What is Boston like, Sup Forums? Is it worth visiting? And on that note, what is the NE like in general...

What is Boston like, Sup Forums? Is it worth visiting? And on that note, what is the NE like in general, particularly the other mick/wop enclaves?

Right now, it is cold af. The enclaves, which have been targeted and profiled for generations by cops and FBI and Hollywood are naturally wary of strangers who drop in for some "ethnic color." Too many goddamned Boston crime movies.

By enclaves I really just mean cities in general that have been defined by Irish and Italians, like Providence, RI and so on.

Yeah, Providence is another mock/wop enclave. There aren't really many others. The cities that used to be ethnic like that have turned Hispanic (Lawrence, Charlestown). One thing I need to tell you though. Go to the North End for the best Italian-American food. Go to Southie for corned beef and cabbage and the freshest draft Guinness is the US. But do not try to blend in. Be honest about why you are there. We've had these accents all our lives and we can smell a phony from across the room.

Thanks m8. The NE is pretty much all unexplored territory for me, as I've only been to upstate NY and some rural parts of PA. But I'll be moving in a few months to the SE, so driving up north will be more convenient to see more of Murrica.

Shame that the reach of spics is that far though, damn.

New Bedford is Portuguese if that works for ya. It's also pretty depressed because fishing is on the way out. The two big problems are Hispanics and gentrification. The Irish and Italians are all mostly boring middle class whites now. Southie is full of million dollar condos. The real peak of the "ethnics" was in the 80s and 90s when Whitey Bulger was the crime king and his brother Billy was the Senate President and the Patriarcha family in Providence was trying to kill them off. It was a grand time, lad. I was you, I'd go to New York City and spend a week or two. Unless you're from there, and then it's boring.

First, I gotta ask-- are you Puerto Rican or look PR? Cause if so, you are going to have a bad time.

In Boston, the cops hate PR. They don't mind the black people, cause in Boston, the PR do all the nig nog stuff in it. As a consequence, if you look PR, prepare to find out what driving while Puerto Rican is like. Or shopping while PR. Or... well, you get the picture.

Other than that, Boston is nice. Very very price, and hard core racist as hell. But its the hidden kind of racism, not the "in your face, nigger!" racism.

Also, it will take 1 to 2 hours to get anywhere in Boston, whether you walk, drive, or ride mass transport. That's just how it is there.

And winters are rough if you aren't used to cold enough winters that can kill you, lots of snow, and slushie roads.

I thought about emigrating to Boston or NY but someone told me the living costs are through the roof and recommended Texas.

Cost of living in NY, particularly NYC, is incredibly high.

Cost of living in Boston is very high compared to most of the US.

Texas doesn't have any state income tax, so it is often recommended.

Tennessee doesn't have any state income tax. But unless you are going after Country Music career, can't recall it being recommended.

Florida also has no state income tax. Depending on where you live determines if it is ok or pricey. In any of the major cities, quite pricey. Out in the boondocks of the panhandle? Cheap. Florida does get recommended as a place to live/move to.

What about Jersey? Like, would it be viable to commute to NY? I don't like the heat, I'd rather go to corn land in the midwest if I couldn't afford the northeast.

the most populous state in ZOG, also highest taxes in ZOG and full of rapacious Jews anyway within commute distancing.

>wants to move to america to live in jersey

No, I want to be near NY or in NY. However, I can't go there directly because I couldn't afford the rent. So finding affordable housing is a priority at first. If it's in Jersey, so be it. I heard it's full of niggers, so that's why I'm asking about it.

Boston is a wonderful city to visit. It really is. But I wouldn't want to live there. It reminded me of a clean, non-niggerfied Philadelphia.

the literal armpit of america. fuck that place

Sup Forums noob here. I grew up in a suburb between the two cities (prov and boston) and lived in both for a couple years each in my 20's. both nice depending what your looking for. prov nice and small if 1st time in big city. always something to do in boston tho. good rock show on a week night, baseball game, etc. More broads in prov given all the guys there are fags yet I did score more in boston since I had gained veteran status by then...

It never had a fire, so it has the worst city layout I've ever seen. No city planner.

New Jersey resident, NJ has very high taxes and cost of living, and not a great job market. It's not as bad as it's made out to be but there are some very bad places ie trenton, camden, pretty much anywhere where there is a higher than 25% black population. If you stick to small towns you can usually sublease for around 400 to 700 a month depending on the size and area. The further north you go the better, upstate NY is one of the nicest places in North America, you'll find real people out there.

millions of people commute to NYC, I'm not sure why you would want to jump into that rat race jews nest but you'll have to find one of the suburbs around the city and even then the rent is going to be huge compared to what you're used to I'm sure.

boston isn't racist but I see what your trying to do... your trying to keep this PR out of your precious city lol. Go to Southbridge if you are a PR. it is the PR capital of Massachusetts.

