Just watched Ministry bomb in Dallas tonight. The ear bleedingly loud concert kicked off with a fuck Drumpf anthem, then sailed right into a completely unironic Antifa themed call to violence battle whimper. "We are not snowflakes, we're Antifa!" A few tracks in a decent number of people were starting to leave, then Al commented that he'd never heard a Dallas crowd this quiet before and gave everyone the finger. At that no less than 25% of the crowd filtered out. Having mainly come to see Death Grips, I decided to save my ears and really my senses from the most pathetic and really misguided protest music I'd heard in a long, long time. There's no way the experience won't color my ability to enjoy their back catalogue. The whole thing seemed pretty desperate (there were blow up chickens with Trump wigs and swastikas) and fell very flat with his own state of Texas.
Ministry Flops Live
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That's pretty sad.
People dont like politics being inserted into entertainment. See: NFL
Very bad ratings. sad!
How does he get through a metal detector
>A few tracks in
nobody would ever in a million years use the word "tracks" in this context. i feel really suspicious of you now, OP. can you confirm this isn't LARPing?
who did what now?
literally who
This. He didn’t even use an x
You fucking kids never heard of the band Ministry?
Its extremely shameful for a fully grown adult man to dress like that. I saw a fully grown adult in antifa gear at a gas station once and he looked like he wanted to take a swing at me for not being a tranny. Come on cupcake.
nowadays I classify ministry as a waste of a good riff
i used to enjoy their shit
now i wouldnt even pirate it
I saw them with my dad in San Antonio in 2006, they were his favorite band since I was a kid. But they were pathetic live and my dad had to go throw people around in the mosh pit to enjoy it at all.
They used to make hardcore pro-white music in their hayday, Thieves iirc is about niggers stealing and taking shit.
35 year old dallas resident here
No fucking clue what you're talking about
I could barely tell from context they were even a band.
legacy acts are universally pathetic to anyone with decent taste
also this
My friend went to this show and posted several videos on facebook. He really enjoyed it and thought the swastika chicken was funny. Don't really know anything about the band or know if the walking out thing is true as I'm sure the crowd knew what they were getting into.
Maybe the fact they press play to get the Marilyn Manson effect going on each.. track made the term slip out. Idk. Muh industrial metals. What did you want me to say, songs? Hymns?
He has been a performer since the 80s and makes millions. So he can live with his fantasy politics in a gated community and not have to suffer like the rest of us
He's not Texan. He's from Chicago and lives in California. He just lived in Texas for a few years.
Death grips is shit kys
hell yeah
The context made it obvious. I am worried about you.
>not getting the joke
theyre calling ministry a bunch of nobodies
get your shit together user
Al made great music, but he was always a poser.
>degenerate musicians are left-wing
what a surprise
As a teenager Ministry was one of my favorite bands. Thank god I grew out of that phase.
Al is such a bitch live. Used to make decent music, now just an old man wasting away.
They've always been turbo degenerates, but ironically back when they were doing $1k worth of drugs a day they actually churned out some engaging music.
Not sure if I'd call them "pro-white" or maybe I just can't understand half their lyrics, but they gave off a red pilled vibe, even if it was in more of a leftwing sense. Now they're just hopelessly blue pilled and washed up.
At least Johnny Rotten grew up at some point
I saw them in Phoenix.
Exactly the same show and silliness.
It’s good practice not to preach politics if you’re a has been meth banger.
I thought Ministry was dead. Like, not as a band, as humans.
And has a studio there. He’s an honorary cowboy.
Yep he's part of the whole WaxTrax industrial thing - Smart Bar under Cabaret Metro is where I saw them and this was shortly after their transition from boppy pop (they did the mmbop mbop mmbopbop for Coke back in the day) and half the crowd did NOT expect the hardcore Psalm 69 shit.
Al is a fucking douche though so fuck him listen to Skinny Puppy or Front 242 (although redline/whiteline version of Jesus Built My Hotrod is dope).
Al's album last year Surgical Meth Machine is very awesome and the most violent since Psalm 69. There's even a new Lard song on it.
Is there a specific set of lingo that every schmuck off the street has to know before paying $15 for a ticket? Is there a written vocabulary exam at the gate?
Doesn’t ministry have like four FUCK BUSH albums? Wew lad he sure did nuke the world eh? Still relevant eh?
It would be cool to stand outside a RATM concert with a bullhorn and say "good news comrades! tom morello has decided to distribute his ill gotten multi million dollar fortune equally among the crowd!"
Also Jorgenson needs money for heroin
All the money he made in the 90's ran out.
Has or had? I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a studio here anymore but I guess that's just an assumption.
skinny puppy is good tunes but cevin key is also a cucked douche that should die
ogre is still based
key is a trump hating liberal that thinks too highly of himself
I always wondered what kind of shock his fan base must have had when he went industrial.
Ministry is a shitty band in a sub-sub genre of rock. Not everyone knows that goth/industrial even exists as a genre, let alone what bands comprise it.
I listened to goth music as a youth and I never bought a ministry album. They've always been shit.
goth/industrial I enjoyed: wumpscut, front 242, project pitchfork
Are there any industrial rock bands left that aren’t garbage? KMFDM turned into such Sasha’s shitty family band. NIN is whatever.
