Anyone here watched or attended these cancerous events? This is a prime example of the culture wars going full force trying to destroy the culture. They are not trying to hide it. They are talking opening and enthusiastically about destroying all the foundations of society and civilization. This is where this shit gets disseminated. This is radicalism disguised as benevolent. But what they are really pushing is for the total replacement of the current world being replaced by a technotopia (tm). How do we counter and/or expose this trend for what it is Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh really?
I remember back in the day they were insightful and even practical. Like the one about types of indoor plants that clean your air for you. That was a good one.
One with Sam Hyde is good.
Some faggish sect.
There always there plenty of them. Now you are able to watch it because of the internet. Like someone even cares.
Some are good. Most are absolutely horrid.
State enforced homosexuality
>giv le ebin raid, bros
Suck a dick. If you're going to act like a Sup Forumstard then Not Your Personal Army.
>Implying Sammy's 2070 Paradigm Shift doesn't make up for TED talks
Like many things created by White people, TED Talks used to be good, but then (((they))) got involved and turned them from symposiums about lifehacks to bullshit culture war garbage.
Oh man, I used to think its like cool guys giving cool powerpoints on tech stuff etc.
THEN I recently listened to a woman (ye) talking about AGISM or what the fuck it was. and she was like: "We have racism, sexism, misogyny and thats already BAD, right?" and the crowd was in complete agreement.
I was just astonished.
I want you to pat yourself on the back right now.
I went to one at the local community college it was wealthy lib dogshit.
"How can we make whites who aren't wealthy get with the program?"
Ted ceo are on the board of directors of global citizen.
Yeah they dont hide shit. Just obscures it.
quintessential ted kino
Like almost everything popular on the internet, it used to be interesting and insightful and fun, then 2007 happened and everything took a full turn into "fuck whitey" mode
See buzzfeed
GOAT Ted Talk
Jumped the shark pretty quickly. Sometimes a good talk will show up at an obscure event. The Brave Browser was introduced at a random Euro one. But yes, most are fucking cancer.
Don't get me started, back in college the only 2 female professors I had of note made us watch and write essays on these fart smelling, circle jerk videos constantly. They really just prove most people are unaware of real intellectual thought, so anyone even remotely idealistic and silver-tongued seems like a Godsend to them.
Muh Malcolm Gladwell is the smartest man alive.
ted is shit
Thanks for making my night user. GOAT is right.
isn't this just an oration lesson but contemporary
yes, really
He can't keep keep getting away with it
Right. They often start with a completely nonsensical statement that they claim is an indisputable what. One I saw today starts with:
"Why is it that we ONLY take MNE's stories seriously."
And then went on to explain why we only shold listen to women's stories. Absolute Cancerous falsehoods peddled as facts.
>2007 happened
Go on... Was there a watershed moment in 2007?
Genuinely curious
>Everything is bad ohmygod whatdo wedo
I think a good way of exposing the group for what they really are is making a video around 10 minutes long explaining what they are, what they plan to do, and how we can stop it. In the video clips of events and short videos of them will be played while explaining what they're doing, how it's wrong, and who gets effected by their actions. When the video is finished the video will be uploaded to social media, video sharing websites like YouTube, friends & family, and anywhere else to spread the message hoping that people will take action now knowing what is going on and how their lives are effected :). By the way there isn't a choice for a Canadian flag so I'll choose the next one I identify with :D
Whats up with her shoes? They look like witch shoes
>making a video
Great idea, get on it, user! NAO!
Also, see:
What are the 10 things I didn't know about orgasm?
singularity university talks have long gone replaced ted talks for me
It's a weapon of the patriarchy to manipulate women.
*scrolls up*
*sees someone's post has a Canadian flag as their Geographic Location*
why don't I have the option?
I didn't see an option for the Canadian flag anywhere :I
Well, one thing that NEETs don't know, is that you can also have them with grills, user. Get on that!
I'd rather have them with guys desu
It's a forced, pretentious speech format. The kind of thing where the audience applauds total absurdities because the format has the aura of elite world-changing ideas and is believed to have ear of political influencers and captains of industry. They are designed to be emotional and entertaining. Producers coach the speakers to have the TED "flavour."
The ticket price alone is appalling, $7500 at the minimum. "Patrons" can pay over 100k$.
Maybe the people who paid that much to see a garbage speech unconsciously get swept up in it because of the psychological effect of paying so much for a premium experience and rubbing shoulders with other high class, wealthy people.
>weapon of the patriarchy
Absolutely Downunder
tanmay talks..
quantum computing
congnitive computing
artificial intelligence
machine learning
virtual reality
and etc.
poos kicking white bois ass
TED use to be good
TEDx was always meme tier shit
actually interesting tbqh desu
The only people I know who say they like TED/post TED on their profile are some of the most basic bitches ever. I've always avoided it.
