It's screenshot grill again with 7 new pages
It's screenshot grill again with 7 new pages
Typo this is page 4/7
Bless you
Is Dimp stupid?
He knows Mob can beat him, especially after seeing what Mob did to Claw's boss
Mobu for 6/7
Heartbreak? Disappointment? Anxiety? Loss?
7/7 omake
Oh boy,but I think ONE has something special in mind... thanks user, and now for the dessert, the omake please
I think he's trying to weaken him enough to convert him.
Also bare in mind that theoretically the broccoli has more raw power than mob does as it was created by all the energy from the clawboss that Mob's form couldn't contain.
It might have also been one of those things where the broccoli took on a will of its own and decided that Dimple was the best way to channel shit and semi took him over so we might get a surprise rescue arc.
I just don't want Dimple to die ok
might be blinded by power, might be influenced by the divine tree's own will. he should be smarter than this but power fucks w people's view
thanks for posting
Pls don't kill Dimple, ONE. ;_;
Anyone remember around what chaptr was that arc where everything was sort of goign wrong for Reigen? I remember him going to a bar to see if poeple cared about him and he ended up running from there when they started to doubt he actually had powers, I stopped reading there last year and i don't remember what chapter that was
Coverart for OST.
newbie translator here, forgive me if this isnt accurate
> "It's useless you know..."
> "Dimple..."
> "Why."
> "Why won't you show yourself..."
> "Maybe..."
> "You're afraid of me?"
Thanks dude
??? don't get the first line, sorry
> "This..."
> "Is enough."
> "It's enough, you know."
> "This is making me feel..."
> "You understand, don't you Dimple?"
> "Come out..."
> "If you don't..."
(am not going to attempt the omake, sorry for the one line I can't understand / any mistakes)
Thanks user.
Also are you guys still playing the game? There's going to be an special event soon.
I'm not an expert, but I think he's saying "are you still doing this?" or something like that. I could definitely be wrong, though.
I'm hype as fuck.
dafuk happened to this nigga. He looks like a different character and doesn't look like Mob at all.
mob always looks different when he's at 100% or close to it
Mob has been indoctrinated and is gonna hit 100% sorrow, or something, because of his guilt towards hurting the divine tree.
That Teru is going to give me nightmares.
ONE's art improved.
this would be interesting but I'm currently banking on disappointment or betrayal
Nah you're right, it's the correct translation.
Art improvement. Plus he doesn't look that different to me aside from the serious expression and the wavy hair.
>fucking maid Ritsu at last
My body is ready.
my apologies, thanks for the correction
He looks like a slut.
He's been getting too gay lately and it needs to stop.
>That Teru
They said gay Teru was just a meme, but it has become real and I love it.
How does it feel to know we've memed this innocent child into cocksucking degeneracy?
>and it needs to stop
I really don't want it to end at chapter 100...
Too bad it's looking like it will.
do you think at the end of this arc mob will have an idea of what he wants as a career? what do you think it'll be?
He's still too young to figure that out, and I think MP will end at a point that shows that he still has a lot of growing to do, but I think it'd be cute if he decided to pursue a career where he can help people sort of like Reigen (but less shady).
>but less shady
It's not like he could pick something shadier than what Reigen does without becoming a Yakuza hitman or something.
I mean, he could pick something equally as shady.
It's influenced dimple the same way it has influenced the whole city. I don't know how ONE could make it more obvious.
>(Since there was a jumping spider at work, I captured it and put it in a plastic bottle for observation.
>After that, I forgot about it for a whole week.)
>(When I came back to my work...
>the spider was still alive.)
>I just left it there without nothing to eat or drink.
>I should give it a bottle cap of water.
>(Then I found an ant in the bathroom.
>I made it enter the bottle to serve as prey for the spider.)
>Let's guide the ant inside like this.
>(When I inclined the bottle some stagnant water submerged the spider, which was beginning to drown.)
>Aaah... Thank God... It's still alive.
>I should just let that poor thing go.
>(Since at that time I myself had been stuck at work for three days, I could empathize with the spider).
>Sorry for keeping you captive for so long.
>(However, because of the water drops still inside, the spider got stuck to the side of the bottle and wouldn't come out no matter what, even when I turned it upside down.
>So I tried to shake it.)
>(The spider died while falling off the side of the bottle.)
sasuga ONE-sensei
WTF I hate ONE now.
Killing innocent spiders.
Thanks. Sometimes I wonder how ONE comes up with these things, but now the answer is clear: autism.
for some reason this is such a japanese thing to do
Why is One so sexist, homophobic and racist? Typical jap tbqfh,
Weak bait desu. Sticking to just one works better.
ONE himself is the most relatable character he has ever writing.
I can't stop laughing.