Least Raymond Watts is still trying some.
Little kid detected.
oh well, here you go vimeo.com
Sonic Ranch. Its in Tornillo, like 30 min from the Rio Grande.
Who was in the wrong here?
Kevin key is a Furrie
He goes to Furrie conventions dressed as a giant cat.
I guess it’s just Rio Grande Blood and the Last Sucker with bush on the cover
This. Actually been there. Fucking miles of nothing and pecan trees. Spoopy.
He's actually pretty conservative now. He openly supported Brexit. Man is a national treasure in the Uk.
Always (((Chicago)))
So their song must have been FOR the NWO?
i fucked a hipster girl who loved minitry and death grips but i'm probably considered far right by modern definition. what does that mean. she cheated on her bf for it too. did i hurt myself or help cure snowflakism
Literally who?
Brexit is the new ponk rawk
Oh it was fun to watch. Literally kids dressed as prepsters intermingling (read: avoiding) the hardcore black-clad brigade.
atleast DG stays apolitical OP. I saw them in Columbus on this tour and I'm sure they'd be lefty if you were able to talk to them but they stay quiet so that works for me.
Oh man I loved Kill Mother Fuckin Depeche Mode!!
The studio was founded in 1989 by the current owner/director Tony Rancich[1] a
>listen to Skinny Puppy or Front 242 (although redline/whiteline version of Jesus Built My Hotrod is dope).
Are you me? I was going to write almost exactly this.
Tell me something I don't know
Show me something I can't use
Push the button
Connect the goddamned dots
- That's Ministry
Yes I am but in female form. Now marry me.
Haha! Awesome.
I liked some of their singles back in the 90's but literarily thought he had died from an OD and hadn't heard about them until this thread.
If you got something to say you better jump in his face
story checks out
ogre was nice when i met him
cevin was a snowflake prick
but he got face cancer so thats cool
All those drugs torched his mind. He was godlike though.
ministry was shit back in the 90s and is still shit today. why do you listen to degenerate music you nigger?
OP is old. I am also. So is ministry. They were hip when the proper term was tracks. I would say tracks as well.
He and the other junkie losers moved outside of Austin in the 90's to hang out with the Butthole Surfers and shoot dope, don't know how long they lasted there as they kept getting popped by the local good ol' boys for being obvious drugged-out dumbfucks. Saw them in '88, meh, much prefer Skinny Puppy, White Zombie, Skate Nigs, or Einsturzende Neubauten live to these has-beens, if you're into that sort of stuff. The guy is nearly 60 and still thinks it's '93 and he's "relevant". Nothing of value was lost.
What people need to realize is that the entire music industry - including alternative/punk - was and is owned by Jews. Going all the way back to the Clash, Jews controlled the message, controlled who got contracts, who got airplay, who got bookings.
Now people are grown up and starting to be red-pilled, and they go see their favorite bands of youth, and wonder why they are such retarded SJW faggots. Well, they always were.
You suck cock by choice.
Sucks that Al is such a colossal faggot now. I agree: this will taint the back catalog, even if only a by a bit.
Pig 4 life
it's a big world user.
also, you have to be 18 to post here.
I used to like the band looooong ago.
Just play your fuken music assholes and shut your mouth about politics hypocrites, Bono, Greenday, Roger waters, Axl, stupid fkers.....?!! Didnt obtain wealth and fame by communism or socialism, right?!!!! Never buy their shit again
I realized Al was full of crap when he railed against Bush's wars but didn't say shit against Obama for continuing and furthering them. He's not a rebel, he's just another partisan left wing celebrity asshole.
>and fell very flat with his own state of Texas.
i thought ministry was from chicago?
Praise the Lard.
watts cucked under pressure and joined the sjw crew
not jourgensen levels but still bitched out
What a freak.
Zz Top jams there too.
Ministry had some cool music in the 80s but they were never that great. There were better industrial bands. Death Grips are far better.
No, he's serious. I saw pics of the swastika chickens on Sup Forums after the Death Grips show like 2 weeks ago
I don't know about red pilled but some of the music he did, especially in Revolting Cocks, would never fly today. In fact I doubt he'd have the balls to sing some of those songs live. Especially something like Flashback which was about beating and killing a woman.
Never sucked a cock in my life, homo.
Music I listened to a few times at the record store and didn't much care for: KMFDM, Skinny Puppy, Ministry. Sorry you listen to terrible music. At least it was popular though?
As for me, I just listened to CDs from a bunch of genres and bought whatever I thought sounded good.
The best band that I found, that I still listen to, is Ulver.
>Having mainly come to see Death Grips
Lucia is the worst thing to happen to KMFDM
Ministry is still a thing?
Pil is awesome and for most part, he us one of us on the red pil side!
Is that a nigger Charles Manson?
Al is a degenerate junkie faggot
Swans are awesome tho
You can tell how retarded someone is based on how many tattoos and piercings they have
This man is truly a king of retards
>Its a fuck drumpf episode again
Also Sven, I know you're reading this. Stop topic cucking Mike Enoch when he's on a rant. No, you don't need to interject in the middle of a diatribe on the finer points of Jewish influence to, for example, talk about how much you enjoy the color of your red Subaru.