New moth called Neopalpa donaldtrumpi has blonde hair so they named it after Trump.
New moth discovered named after Donald Trump
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Because the light was on.
>you will never have a bird named after you
well, "screeching faggot" doesn't exactly roll off the tongue
Neither does Neopalpa fiftytwopercenti
uh thats not me charles
Top kek
Even though I am a moth, I feel like a spider swinging wildly as it's web burns behind it.
as usual, fpbp.
>you live in a timeline during which a moth has been named after the POTUS
what a time to be alive.
Some of you Moths are alright. Don't go to the Avocado tree tomorrow.
>Later: Compound isolated from Neopalpa Donaldtrumpi moth cures cancer
Moth jizz cure cancer
>Moth named after a man
What does this all mean?
Wasps are the superior red-pilled insect.
*places butt spike into you*
old mothball trump always eats your cotton so you dont mix with polyester
Moths are not birds
at least its not a bankers puppet I guess
>*makes 4 nest in you windows & porch*
>*aggressively buzzes you constantly*
wrong, ants and bees are the most redpilled. Wasps are niggers.
I have a lizard named after me.
wasps are literally the nigger of insects
kek this better be quality shit posting