100% betrayal
Disappointment seems very likely. I'm loving these recent chapters but man, I'm so mad at Dimple right now. Sure he's an evil spirit and he's probably wished to become a God for decades now, but is it really worth hurting a kid he's risked his life for time and time again? Aaargh, I need that Dimple POV chapter asap.
A good description of the series as a whole.
This totally fits teru
cutest girl, the badly applied over top makeup is very charming
Why do you guys think it will end on chapter 100? I didn't get that, but it seems to be the general feeling.
I don't feel it too, but the multipart chapters and that now mob is fighting against dimple seems suspicious . imo the manga will not end at chapter 100 but something very significant will happen at said chapter
Somehow the whole thing looks very sinister to me. Mob shedding tears looks extremely out of place as well. I could even picture it being 100% converted with Mob crying because he doesn't want to hurt broccoli anymore but still wants to talk with dimple. I also feel like it's all a setup and that ???% is just around the corner and is going to change the direction of the plot really drastically real soon.
>Somehow the whole thing looks very sinister to me.
Same here. Whatever the ending though I hope it all works out for Mob & friends in the end, Dimple included. ;_;
Glad I'm not the only one then. I feel like he's saving chapter 100 for a big event, but not exactly the end of the series. Just seems too premature.
I don't think it's premature at all. Claw is gone and every major character has had his own arc and character development (save for Dimple, and I think this is gonna be it), plus Mob is very different from how he used to be. There isn't much left to tell.
There's still the mystery of what ???% is
I think it'll be solved in this arc
Can someone post the interview where ONE said he wanted Mob to be a lighthearted story?
It definitely looks sinister, but I'm not sure Mob is in any danger of being brainwashed. I think the tears are really just him being seriously hurt by the idea that someone he genuinely came to consider a friend would fuck him over like that when he's always been trying his damnest to deal with conflicts by maintaining his understanding and pacifistic attitude.
If you also consider all the shit he's been through since the beginning of the manga (Teru, 7th branch, urban legends, Mogami, house burning, the Boss etc.), it's understandable that the whole thing would bring him to tears. He doesn't want to fight or use his powers to hurt others but he always ends up having to in the end, and Dimple of all people being the last "person" he's forced to confront was probably the final nail in the coffin. I'd be pretty fucking distraught too if I were him.
That being said, I'm 100% sure we're getting ??? back before the end of the mango. Dimple might be a coward, but I'm pretty certain he's got enough power to handle 100% Mob without too much trouble.
PE teacher
>āIād like this to be a work that feels kind.ā (ONE)
do you think this can end where dimple is satisfied in the end? or alive / still existing? I dont know if mob could handle exorcising a buddy, at least on bad terms.
im also wondering if ??? does show up (and i think it will, too) how it's going to. if it'll be as mundane as him getting knocked out or if it might be special this time if it is the end of the manga
I'm having a hard time thinking if he'll be a PE teacher, or some other sports thing, or follow after Reigen. He hasn't shown interest in much, apart from the horror house puppet, but that seemed more about putting effort into something rather than what he was putting effort into.
He has a funny definition of 'kind'
Drawfag here please feel free to request anything.
How about Reigen wearing a scarf and some winter clothes?
mob and emi hanging out
>do you think this can end where dimple is satisfied in the end? or alive / still existing?
I can't say for sure. I don't personally see any way for Dimple to make it out of it alive, but at the same time I think ONE is too kind to give a harsh or negative closure to one of his mains, so he'll probably get to let go of his past regrets and pass on peacefully (at least I hope so). In any case, I'd be really happy to get a flashback chapter to understand Dimple's motivations and character a little better.
>if it'll be as mundane as him getting knocked out or if it might be special this time if it is the end of the manga
so far it seems that ??? has only popped up when Mob was knocked out and/or in mortal danger, so I don't think that in particular would change, but ???'s intervention itself will most likely go down very differently from the usual silent curbstomping. (Broccoli might be able to communicate with him for all we know).
I really wanted other characters to show up too, but at this rate it doesn't seem likely...
I second this, but if you feel like it it'd be cute to have Mob next to him in winter gear too
The fitness club playing various winter sports
I'd like for other espers to appear in the arc but being something focused on Dimple and Mob's connection it would probably only be counterproductive.
Sorry it's unfinished, I forgot I have to go somewhere.
I'll draw these too when I return, if the thread dies I'll just post them whenever there's a new one. Sorry everyone.
This is really sweet and cute, thanks drawfriend
nice. these threads pretty much died completely since the anime ended.
Yeah, it's a shame. Season 2 when?
thank you, this is adorable
does anyone feel like serizawa didn't get enough screentime?
also I feel like the divine tree being mostly in control would lessen the impact of dimple being a turncoat / mob not being able to contain or convert someone with different goals and views
They're still pretty comfy though
I was really hoping we'd see him more. He has real potential to be such a good character.
That took a lot longer than I expected
reigen should give teru some makeup tips
You're blessed, user.