What is Sup Forums's honest opinion on Ben Shapiro?

What is Sup Forums's honest opinion on Ben Shapiro?

I don't care he's a jew. I disagree with a lot of his positions but admire the fact that he is actually rational and intellectually honest. That alone puts him above Limbaugh, Hannity, etc.

Dude he fucking shills for foreign wars, Jewish nationalism and calls white nationalism deplorable.

He's an incredibly smart guy. I subscribe to his website and I watch his show every day.

I also don't think I've ever heard him mention Israel, but from the memes on this board you'd think he just talked about Israel the whole show.


>intellectually honest
pick one.


He doesn't give a damn about the browning of America. But immigration to Israel is out of the question

>I don't care he's a jew.

post sister's jewcow tit tays

I like that he does his homework and despises Hillary almost as much as I do.

And why do folks ask Sup Forums as though it is a person, or a singular identity?

I agree. The guy is sharp as hell. Like my dad would say," he could sell a chocolate popsickle to a man with white gloves on in the summer". Sometimes hes too logical. Prob be a good judge.


>He doesn't give a damn about the browning of America.
Nothing wrong with this.

>But immigration to Israel is out of the question
Not true, by the way.

And anyway, I've never heard him talk about Israel.

He said people who question the 9/11 offical story were "radicals". He's a scum.

Shap probably got fucked by his rabbi now he makes shekels to sound smart with dumb arguments

Worthless neoconservative who does nothing to counter the left's arguments other than arguing about basic bitch cuckservative topics like guns or trannys.

To make things worse he actively attacks people on the right who aren't neocons like him, using that group of his Reagan Battalion.

>And why do folks ask Sup Forums as though it is a person, or a singular identity?
Because almost everyone here is an edgy high school kid with no friends who has to love Trump and meme about Jews in order to feel a part of something.

Ahem they are known as kazar milkers


Lead paint.

>Nothing wrong with this.

Because this place is an echo chamber, every thread is pretty much the same subject and argument every day. Unless a habbezambinoing is going on, it's the same 2 types of for-against arguments with that outlying Sup Forumstard trying to force a meme.

Also he's fairly terrible about arguing.

He does a bit like Destiny in that instead of posing decent arguments he tries speaking quickly and ignores any arguments he doesn't like. He also tries labeling people 'extremists' rather than debate them which kinda worse than Destiny in that he won't even try speaking to those he disagrees with too much, which makes it revealing why he's comfortable arguing with Cenk Ugyur.

of course he calls white nationalism deplorable, he is a fucking jew...

Neither of those even look close to her, why do you guys keep posting these?

His videos on Jimmy Kimmel's monologues explained what's wrong with Jimmy's views very well.

He does sometimes criticize Tucker or Hannity when their Trump fanboyism seeps out.

Mouthberg is quick with the tongue so what Jews are practically arguing straight off the tit.

Because they are faceblind autists.


He talks shit about identity politics then points out his yarmulke in the very next sentence.

Labeled all Charlottesville protesters as Nazis because they didn't leave the protest when they saw Nazi flags.

Said Russia helped Trump because "intelligence agencies" said so and he trusts them.

Disavows white pride as racist while completely ignoring all of the Jewish nationalism and atrocities of Israel.

Pushes the neocon agenda.

Conservatism is not rational in any way.

Shap is riding the trump wave he’s not pro trump and doesn’t actually support him. He just needs to keep his base like Cernovich. Jews gonna Jew t


I totally agree with him when it comes to social issues, and the importance of traditionalism, but I wouldn't listen to him when it comes to foreign policy.

They look super close. Those tits are massive

>TWO Ben Kikepiro shilling threads right now

This smells of leftist Reagan Batallion shenanigans.

Just another Jew attempting to usurp the right and twist it into something Jews can exploit


There's literally nothing wrong with this statement, and I don't know why people keep posting it like it's supposed to mean something.

>His videos on Jimmy Kimmel's monologues explained what's wrong with Jimmy's views very well.

Everyone can do that if they aren't braindead.

