Hilliary voter ama

Ask a Hilliary supporter anything.

Impeachment when?

how is that even a relevant label in nov 2017?

is life hard for you, being that you're mentally disabled?

In a few months

Why do you willingly identify as a loser?

Hillary looks super MILF-y in this photo. Why didn't she use her natural sex appeal more?




Have you always been a loser?

Off topic, but how do you feel about rationalwiki


No. You are the real losers we won the popular vote.

Because that would be sexist

In a fucking Republic...

How many times have you screamed at the sky? And why do you do so daily?

You ever get your testes mailed back to you or will they get leaked back to you by Russian hackers at some indefinite point in the future?

How do you take your soy, boy?

Why vote against the economic interests of the American people?

How does it feel to know you were tricked?

By the way that bitch got Kuru


Why haven't you killed yourself?

sage and forget

stop replying to these slide threads without saging


Name something that she had done that made the world a better place while she was Secretary of State.

Yeah this

US Presidents are elected by the States, not by the people.

You have the House of Representatives giving the populous not only a voice, but the power of funding and oversight.

Learn to Civics.

Hello? Answer pls.

Has a day gone by where you didn't have the urge to either suck cock or make excuses for feral niggers

what an idiot lmao

Why do you shit up the board? I want to know what these people think. Fuck off you faggot.

What the cuck where are you?

Your a piece of shit with your stupid jiff. You gay nigger


Why are you functionally mentally disabled?
Come back to God.
Come back to your natural state past materialist fallacies.
Leave your mental deficiencies behind.
Listen to those who wear their hearts on their sleeves, who shout the truth no matter who it hurts.
The people being beaten and ridiculed like our brother Jesus.
Come back to simplicity, past your mind games, your word Games.
Come back to God.
Leave degeneracy behind. All of it.
Come back to TRUE LOVE.

Humpty Drumpty did not build a wall
Humpty Drumpty had a great fall
All of the redditards and the klansmen
couldn't put Drumpty together again

Drumpity broke his promise on wars
The lion of Syria cut off his balls
Putin and Xinping laughed at his dick
Bill Mitchell settled on his asshole to lick

Drumpity's presidency turned to shite
America's now less than 50% white
Niggers and spics, the kikes at the top
Didn't we vote for the bullshit to stop?

Drumpf he tried washing his shame out with water
All while a jew was fucking his daughter
And making the choices on every adventure
And you thought I suffered from dementia?

Oh little trumplets, look at you now
You were all duped and we all know how
Your IQs so low, we should just pull the cord
When will you realize, Sup Forums isn't your board?

Burgerland's passing now into the grave
The world will not miss you, the gay things you gave
Pretty soon you will look like Brazil
And that little trumptards, is the true redpill

It's now getting late, so I bid you adieu
Hilldog's the name, with my guitar too
And as you are niggerfied, one thing you'll see
You're already wishing you voted for me

you forgot to change your meme flag until 2nd post, you brainless cocksucker, sage and ignore.

How do you feel now since it’s being exposed that she eats babies, worships Satan & wanted to nuke the planet to kill 95% of humanity?

Liberal shithole

Do you think that she actually cares anything about minorities except for getting their vote?

If troll you will burn.
If real you will burn.
No pain is as great as separation from true love of my Father.
May God rest your soul.
May you see the truth and leave your easy hug box.
I love you.
Like all shattered pieces of light you come from one above, you belong to my Father and you will judge yourself after human death accordingly.
Please repent.
Please love.

Atheist circlejerk with the cringiest jargon ever created.


Trump won more counties.

You won?
Who is President of these United States, of America?
Not the inhuman Pepe lesbian wannabe.