The first ever Pakistani made Anime

You mfs better get your vaginas ready for the Paki Annie Maes scene

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I thought anime was haram

Pakis are haramis though

Muslims LOVE anime, especially shounen. You cannot find a muslim who isn't into DBZ, Naruto or One Piece.

Thats just generic casual taste

every muslim guy i've ever met has been the biggest shonenfags I've ever met
really poor taste

The quran never said anything about anime

No problem of all those things I only buy Cola, but even this only a few times a year.

I actually haven't ever met a muslim with great taste. Weird.

>not wanting to fund the bullet that would kill that kid
I mean, I can understand not wanting to buy from jews but come on

I only posted that I'm not funding the bullet, not that I do it because I give a fuck about this kid. Do you suggest I buy those things for the sole reason of funding the bullet?

Might be neato

I think its time to leave this medium.

This one's probably a moebro.

Is Sup Forums having a field day with this?

Muslim here. I hate shounen shit.

Do you like CGDCT?

Yeah, it's a drug for me desu.

You can tell by the brief movements the characters have that the animators haven't developed a good sense of weight or movement yet.

Music sounds comfy.

That guy looks South American to me

It's haram.
>`A’ishah relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The people who will be most severely punished on the Day of Resurrection will be those who aspire to create like Allah.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (5954) and Sahîh Muslim (2107)]

Ibn ``Abbâs relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Every image maker is in the Fire. For each image he made, a being will be fashioned to torment him in Hell.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (2225) and Sahîh Muslim (2110) – The wording accords with al-Bukhârî]

Abû Talhah relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The angels do not enter a house wherein there is a dog or images representing (people or animals).” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (3225) and Sahîh Muslim (2106)]

Reminder that with Islam you're saying no to anime.

It relates to idolatry, tripfag.

>not idolizing your annie mays

Only if you worship them like idols :^)

So idol anime is out of the question?

I am all for this. The more fundamentalist Islam is exposed to western media and the benefits of Western civilization, the sooner Islam will fracture and break apart until we're finally rid of that death cult.

>that filename

>the only people willing to frag the fags

So now even Arabia and Pakistan try to do anime but my shitty Euopean country still believes that the only acceptable form of animation is CG shit for three-year-olds and that cartoons are outdated.

>benefits of Western civilization
Such as?

>Pakistani made Anime
Its called a cartoon you weebshitter

But no one else is that eager to gas the jews.

Shouldn't you be recruiting infidels to Islam on twitter or something

Please leave and take the bootleg anime with you.

I always said that anime and waifus could save the world. Hell, I would never kill myself thanks to weekly anime. I don't want to miss the next episode.


Not getting thrown off a building for being a homosexual seems like a good thing

Fags should be buried alive.

Is it halal or haram to have waifus?

There is nothing wrong with being gay

i can confirm, my senpai is very tradionally paki and even my mom and dad watched DBZ because they thought it promoted good strong moral values,

On the contrary mein friend.
Mudslimes realized that playing it cool and telling the world they are ok with things that the koran strictly say are forbidden they can earn everyone's trust, and when you less expect it, BAM, worldwide sharia law.

Don't fall fall for sand-nigger propaganda.

Good place to start.

Name one bad thing about sharia law.

This could be interesting. Muslim-chan is going to get popular.

>Come back to thread I started a few hours ago
>It's turned into a Sup Forumstrump/isis shitfest
Not even surprised

I'm a Muslim and I'm not totally against this sort of thinking, if Islam modernises slightly and becomes pluralistic and scientific and artistic like it was in the Golden age era, it would be good.

Islam must be purged from the world

It's clearly fully influenced by anime though.

Make infidel slavery great again!

I hope that never happens. There is nothing even remotely sexy about muslim women

>Scientific or artistic
Good joke sandwalker

>not sexualizing trash bags

So, there's gonna be memes for the next weeks to come especially the election? Hell on earth will come, population: LAND OF THE FREE and Sup Forums. Source: Sup Forums.

In 1450AD, Europeans were still doing retarded shit too. Give us some fucking time. While we speak, niggers in Africa are raping goats and underage and spreading AIDs everywhere, and pooinloos are still not pooing in the loo, and hues are chainsawing each other and Americunts are still putting bullet holes in each other, yet no one writes them off.

Islam gets a rough deal.
Knowing 4chodes, the day after is when the memes will just come to an end and things will quieten the fuck down until at least 2019.

>Muslim here
please kill yourself you and your people are a cancer to humanity

Pretty sure that's bullshit, wasn't there a mecha wannabe years ago?
Also it doesn't really surprise me since a fuckton of young muslims are low tier weeaboos like said.

The only kind of Muslims I want in my anime are Arab used for exotic flavor, for their brown skin and harem antics.

no it's harem

>western media

Japan is in the West if I say it is.

Wew lad