Ben's key problem is that he accepts most of the left's reporting as fact. He rarely if ever questions anything he sees from leftwing media. This leads him to looking incredibly out of touch such as happens in the various articles he's written over the past year which you can read on Townhall.

>Ben's key problem is that he accepts most of the left's reporting as fact.
Most of it is fact. It's just biased. No different from Breitbart, only Breitbart doesn't pretend to be unbiased. Most outlets rarely report outright falsehoods.

Typical Jew media they force you to pick the kernels out of the heap of shit they try to feed you

>I don't care he's a jew.
you should

No, I just don't really see the similarity. Even the fake tits in don't come close to the figure in the actual chick

He is very intelligent. And he generally is very rational and intellectually honest. I enjoy listening to him speak on occasion.

He doesn't speak about Israel very often, but when he does speak about it he does seem to sometimes lose his composure, become emotional, and display some bias because he apparently feels strongly about Israel.

He's a smart guy with good arguments. I don't agree with some of his views, but I don't have to to enjoy his political commentary.

>Muh Civic Nationalism is a good thing goyim... believe me.... please.


>too logical

This is my biggest complaint too. He always bitches about Trump doing something unpresidential but doesn't really talk about the morale aspect of being in office.

>Most of it is fact.

There's a reason it became a joke to say "sources with knowledge of his thinking say". They are often reporting rumors as fact along with just getting basic facts wrong. Ben does not seem to ever question these things.

And honestly if someone reports a variety of half truths and rumors then they're not lying or in other words reporting "outright falsehoods".

He has excellent points against currently leftists and is a fantastic debater, but his interests seem purely economic and most of his motivation for speaking on college campuses seems to only be about increasing his popularity through causing controversy and to shut down people with arguments to make him opinions appear superior. This increases his popularity, and with the ease of taking a libertarian stance, he's able to be immune to leftist accusations of racism or sexism since he can claim that in a free market they can compete on equal ground, giving him the illusion of being morally superior. These viewpoints allow him to attack and defend arguments without being locked in a socially-bound ideology, so he can escape on the grounds of being in everyone's best interests and not entrenched in a true side. He's the stereotype of "The freemarket will fix it" even with social issues.

The only use he has is that he makes the current leftist movement seem completely unreasonable from a lawful and economic perspective, but at the same time making any social stance such as Ethno-Nationalism seem extreme and unreasonable, especially when he mentions the holocaust. He is useful, but an enemy.


his pro-Israel stench means he will always undermine the US' interests in the ME. He doesn't believe in nationalism (except for jews), he doesn't believe in ethno-states (except for jews) do you see a pattern emerging here?

While I don't religiously believe in ethno-states his arguments against them don't ring true when the matter turns to Israel as an example. Israel has a wall; he's against a wall in the US. Israel has anti-Islamic policies (immigration and marriage); he's against them in the US.

I like him, but sadly he's a hypocrite. He's also a neo-con. The recent pew survey of conservatives put him as a "core" conservative, yet it didn't delineate neo-cons. He belittled country-first conservatives as a minority (which is bullshit). All modern laws are derived and enforced by the state, created by its founders and nobody is forcing you to stay. Shapiro can suck a dick, non-country-first conservatives (Globalists) can suck a dick too. What are you conserving? shekels? you open-borders chuckle fucks.


I don't get it. What's wrong with black kids?

Whiny kike. Needs to be deported to Israel.


1) He's not above Limbaugh and anyone that has listened to both for over a year knows this. I assume you're talking about intellectual honesty.
2) He's wrong a lot on little things. It's hard for me to pin point exact issues but I distinctly remember his predictions regarding the Republican establishment being way off.

I think he's a great debater. He is intellectually honest but I don't think he has anywhere near the experience necessary to do any play calling for the GOP.


He's pro-free trade, and that means he's anti-American worker.

End of fucking story.

Good post. I agree 100%.


>Color doesn't matter. Ideology does.