Thought the people doing the talks were random, as in you buy the ticket but you don't know who you're going to listen to.
Meanwhile this is the only speech you need
Mike Rowe's is a good entry level red pill.
And here's Mike Rowe telling the story of his TED experience.
They're all jews. Nuff said
Ted talks are liberal church
Huh? Its just some wacky (but interesting) talk about orgasms. And you guys are going on about the collapse of society.
Someone explain this culture wars angle to me
>*atheist church
Or that video with Hugh herr and his active mechanical leg. That was so incredibly inspiring the first time I saw it it brought tears to my eyes
There are lots of great TED talks
The one you see reposted, reblogged, shared, those are the cancer ones.
The thing is that to watch the good ones you might as well just watch a good talk on the subject on any other event.
It's been years since I watched a TED video. They used to be good, TEDx was always shit.
>Malcolm Gladwell
Muh ten thousand hours
borat has it
Only saw the Sam Al-Hayde one and the one with Meme Susana. First was funny, later was what made me never click that shit again
TED talks were mostly great until about 2013. Then they stopped being about science and started being about social justice.
It had been building for the better part of two decades but the run-up to the 2008 election was when all this SJW shit really started to get out of control. Bush was a meme in the minds of the average normie so Hillary vs Obama was, in their minds, the real election race. From a progressive position there was no real loser, the next president would be black or a woman. In fact the progressive movement figured that they would just get to rotate in whoever lost over the course of the subsequent 16 years, completing an entire education cycle under a unified narrative. Then the Arab spring kicked the top off the migrant crisis and the resulting backlash against said migrants and their ways destabilized the progressive globalist platform forcing it's proponents to repeatedly double-down on baseless rhetoric until it became so hackneyed and forced that even the typically apolitical swing-voter could see through it.
So now we have kids who have been raised on the lib-prog kool-aid either wanting to roll back what they now see as a big lie or becoming absolutly rabid when finally faced with any large-scale opposition (formerly mostly imaginary) from the "evil white people" they've been told to believe have been working behind the scenes to sabotage their every effort before they even thought to make any effort.
TED talks reek with the stench of progressivism. The positivity is not palatable to anyone inquisitive. We are only presented with "goodie-bags" of happy smile messages brought by Science!(tm). Look goy, all problems will be solved because we only need to look at the data (except racial statistics of course) and then adress superficial anomalies by throwing money at them because we are dum-dums who think we can shortcut cause and effect through political reform.
>Give mediocre people a platform to talk about mediocre things as though they are *not* mediocre.
What could go wrong?
We had this in Rīga too apparently, noone but the organizers and our local Open Society fund babies showed up.
literally and unironically the only Ted talk worth watching
This talk is being given by the best possible person to give the talk
I tought the same until I got my mind BLOWN after watching 2070 PAradigm shift
TED Talks is bullshit because it supports censorship. The only two good TED speeches were by Graham Hancock and Rupert Sheldrake and BOTH SPEECHES WERE BANNED.
sam hyde ripoff but solid
TED talks are niggershit produced specifically for niggers.
Whats wrong with orgasms man
I really dislike how they are designed to give people enough info to have opinions on the topics with out the ability to have an understanding.
I thought TED was the "serious" conf with actual businessmen (and great conmen) and TEDx was the cuck conf for the sjws with absolutely nor marketability
One of them taught me how to tie my shoes a different way.
I understood this is cancer, when watched lecture of Marina Abramovic. This bitch must be burnt alive.
Truely a game changer Ted talk. He sums up the situational crisis going on right now and contrasts it with the historical significance of global momentum shifts.
Interestingly, it was a Vice guy who outed their cult-like behavior behind the scenes back in 2015, I think it was.
Nobody takes them seriously any more. It's pure wank and networking for cult creepers.
TEDx talks are cleaerly superior
They were great. Now it's pseudo science and opinionated speeches from SJWs.
I really began to tap into my childlike play after this talk
TEDx talks are the real cancer, here. Local in crowd/non-profit board fucks dictate how everyone in town don’t see how awesome their “initiatives” are. They’re fucking gross. Moral superiority, virtue signaling empty vessels.
'Tis a parody, lad.
I was watching this one about indo European languages and the guy at the end starts talking about the evils of white people and colonization lol
The format is meant to emmulate fucking slam poetry, I wonder why it turned to ashen shit so quickly.
It's OK, kiddo. You're sad because they're smarter than you and have actually accomplished things. Don't worry. Someday I'm sure you'll get a big boy job and move out of mommy's basement and maybe even know the touch of a woman.
Then again, probably not.
>ted is like scientology summer camp
insight porn
TED talks used to be pretty good but then the SJWs discovered it.
captain obvious
ted is shit since around 5 years ago. Or even more. Complete joke
Mother fucking THIS.
There are some good ones. Your Job to root out the shit ones
yeah for all of a year or two