>because I couldn't afford the rent.
then what the fuck makes you think the Jews will give you a Visa? Also, even if you got one, if you're White (does croatia have sand niggers?) or even not a nigger, do you really imagine you just move into camden or newark? Literally have a better chance living in the mountains with a pack of wolves, the niggers will eat you alive after they murder you. It's that bad.

OP here, have to phone post now. I'm white, but grew up on the West Coast. Thanks for the tips, lad.

It's like a cute little mini New York

great fun city

check out The Beehive, try to make it to one of their live jazz shows

just avoid all the colleges and their crowd

> Harvard
> Boston College

asshats, all of them

But why though?

There's no reason short of working in high finance. Prices are high and you will never earn enough to buy anything you couldn't have gotten elsewhere for less money.

Otherwise, Boston is a cleaner, whiter New York at the same price with less opportunity.

I second this. Rich math geniuses yet students can't calculate 20% or even 15% when it comes to leaving a tip. I'm a calm ass gym rat but a couple of these pompous fucks have brought the inner roid rager out of me where they've been pushed against the wall and I show them they're equally human and that I'll gladly beat the fuck out of them. they clutter up cool bars with the arrogance so they need to be shown the proper way to act sometimes

I can't come into the country without enough money to at least pay 2 months of living costs. The problem is, my current monthly salary here is 800 dollars, which is above average here. So I have to save up money, I have to set aside money for a long time to be able to pay 2 months of rent in america. I can't expect to get a job a week after I get off a plane.

Well, good point. So, what, Florida panhandle, Texas? Midwest?

Eastern Washington is what you want

Here in the east coast we call the northeast simply "north", the southeast "the south", and new england "new england"

get a work visa, join the american army. deploy to middle east. kill sand niggers. come back hero and live in any city you want. american chicks will love your story and your dong. trust me brohymn. I wouldn't city live til you follow thiese steps and get your GI bill and go to school with a nice stipend

Pensacola is a great city, but I've only visited there, so no living experience. I think you'd probably like the south the best though. If you live in the south and put an eight hour radius around you, there are many places you can visit. Texas on the other hand is very big, and taking a weekend to go somewhere new and different isn't as practical. Something to consider I think if you want to explore different states.

I have 2 master's degrees, I work in education.

I'll think about it, thanks.

as do I (actually a couple credits from my 2nd in sped). Don't move to Boston then. The classroom is a warzone. I'm not kidding. kids don't give a fuck and this liberal coocoo state gives them all the rights. I'm telling you bro. the classrooms in boston public are fucking bananas

oh and the classrooms in the whole state of florida schools suck balls too. I knew a couple people in my first masters program/and through work who originally taught in FL. said it was shit hole on a different level. like lack of funding, high levels of poverty, weak union, etc.

Oh i'm used to crazy kids, I deal with them every day. They have rights here too, they can literally jump on a desk through the entire period and you can't kick them out of the classroom. If they get too many Fs, you have to repeat the test, etc. And despite all of this, school administration demands that there has to be absolute silence in the class, even though we lack the instruments to achieve it. You're basically not allowed to fail a student at the end of the school year either.

The way I deal with it that I let them do nothing if they're silent and then I crush them when I test them and I tell the admins to suck my balls, it's my subject and I'll fail as many kids as I wish.

Move to GA. Cost of living is dirt cheap. Atlanta has a lot of niggers, but any property you buy will increase in value due to the film industry moving out there. Surrounding areas are also developing, so there's opportunity to make money just outside of Atlanta as well.

applies to GA too, unless you're working a private school, or a wealthy district nigs can't afford.

It's going to be full on cucked in a few decades at the rates it's going, which stinks, but as I've said, right now the outskirts are great (and a handful of counties in Atl), and if you're entrepreneurial at all, it's the best place to be. I'm actually saving money right now to get land innawoods so when I sell my current house I can just to live there comfortably.

Oh, and NEVER buy an HOA house. Ever. Unfortunately that's getting harder and harder to avoid, but take time with a realtor, and you'll find a home you love and truly belongs to you.

I can fully attest to Southbridge being the PR capital of Mass. Sad and demoralizing driving through it.