Their ideology is the problem.

basically this image
>"Accusing any American Jew who is pro-Israel of being an Israel Firster is a pure form of anti-semitism"

They're NOT her face??? I thought it was just shopped.


typical mercantile republican. always has to balance foreign policy with Israel in mind. favors the business interests in respect to immigration (both border and H1B). and he was your typical pro Iraq war faggot during the Bush years, who would be your typical pro x-Middle East war faggot again. but what i REALLY hate about people like Shapiro is how they do this "muh principles!" thing, as if mindlessly sticking to a set of principles is always ideal. when "muh principles" are threatened by mass immigration that will erode the very last remnants of conservatism, no, i'm not sticking to every bullet point.

he's OK when he's going on about identity politics, but that's really about it.

fuck off conservashit

Neo-con is the master race
>this is known


ben, go sleep now.

He doesn't give a damn about whites.
He can wash his mouth out with his grandmother

He's an ally mostly, attacking him is against our interests. We should be using him and furthering him.

He has an excellent understanding of economics and law, and is capable of seeing things from many different angles and forming coherent opinions, all in all very intelligent, but his personal feelings towards things I am not so partial too, as he has a bit of "jewish victim" complex and generally doesn't accept that whites becoming a minority is an issue, or even a thing. But nobody is perfect, and he is the most capable person of BTFOing the left to oblivion, to this day, not a single leftist he's ever debated has been able to refute his points, and even when they do, he picks them apart and makes a better argument. Guy would be a powerhouse as POTUS.

hes like a wierd young neoconservative. i dont really get his angle, and i say this as a jew

Slow and steady, huh, Yeb!

Ethno-nationalism is extreme and unreasonable
>Fucking leaf

He's openly defended Isreali expansion into Palestine, calling Hamas nothing but a terrorist organization, or somehting along those lines. Just type in youtube "Ben shapiro debates muslim", you'll find the video.

dude if you dont want mass immigration youre extreme

lurk moar


Isn't this the jew who tried to derail Trump's Republican primary wins with a fake violence accusation pairing up with Michelle Fields? He's on the same bullshit level as Glenn Beck ffs. Fucking turncoats... WTF is happening to Sup Forums?

>you must allow yourself to be overrun by shitskins and have your culture destroyed or else you're extreme and unreasonable

Expected from a 56%.

i think he's saying common sense opinions now are taken by libs as being extremist, even if they're actually nuanced and not extreme at all.

i was being sarcastic


Lot's of hot air, have mastered the art of sounding smart without having any deeper insight.

> don't care he's a jew

>I disagree with a lot of his positions

>admire the fact that he is actually rational and intellectually honest

You are so retarded you can’t even see the absolutely obtuse oxymoron wrapped in hyperbole. The first two statements completely negate the last, soyboy, KYS.

Except he would 100% pass antisemitism laws, and while he might shoot down any other encroachments on free speech that would create the first wedge for people to build off of when he left office.

He's a lucky bastard growing up and having incest sex all his young life with his milky sister.

I don't like that he says "facts don't care about your feelings" but loses his fucking shit when people point out that Jews are vastly over-represented in governments, media, academia, etc. He won't even acknowledge this, he'll just say "Anti-semitism!" and "garbage humans" even though that's exactly what leftists do in regards to Islam.

That nose tho

I can't assume that he would do something that drastic, but I wouldn't put it completely past him either. It contradict a lot of what he says and turn him into a fraud, and plus, Im sure many Jews aren't partial to him for his political ascriptions alone, he speaks on behalf on conservatism, and very rarely has he ever spoken on behalf of judiaism of isreal, except one or two instances that i can recall.

It'd be bizzare for him to all of a sudden become a tyrant in silencing free speech against a creed or group of people while basing his platform and arguments on the opposite.

Im actually interested in seeing examples of that, as it would change my opinions on his drastically. Have any examples you can source user?

It's almost as if he has an agenda to push.

his position on abortion is childish.
he practices his religion, also childish.

>he would 100% pass antisemitism laws
No he would not.


>thinking human life has value is childish

He 100% would

Hes a Kike that wants to ruin European bloodlines with shitskins, other than wanting to kill other semetic people to promote Israel's Greater Israel plan,hes pretty based.

i just want to cum in that nose