How are those big words you unborn miscarriage, what education have you had for those words to literally rattle your mind and call them big words? I bet the only big thing you ever have seen is your dads cock entering your anus. For fuck sake lad.
Who the fuck said that he loves that kind of animes, your moron.
we dont
Its fucking cringy because they sound overdramatic you fucking kike. Its high school level poor word choice.
For example take this sentence: "I marvelled at how crowded the bus was."
Nobody fucking marvelled at anything the only thing that happened was that the writer acknowledged how crowded it was.
I'd like to ask OP if he REALLY found the dialogue "intriguing." Its interesting at least, but I would not say it provokes any sense of intrigue. The characters are pretty unique too and their chemistry is really well put together but I would not call the characters "fascinating." Take a college level rhetoric class and ask your professor about it or something.
I'm intrigued by your definitions of "complex", "deep" and "well-written". They look like they just spout pseudo-philosophical bullshit
But it isn't popular anymore.
Can you into plurals? Are you jap or something?
kill yourself
>teen drama
Remember guys, the last time someone thought the main girl would win for sure, Chihiro ended up winning.
Irohafags, let us drink deeply the tears of our enemies
b-b-but ch-chihir-o w-was al-always m-main girl
But highschool is serious business, unless you're in a country where you need to complete the university to work at mc donalds.
Because all three of those are wrong.
>But highschool is serious business
I clearly wasn't referring to the academic aspect because anime rarely if ever focus on that.
>My Teenage RomCom is Wrong as I Expected
>Love triangle
>Generic love interests
>Unnecessary drama
It's exactly as I expected.
Learn English, you faggot.