Are leftists too stupid to understand humor?

Are leftists too stupid to understand humor?


Leftists are never funny because they hate fun

yes. thats why late night tv is so popular

you mean the shows people put on when trying to goto sleep?


They have a permanent stick up their ass for the next 7 years. Nothing will be funny to them and they will always be spiteful and jaded.



Not only stupid, but insane.

I am not joking when I say I hope the day of the rope comes soon. I won't have a hard time rounding up liberals, jews, and the like, and watching them die.

It's called autism, user.
They're autistic.

Leftists are too stupid and delusional to understand anything. They have to create their own make believe because they can't handle reality.


They can't think anymore, it's sad.

Yes, but to be fair, it was kind of lame. Actually, the fact that Trump had to work so hard to make that lame ass joke tweet makes it FUNNIER that liberals don't get it



Yeah, Mockingbird unfortunately has that effect on people. Oh well. If the CBTS threads are anything to go by, they're gonna get a wake-up call unheard of in history.

We are talking about the same people that think late night shows are funny.


If it was Hillary in this situation she would get the joke because haha having a vagina automatically makes you funny, right Amy Schumer?

>person that needs daily therapy and pills to calm down, probably stabs a voodoo doll every day that resembles trump, and demands constant confirmation of their existence telling others they are insane