Is it just me or is anyone else identifying more with fellow anons than any other group?

Is it just me or is anyone else identifying more with fellow anons than any other group?

Honestly at this point we have so much shared history that I have more in common with you faggots then my fellow countrymen.

I've been entertaining similar ideas lately. It's like we're actually this sort of opt-in country beyond borders that the leftists talk about, but our version actually works so they hate it.

Being here forever rarely felt so good.

I like you to latvia, no homo

straight up. No leaders. No faces. Just a chaotic flow of ideas where the truth comes out and we revel in the happenings.

Stop right there, Doctor Doom. We'll have none of that talk. That kind of 'Anonymous is Legion', secret club thinking leads to arch-faggotry in the end.

If you're feeling that way, you damn well keep those feelings bottled up inside and don't express them. Sup Forums is not our church, it is not our family, it is not our nation. Sup Forums is where we go to call each other faggots and retards in ever more elaborate ways. You fucking well remember that.

Yes and is awful because I hate this dark, vulgar hyper place but can't leave. The outer world is ruined now

well that is what would happen in a Sup Forums nation one could argue was the original united states, so successful everybody would migrate there and ruin it hence why Sup Forums is the largest board etc

I get along with American and South American anons. That's just about it.

Unification via constant unrelenting division

Yes. Only Sup Forums understands my humor

hmmmm, yummy Megumin

I feel the same and it's starting to scare me. I deleted all my social networks accounts a long time ago because the only place I liked was this shit-hole

Unless you're from /c/ I consider all of you to be some level of malevolent sociopath and/or ticking time bomb desu.

I mean really we started our own religion here.

Why shouldn't we consider ourselves a distinct people?

This actually works really well as a comparison. Though now I'm picturing George Washington and moot commiserating about wetbacks.

You say that, but that would fade fast if you were in direct social contact with any Sup Forumsack for a period longer than a day.

sounds interesting, I'm listening

So... why exactly shouldn't he be saying that?

Don't project your Finnish autism on the rest of us Mongol man.

Because it's true only as long as they are safe and anonymous bits on a screen he can project positive sides on.

I didn't however, forbid him from saying that, just that it's a bit ill-advised however might be ok survival stratagem if one is suicidal

>You say that, but that would fade fast if you were in direct social contact with any Sup Forumsack for a period longer than a day.
Harder than being forced to say "yes" to every bullshit your ultra-SJW professor says?

w/e nerd, genghis out

have fun with each others boys

From what I can tell when Sup Forumsacks met up during HWNDU they all got along and ended up becoming good friends.

I pass as a blue pilled normie irl but you guys are where my heart lies

>plaid man

Would be lonely as fuck without this place. So hard to meet based people irl

It's because social media algorithms actually encourage echo chambers and fake news to spread without people getting called out on their shit. That's fine for normies who are easily offended and start shaking as soon as pixels that they don't like show up on their screens, but on the chans people are very quick to shut down morons who don't have a clue what they're talking about and the people who stick around end up becoming more open minded, intelligent and informed people because of it.

But don't you see? We are by definition all merely safe and anonymous bits on a screen. Meeting up in person is no part of it. How many of us go about our daily lives and pass each other by there in the street, not ever knowing that the other is a fellow of like mind nor learning of it? How many Sup Forumslacks have you been standing twelve feet to the right of with pointedly guarded body language so as to not violate Finnish social norms - without ever realising that that other person posts on here? The beauty of it is that this is a place between places; your concern is of no concern. We are the equivalent of mentalist shitposting fish in a sprawling swarm, faceless and featureless. And for that reason are we what we are. It's true as surely as there's power in it - one can be a Sup Forumslack and enjoy identity anonymously. Isn't that the charm?

No, the more I come here the less I like you guise.

Being open to being proved wrong is key. Normies believe they are always right.


i love you fags, no homo

>I pass as a blue pilled normie irl but you guys are where my heart lies

They give that angry look like why you trying to burst my bubble